Article Excerpts and chapter
Displaying 1 - 85 of 85
Name | Author |
How RO Entered in My Life This piece touches upon Dr. Oliveira's personal and professional explorations and ultimately how Requisite Organization was introduced into his career. |
Future Public and Private Management Policies related to Pay, Strategy and Globalization A Theory Based Approach |
Um guia para design organizacional baseado na teoria da Organiza??o Natural para executivos (An Executive's Guide to RO-based Organizational Design) by Maurice Dutrisac, Herb Kopolowitz, and Kenneth O. Shepard Translated by: Decio Fabio de Oliveira Jr. & Wilma C.G. Oliveira The original… |
The RO Theory, Discovery of BUI, and is Beginning of Theoretical Foundations |
Designing Effective IT Teams and Organizations This research investigates the phenomenon of universal effective management (including information technology teams and organizations) as explained by the Requisite Organization theory. The concept of effective management is… |
Recommendations for Practical Use of Eliott Jaques Organization and Social Theories in Information Technology Field Teams, Software, Databases, Telecommunications and Innovations |
La Brecha en la C?spide: El Vac?o en la Gerencia Media como L?mite al Crecimiento de las PyMEs The Gap at The Top: The Middle-Management Void as a Limit to The Growth of Small Entrepreneurial Organizations A paper presented at the IX Congress of Small and Medium Enterprises, sponsored by the Professional Council of Economic Sciences of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, Argentina, November 2006. This paper deals with the… |
Calculating Loss of Opportunity for Career Advancement Exploring Levels of Work in organizations From The Advocates' Quarterly - A Canadian Journal for Practitioners of Civil Litigation, Vol 4 No 3, Oct/1983 Assessing loss of future earnings in a personal injury action has been called an exercise in "crystal-ball gazing." The attempt to read the future of an individual is necessarily speculative and, for this reason, has… |
Paradigm flaw: Operational oversight detracts from issues on which directors can add value Boards should focus on maximizing long-term strategies This article orginally appeared in the National Post. Most thoughtful participants in today's evolving corporate governance process would agree that the rapid proliferation of regulatory requirements, zealous enforcement… |
Why RO theory is so difficult to understand? Requisite Organization theory claims that it can bring about profound organizational change, with substantial increases both in productivity and in well-being at the workplace, within a short time and at very low cost. On the… |
Renaissance of a Workplace Prophet This 1994 article published in The Toronto Star offers a lite overview of Elliott Jaques and the resurgence of interest in his work in Canada. Judy Steed's piece briefly covers the broad impacts made across many… |
The Long View of Leadership “The Long View of Leadership” was written in l992 by Alexander Ross for Canadian Business magazine, the premier business publication in Canada. Those who know the literature say Ross’s article is one of the best short pieces to introduce the… |
Desarrollo e implementación de sistemas de remuneraciones basados en el la teoría de Elliott Jaques (Development and implementation of remuneration systems based on Elliott Jaques's theory) Language: Espagñol/Spanish Summary (in English): The introductory part of the article provides a… |
Fraude e Incentivos en la Corporaciones (Fraud and Incentives in Corporations) Language: Espagñol/Spanish Summary (in English): This article addresses the causes that led to fraud in multinational corporations and how companies, as well as… |
What to Do about Attitude Problems? Promote Them! This paper argues that frequently, ornery employees with "attitudes" don't need coaching or counseling, they need a higher level job. Instead of trying figure out how to fire employees who are delivering on their… |
Strategic Pay for Future Value With Janet Langford Kelly - This Article (Corporate Governance Advisor - May-June/2005) is the first article in a 3 part series in the Corporate Governance Advisor. This article challenges much of current thinking and models about executive compensation. Over 50 % of enterprise value of publicly listed companies is based on an expectation of future value to be created. Yet most executive compensation and… |
The New DNA of Corporate Governance With Janet Langford Kelly From Directorship magazine - March 2005 Corporate governance is about long-term wealth creation for shareholders and broader society, not statutory compliance. This article outlines the 5 Levels of CEO Work and accountability and the implications for Board Directors… |
Liability Driven Investments Given the 20 year or longer liabilities of pension funds, Liability Driven Investments ( LDI ) are playing an increasing role with long term investors. This article by Standard Life describes the drivers of LDI and links the time… |
Three-Tier Management: A Structure for Trusted Managerial Leadership From Organisations & People, Vol 12 No 1, February 2005 The relationship between trust, the quality of managerial leadership, and organization structure is not well understood. Trust requires a structure that supports accountable managerial leadership: a three-level unit comprising an… |
