Please select one of the links below to direct your correspondence to the appropriate party.
GO Info
For general inquiries related to the GO Society including affiliating with the society, governance, becoming a sponsor, and/or privacy concerns.
Online Professional Development Courses (email to [email protected])
Registration, billing, payment and technical support.
For questions related to requisite organization concepts and their application.
RO Research
For questions related to requisite organization research - for those who are planning or currently engaged in RO-related research and those who have questions related to Ken Craddock's Annotated Requisite Organization Bibliography.
For inquiries related to submitting and reviewing articles for the website, journal or other publications.
For GO Website feedback, issues, tech-support, video performance, suggestions, etc.
The Society's office
Ken Shepard, President
SKYPE: kenshepard
Telephone: +1-317-644-0472 (This is a skype in number in Indianapolis, IN, USA that will reach me wherever I am traveling. During 9-5pm Eastern Standard Time. You are likely to get an answering device so leave a message and a convenient time to call you back and a time zone.)
Address mail or courier service to:
Global Organization Design Society,
32 Victor Avenue
Toronto, ON M4K 1A8
Roney Hossain
Email: [email protected]