Purchase professional development courses


Purchasing a course provides permanent access to the course for your exclusive personal learning.

Previously a subscription to the site provided a year's access to the first course, Introduction to work levels-based organization design and development.  These subscriptions have been converted to permanent access to that course.

Additional courses are priced separately.

Introduction to work levels-based organization design and management

While this course is written in Flash that is no longer supported,
we are using Ruffle, 
a Flash-emulator, to provide continued access to this course

This course provides an introduction to accountability-based organization design and management -- sometimes called Requisite Organization, Stratified Systems or The Work Levels Approach.  

It is a pre-requisite to attending Society clinics and conferences.  It is strongly recommended before purchasing additional Society online courses. 

The course includes:

  • An overview and introduction
    • An orientation video guiding you to key resources on the Society's website.
    • Key readings on the approach
    • Videos with CEO and VPHR points of view on the approach.
  • E-learning modules cover the basic concepts of requisite organization.   These were donated by Novus International.
  • Exercises to apply these concepts to your own work experiences.

If your organization wishes to provide this course to a number of its employees, write to [email protected] to make special arrangements at a substantially lower per-person cost.

Staff:  Herb Koplowitz, Ph.D., the Society's professional development coordinator introduces the course and is featured in a course video - Frequently Asked Questions.

Price:  $200.00 USD

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Designing the Requisite Organization

This on-line course is based on about eight hours of video and handouts from a 2.5 day clinic of this name that was part of the Society's World Conference, Designing the Smarter Organization, July 2014, near New York City at the IBM Palisades Conference Centre.

Participants were strongly encouraged to take the on-line course,  Introduction to work levels-based organization design and management

This course guides you through the analysis of a global financial services organization that needs to redesign its structure to implement new strategies -- some of them requiring redesign of roles and staffing to make appropriate use of required Big Data.

The materials include:

  • Videos of all lectures and plenary discussion
  • Handouts and exercises
  • Videos of small group reports to plenary.

Staff:  Ron Capelle, Herb Koplowtiz, Nancy Lee, and Paul Tremlett, all Senior Fellows of the Society

Price:  $150.00 USD

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Requisite Leadership Framework   

This on-line course is based on about eight hours of video and handouts from a 2.5 day clinic of this name that was part of the Society's World Conference, Designing the Smarter Organization, July 2014, near New York City at the IBM Palisades Conference Centre.

Participants were strongly encouraged to take the on-line course, Introduction to work levels-based organization design and management

The course brings you a unique experience in learning about an integrated, science-based system for the design and management of organizations called Requisite Organization

A team of specialists and experienced managers presents the principles and concepts, and engages you in simulated workplace experiences to illustrate the work of managers by: 

  • Using a customized Leadership Framework of principles and tools for enabling managers to quickly visualize and grasp the whole system, including the core concepts and tools, and to apply them immediately in their business;
  • Demonstrating how to confidently diagnose the core organizational and leadership elements of structure, systems and  leadership practices that impact the organization’s ability to deliver;
  • Illustrating the importance of leveraging the line manager in delivering workplace reform through application of the knowledge and setting clear performance expectations; and
  • Enabling CEOs and senior managers to initiate business-focused improvements across the organization, and to measure the impact of those improvements.

Staff:  Barry Deane, Sheila Deane, Cynsie Kraines, and Michelle Carter

Price:  $150.00 USD

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Managerial Leadership Practices - Under construction

This is a first cut at a professional development course in RO-based managerial leadership practices.

First materials are from videos of a one-day workshop by that name produced by Nancy Lee, 2009 in Buenos Aires.

As this workshop was recorded in a room that had simultaneous translation, you will hear the muffled sound of voices coming from the translation tents.  Fortunately the staff can be understood without excessive disturbance.

Full course description


Price:  $39.00 USD

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Requisite Compensation  -  


Staff:   Nancy Lee is producing a GO Society professional development course on compensation based in part on videos from her 2007 pre-conference workshop on compensation.  

Price:  $100.00 USD

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Major organizations and consulting firms that provide Requisite Organization-based services

A global association of academics, managers, and consultants that focuses on spreading RO implementation practices and encouraging their use
Dr. Gerry Kraines, the firms principal, combines Harry Levinson's leadership frameworks with Elliott Jaques's Requisite Organization. He worked closely with Jaques over many years, has trained more managers in these methods than anyone else in the field, and has developed a comprehensive RO-based software for client firms.
Former RO-experienced CEO, Ron Harding, provides coaching to CEOs of start-ups and small and medium-size companies that are exploring their own use of RO concepts.  His role is limited, temporary and coordinated with the RO-based consultant working with the organization
Founded by Gillian Stamp, one of Jaques's colleagues at Brunel, the firm modified Jaques;s work-levels, developed the Career Path Appreciation method, and has grown to several hundred certified assessors in aligned consulting firms world-wide recently expanding to include organization design