Restoring Trust Trust, that most essential ingredient for transacting business, has been broken. Functioning without it is difficult and costly. Accountability based management is key to restoring trust. There are five essential managerial… |
Team Building Book Chapter (Handbook of Management Consulting Services, 2nd Ed.) Beiles, Brian, 1995, Team Building Chapter 26 in Barcus, Sam W., III, and Joseph W. Wilkinson, eds., 1995, Handbook of Management Consulting Services, 2nd Ed., McGraw-Hill Trade, New York, NY, 768 pages. Chapter was 20 pages long… |
EXECUTIVE ACCOUNTABILITY AND EXCESSIVE COMPENSATION A New Test for Director Liability From The Corporate Governance Advisor - Nov/2004 Most boards are still asking the wrong question about executive compensation. They are asking "How Much" rather than the more appropriate "For What". Thus the basis for determining equitable versus excessive executive pay… |
LEADING CREATING VALUE in the KNOWLEDGE ECONOMY Published in the Ivey Business Journal |
Values and Trust in Managerial Leaders This article first appeared in the journal Organisations & People Vol 12 No 3, Aug. 2005, published by the Association for Management Education & Development (AMED), Cambridge, UK. AMED offers a website of development information, and… |
Article: Evolution in Our Understanding of Accountability | |
The Working Journey of Muhammad Yunus A Jaquesian Analysis Muhammad Yunus, founder of the Grameen Bank and micro credit is a Visionary. In 2006 he was awarded the Noble Prize for his work in empowering people through micro credit. Muhammad Yunus stood banking on its head by choosing a model that was in… |
An Informal Explanation Of The Scientific Basis And Significance Of A Taxonomy Of Human Elements In Endeavour™ (Thee™) | |
Philosophical Footnote to the Paper by Dr. W. Kinston An Informal Explanation - a 2 page paper | |
A visão de longo alcance da liderança, por Alexander Ross | |
Posicionando la función de los recursos humanos para apoyar el cambio estratégico, por Bygrave et al | |
El rigor de la Organización Requerida, entrevista con Ken Shepard The rigor of Requisite Organization |
All The World of Shakespeare Is Requisite (revised April 2010) Go Conference - 2005 Proceeding It has been said that poets and artists sense more about human nature than the rest of us. If requisite organization theory is valid, then we should be able to find references to these concepts in artistic works. Have the poets and artists… |
Porque la teoria de la OR es tan dificil de entender | |
Medida psicológica del nivel de trabajo para la equidad en las remuneraciones según la teoría de Elliott Jaques |
Una medicion y tres descubrimiento | |
Longitudinal Research into Methods of Assessing Managerial Potential_Stamp | |
Are you big enough for your job? Is your job big enough for you? Exploring Levels of Work in organisations This article originally appeared in the University of Auckland Business Review - Vol. 7 N. 2, 2005, and is reprinted here with their kind permission. Related website: The Jaques’ Levels… |
ARE BOARDS AND CEOS ACCOUNTABLE FOR THE RIGHT LEVEL OF WORK? From Ivey Business Journal - May/2004 Too many CEO's are overpaid not because their company underperforms but because they are being held accountable for work that is operational versus strategic, but paid as if they were doing this strategic work. This article… |
The Long View of Leadership Contributed by Alexander Ross This 1992 article published in Canadian Business Magazine gives an overview on Elliott Jaques and Stratified Systems Theory (SST). As well, Alexander Ross presents a brief case on the successful implementation of SST at Canadian… |
The Long View of Leadership | |
Summary of “Social Power and the CEO” | |
Musing about the Elephant in the Parlor or “Who the Hell is Elliott Jaques?” We conclude this part with Jerry B. Harvey’s very readable classic article, “Musings about the Elephant in the Parlor, or Who the Hell is Elliott Jaques?” A Professor Emeritus at George Washington University, author of The Abilene Paradox and… |
How did Denis Turcotte become Canada’s CEO of the year? Gerald A. Kraines, M.D., president and CEO of The Levinson Institute, writes about Denis Turcotte and his being named “CEO of the Year” in 2006 by Canadian Business magazine. Turcotte’s story is one of inspiration and achievement. Kraines, who… |
THE NEW DNA OF CORPORATE GOVERNANCE - 2007 Published in the GO Society's book, Organization Design, Levels of Work Compeixity and Human Capability 2007 Mark Van Clieaf, a consultant for many years in the area of CEO performance/accountability and corporate governance, and Janet Langford Kelly have used requisite theory in their analysis of CEO performance and board governance processes. The… |
A Method for Training CEOs of Small, Growing Entrepreneurial Organizations The unique characteristics of a small enterprise entrepreneurial CEO is the subject of Atilio A. Penna’s article “A Method for Training CEOs of Small, Growing Entrepreneurial Organizations.” Penna has consulted for many years with small… |
Profit by Raising a Key Function to the Next Level: Tools to Build a Work Levels Shifting Strategy | |
On Being Heard: Insights from Complexity Theory and Values as Touchstones for Effective Executive Communication Across the Levels Jack Fallow, a long-time HR professional as well as CEO, was exposed to levels of work and human capability through his association with bioss. In his article, Fallow describes learning to communicate across the levels in his role as CEO,… |
