Global Organization Design Society purpose

To support the organising of work in a responsible, fair and healthy manner in which people are well led and free to exercise their capabilities.

The Society believes that this requires applying a whole systems framework*, emerging from reflective inquiry, in which levels of work and individual capability is the initial paradigm. Growth in awareness is the essential process combined with the development of a trusting relationship.Read More about us

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To gain access to books, video of interviews and presentation, articles and documents produced and shared by many of the  more than 500 Requisite Organization design practioners around the world and join several thousand affiliates registered with the society to use its learning materials. 

Books, Videos, Articles and Documents

Books 40+ Videos 400+ Articles 300+ Documents 400+


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Professional development

Take the GO Society's online
professional development program

Learn to design and manage effective organizations using an elegant, practical, science-based, trust-inducing approach based on accountability, levels of work complexity and human capability

The program includes permanent access to on-line e-learning modules, videos, and readings. Participants learn from each other and from the Society's Senior Fellows, all experienced senior practitioners, who moderate the on-line forums and teleconferences

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Professional development courses

Introduction to work levels-based organization design and management

This course provides an introduction to accountability-based organization design and management -- sometimes called Requisite Organization, Stratified Systems or The Work Levels Approach

Read details Price:$99.00 USD

Designing the
Requisite Organization

This on-line course is based on about eight hours of video and handouts from a 2.5-day clinic of this name that was part of the Society's World Conference, Designing the Smarter Organization, 2014, at the IBM Palisades Conference Centre, New York City.

Read Details Price: $75.00 USD

Leadership Framework

This online course is based on about eight hours of video and handouts from a 2.5-day clinic of this name that was part of the Society's World Conference, Designing the Smarter Organization, 2014, at the IBM Palisades Conference Centre, New York City

Read details price:$75.00 USD

Featured Videos

Introduction to Professional Development Program

You Can't See It Until You See It

Video Introduction to the GO Professional Development Program

Featured resources

globalro book
Incredibly, the first book in the GO Society Reading Series In Organization Design, has been adopted into the management curriculum of corporate universities within a month of the July 2007 launch!
This Sixth Edition gathers in one place more than 50 years of studies on requisite organization theory and application.The widest set of keywords have been used to scan the major search engines . It includes over 2,900 research studies directly on the theory and over 2,200 related studies.
** Please note that you must be a registered user of the site and logged in to your account in order to download either the book or the bibliography.**

Featured book

leadership globalro
This 2018 Second Edition, now expanded and fully illustrated, is a comprehensive resource on Requisite Organization recommended to consultants, managers, educators and for use by all RO project participants. It features new chapters on: Requisite compensation Talent pool development, and Experiences from 25 years of implementing RO and resource materials on Comprehensive Organization Charts Task assignment documentation Linking tasks to the organization's strategic goals The 2007 First Edition remains available as a shorter introduction to basic RO concepts.

Featured affiliate

Kenneth Craddock

Kenneth Craddock

M.A., M.P.A.,
GO Society Senior Fellow and Editorial Board GO Society Internation Advisor

The Society celebrates the lifetime achievement award presented to Kenneth Craddock for his contribution to organization design and use of requisite organization.

Major organizations and consulting firms that provide Requisite Organization-based services

A global association of academics, managers, and consultants that focuses on spreading RO implementation practices and encouraging their use
Dr. Gerry Kraines, the firms principal, combines Harry Levinson's leadership frameworks with Elliott Jaques's Requisite Organization. He worked closely with Jaques over many years, has trained more managers in these methods than anyone else in the field, and has developed a comprehensive RO-based software for client firms.
Former RO-experienced CEO, Ron Harding, provides coaching to CEOs of start-ups and small and medium-size companies that are exploring their own use of RO concepts.  His role is limited, temporary and coordinated with the RO-based consultant working with the organization
Founded by Gillian Stamp, one of Jaques's colleagues at Brunel, the firm modified Jaques;s work-levels, developed the Career Path Appreciation method, and has grown to several hundred certified assessors in aligned consulting firms world-wide recently expanding to include organization design

Professional associations & universities that support and / or co-market society conferences

The Conference Board
IBM International
The Argentine Human Resources Association
The Argentine Human Resources Association
The European Organization Design Forum
Canadian Association of Management Consultants
Human Resource Professionals of Ontario
Human Resource Planning Society
Queen's University IRC
Organizational Design Community
Organizational Design Forum
Strategic Leadership Forum
An Argentine Society for Quality Improvement
The Argentine Society for Training and Development
The Argentine Society for Training and Development
Federation of Human Resource Associations in Latin America
The Buenos Aires Technological Institute
Institute of Public Administration of Canada