Report of a Major Requisite Organization Project at Commonwealth Industries | |
Designing the Novus Management System: Aligning Requisite Systems Across 24 Countries Business unit senior executives are always challenged in negotiating for corporate resource allocation. One business unit president sought to maximize productivity and profitability by using requisite principles and practices. Nancy Lee, a… |
Contributions of Stratified Systems Theory to Military Leader Development and Organization Although this book is assembled primarily for the private sector executive, it is important to note that the initial 35 years of work to develop these concepts included extensive applied clinical consulting with governmental, notfor- profit,… |
The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies Redesigning a Global Organization to Deal with Increasing Complexity The second non-profit application relates to a recent case of a major requisitebased organizational redesign in a high-profile, global, not-for-profit humanitarian agency to demonstrate the universal applicability of these beneficial concepts.… |
Requisite Organization Goes to Church Elliott Jaques advised us that his concepts were appropriate for managerial employment hierarchies and cautioned against their use in associations or other forms of membership organizations except in those parts of the organization that had… |
Structure is not enough: Systems are the drivers of organizational behaviour and culture We begin this part with an article based upon one of Elliott Jaques’s most notable applications of requisite organization. After writing General Theory of Bureaucracy, Elliott Jaques worked with Sir Roderick Carnegie in a ten-year effort to… |
A Gift for Managers The levels of work literature often describes implementing requisite organization as a major systematic change in structure and complementary management system components planned and led by the top. Sheila Deane, an Australian consultant who… |
Teams Can't Be Better Structured Than Your Organization How Roche Canada Created High Performing Cross-Functional Product Launch Teams One of the strengths of the requisite organization concepts is their ability to make “competing theories” more effective. Consider, for example, the popularity of the team approach that was proposed as an alternative to hierarchical… |
Effective Management of Specialists in Cross-Functional Teams Organizations require many types of cross-functional teams that operate within project management structures. Often these teams are staffed by highly specialized and technically trained individuals who may not have been trained in managerial… |
Achieving the Information Technology Promise Using Work Levels as the Framework Many of us can identify with the “black hole” label for information technology, i.e., the continual and escalating costs of IT, often times with no discernable benefit. With IT an increasingly critical part of an organization’s competitive… |
CIO: Chief Information Officer or Career Is Over? Paul McDowell, a senior IT executive with years of experience in a variety of major corporations, shows how a lack of appreciation for levels of work and levels of complexity can cause serious long-term consequences for the IT function in an… |
Case Studies in Organizational Design as a Major Determinant of Employee Health and Well-Being Elliott Jaques wrote that non-requisite organizations were often paranoiagenic in that role structures and practices created conditions that stress employees unnecessarily. The resulting personal and emotional problems often result in great… |
From Potential to Performance One of the responsibilities of an HR function is to identify individuals with high potential capability and subsequently provide the proper development environment to achieve the high potential. In “From Potential to Performance,” Judith… |
Individual Capability and Our Working Journey Andrew Olivier’s article “Individual Capability and Our Working Journey” paper is an excellent article for those not familiar with how requisite concepts apply to talent pool management. Olivier describes the “working journey” that… |
Implementing a Web-based Requisite Talent Management System Managing large talent pools in a requisite system can be extremely time-consuming. To assist in what could be a monumental task in a large organization, Donald V. Fowke, a former CEO turned consultant, has developed a web-based talent pool… |
Assessing Requisite Readiness Extracted from the book, Organization Design, Levels of Work & Human Capability: Executive Guide; Editors: Ken Shepard, Jerry L. Gray, James G. Hunt, and Sarah McArthur, 2007 - pp. 379 - 390 Many are curious about the CEOs and organizations that elect to use part or all of requisite organization theory. Some have speculated that organizations where managers have technical training such as engineering or medicine are more attracted… |
How Solid Is Requisite Organization? Chapter excerpt from Organization Design, Levels of Complexity and Human Capability. Many executives take action on strategy, organizational design, staffing, and management system issues by following a colleague’s success, a bench marking activity of best practices, an article or book they have read or perhaps take the… |
Organizational Engineering and the CEO In his 2002 Keynote address to the Midwinter Conference of the Society of Consulting Psychology, Elliott Jaques first used the term “organizational engineering” to designate the field of organization and human resources management. This new… |
Wilfred Brown and Elliott Jaques: An Appreciation of a Remarkable Partnership Extracted from the book, Organization Design, Levels of Work & Human Capability This article demonstrates the unique partnership and commonalities of Wilfred Brown and Elliott Jaques It gives an inside perspective on their roots, development, personalities, and work. It discusses their mutual belief in… |
Requisite Organization: Theory and Validation Many executives are diligent in their search for best practices to use in improving their organization’s performance and are frustrated as they encounter the endless management fads in business magazines and bookstores, thousands of often… |
Epilogue: Building a Better Future Together The epilogue provides direction on how to learn more about this approach and how to proceed to learn and to work in your organization. It also describes the role of the Global Organization Design Society in supporting your learning and the… |
An Executive's Guide to Requisite Organizational Design A white paper for CEO's who are considering use of Requisite Organization Design One of the biggest challenges facing an RO consultant is to explain over 30 books and thousands of research articles to a client in the brief meeting time that consultants often have with their clients. Three experienced RO consultants, Maurice… |
From Potential to Performance | |
Individual Capability and Our Working Journey | |
From Potential to Performance | |
El Rol del Directorio en las Empresas The Role of the Board of Directors Language: Español/Spanish Summary (in English): This article describes the nature of the composition of the Board of Directors in local companies and how its functions differ from those of both shareholders and… |
Evil vs Good: Illustrated by unlikely similarities between Adolph Hitler and Nelson Mandela Research into this understanding of capability has shown that people on Mode V and above are high potential individuals who represent the first of the growth curves to reach a capability equivalent to an executive level of work complexity. Mode… |
How felt-fair pay is key to conscious capitalism - document itself A paper by Don Fowke in 2005 My grandson, Joshua Fowke, is a 16 year old entrepreneur with a start up business: New Lawn Care Toronto. He defines his core purpose “to provide students with work that gives them real life skills and work experience to enhance their future”.… |
Profit by Raising a Key Function to the Next Level: Tools to Build a Work Levels Shifting Strategy The importance of understanding complexity and how it relates to corporate strategy and growth is the focus of Julian Fairfield’s article, “Profit by raising a Key Function to the Next level: tools to Build a Work levels Shifting Strategy”. An… |
Implementing Strategy at the Right Level: Sustained Double-Digit Growth at Specialty Chemical When Ron Harding joined a specialty chemical company, a division of Conglomerate, Inc., the group had netted merely 0.2% growth over the last seven years. After one year, Harding reached double-digit growth that continues today. … |
All The World of Movies Is Requisite Go Conference - 2005 Proceeding Summary: It has been said that poets and artists sense more about human nature than the rest of us. If requisite organization theory is valid, then we should be able to find references to these concepts in artistic works. Have… |
Roche Canada Story by Charlotte Bygrave Long version |
Unknown Genius History is predominantly shaped by genius, whether in politics, music, or science. However, the assumption that all genius is immortalized in history may be false. Numerous geniuses might have existed but remain unknown due to various… |
How I Lost My Mind and Found the Meaning of “Life” An article published in the INTEGRAL REVIEW 4, 2007 |
THE NEW DNA OF CORPORATE GOVERNANCE - 2005 Published in Directorship - 2005 |
HERE'S A WAY TO GET A GRIP ON CEO PAY Published in Corporate Board Member 2009 Paying the CEO a set multiple of what the next layer of executives collect goes down well with shareholders. Internal pay equity, as it’s called, also demonstrates that the board is serious about finding the next CEO inside the company. |
DESIGNING PERFORMANCE FOR LONG-TERM VALUE: ALIGNING BUSINESS STRATEGY, MANAGEMENT STRUCTURE AND INCENTIVE DESIGN Published in the Handbook of Board Governance - 2nd Edition - 2020 How should performance and success be measured in public companies? Why are total shareholder return and earnings per share not the optimal performance metrics for management incentives to align with long-term shareholder value? … |
Major organizations and consulting firms that provide Requisite Organization-based services

A global association of academics, managers, and consultants that focuses on spreading RO implementation practices and encouraging their use
Dr. Gerry Kraines, the firms principal, combines Harry Levinson's leadership frameworks with Elliott Jaques's Requisite Organization. He worked closely with Jaques over many years, has trained more managers in these methods than anyone else in the field, and has developed a comprehensive RO-based software for client firms.