We are taking a census of organizations on public record as having used levels of work complexity and human capability at some point

Responding to questions about which organizations have actually used these methods and why the methods are not better known, the society began a careful census of the extent of use. The organizations on this page have been found to be on public record* We know of over one hundred that are not on public record. We can only guess at the true scale of the use of these concepts in the world.

Please review the list of organizations identified thus far. For convenience they are grouped by continent, country and then in alphabetical order.

Please help us extend the list by using the form at the end of this page.

*Note: Public record here means that the organization’s managers have written or spoken publicly about the organization’s use of the concepts. The society lists here those organizations whose representatives have presented at our world conferences, whose managers have given interviews or video interviews, when we have found mention of their use in articles, magazines, journals, books or web pages, when their use has been discussed in the social media, and when our bibliographer has found mention in his 15 year bibliographic search about the use of our methods.

Should any listed company wish to be removed from the list, we will do so upon receiving a request from a general manager of that company sent to [email protected]



Canadian unit of global 3M
The second largest personal lines insurer in the United States.
A private nuclear generator, providing 30% of Ontario's power.
A Class I rail carrier.
The Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce is Canada’s fifth largest chartered bank.
An Alberta government student aid program (formerly Edulinx)
Nickel mining--A Canadian division of the Brazilian mining company.
A Canadian international luxury, five-star hotel management company.
Administers defined-benefit pensions for school teachers.
Personal and commercial banking division of RBC Financial Group - the largest in Canada
Southam Newspapers Group - was later acquired by Postmedia News
A Canadian metals and mining company
Royal Bank of Canada Visa affiliate of global Visa
An Alberta plastics company later purchased by Celanese
Wholly owned mining company
Large manufacturer of steel and aluminum wheels.
Allstream provides communications solutions to Canadian businesses.
One of world's largest uranium producers.
Canadian government agency that processes passports.
Partners with credit unions to deliver insurance and financial solutions.
First Canadian Title provides title insurance
John Inglis and Company (now Whirlpool Canada) manufactures major home appliances
Bureau in Health Canada charged with chronic and contagious diseases and laboratory expertise
Newspaper for dental patients
Provides human resource policy and services to the Canadian public service
A natural gas industry
A forest products company operating In North & South America and Europe
A national, not-for-profit, charitable home and community care organization.
Later purchased by Algoma Shipping Company
A global automotive supplier
A leading Canadian shipping company.
Canadian division of world's seventh-largest pharmaceutical company
A non-profit professional association representing Canada's dentists.
An independent power generation company.
Is the largest integrated producer of uncoated freesheet paper in North America
Ontario government owned power generation utility
Provides computer-assisted legal and business research
Is a supplier of machinery for injection molding of plastics.
A courier 91% owned by Canada Post Corporation.
Canada's largest cable television service provider.
Antegrated energy company producing synthetic crude from oil sands.
Designs and manufactures journal bearing solutions for marine, pump, hydro-turbine, and offshore oil.
A diversified company in construction materials and the environment
A major engineering and constrution company
A retailing company
Essar Steel Algoma is an integrated primary steel producer.
Bank of Montreal is one of the Big Five banks in Canada.
Is the financial services arm of Canadian Tire and national provider of Mastercard
An international agricultural company
A national retailer
Ontario's lottery and gaming corporation
Canada’s largest processor of debit and credit card payments.
A Canadian Division of EXXON Mobile
Canadian subsidiary of global pharmaceutical company located in Geneva.
Seaway Marine Transport, Inc. is a vessel marketing and management company.
Manufactures vitamins, minerals, and supplements.
A major Canadian natural gas storage, transmission and distribution company.
A supplier of exhaust manifolds for passenger cars and light trucks.
A retailer of off-price family apparel and home fashions.
An intermediate gold producer based in Canada


World’s Finest Chocolate - Is a chocolate company based in Chicago.
A provider of specialty chemicals and technologies
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
Functional advisors to execute Army Reserve plans, policies and programs
Provider of machined iron castings
Specializes in offering kitchen and laundry appliances
A technology solutions provider for exploration and production industry
Manufacturer of high voltage test equipment and measurement instrumentation
Company that provides travel retail and press distribution
Is a USA animal health and nutrition company
Electronic company with divisions in electronics, healthcare and lighting
A financial service provider
Distributor of business products
Is the chief supervising officer of the U.S. Army Chaplain Corps
Is the executive part of the Department of the Army at the seat of Government
Provides Americans with the best scientific information available to improve health and reduce the risk of illness and injury.
Is the largest branch of the United States Armed Forces
Develops, educates and trains Soldiers, civilians, and leaders.
Corporation to design and maintain pipeline to transport oil.
Assistant Secretary for Acquisition and Technology -; Department of Defense for acquisitions, research and development, advanced technology, and logistics
A provider of sustainable and reliable utility services
A company that provides natural gas and electric service
Company that operates power plants, electrical transmission and distribution networks
A company that provides work apparel, facility products and services
Provider of a broad range of personal banking products and solutions
A company that provides paper and packaging products
Company that provides energy storage and power delivery solutions
An office supply retailing company
A multinational glass manufacturing company
Agency that administers Social Security and social insurance
Supplier and technology licensor for the petroleum refining
Lead and support the Command's information resources and information technology of US Army
Manufacturer of machinery for oil fields
Provider of professional and technical engineering
Is the largest United States Army command
Manufacturer and marketer of home appliances
An international engineering and environmental consulting firm.
Manufacturer of residential and home office furnishings
American company that makes and sells packaged foods
Deputy Chief of Staff for Intelligence - G-2 The intelligence branch of the United States Army
A multi-state holding company
Company that provides Medical Equipment, Technology Solutions for Drug Discovery and Biopharmaceuticals
Manufacturer of metal alloys
Provider of technology-driven solutions to the global oil & gas industry
A multinational financial services corporation
A company that owns and operates a portfolio of consumer websites
Company that provides Courier Services
An electricity supply company
Manufacturer of aircraft and aircraft parts
Mallinckrodt Baker, Inc - A biopharmaceuticals company
Was the world's largest bottler of Pepsi-Cola beverages
Supports the United States Army's warfighting mission.
Army Materiel Command -; The primary provider of materiel to the United States Army
Producer of mechanical printing paper
A company that explores and produces oil and natural gas
American direct broadcast satellite service provider
Global suppliers to the aerospace precision engineering industry
Company that provides plastic packaging solutions
Manufacturer of high voltage test equipment
Manufacturer of high-efficiency HVAC systems
A multinational pharmaceutical company
A management consulting firm
Provider of industrial automation and information solutions
Company that provides telecommunications infrastructure
A water feature design firm
SECARMY is a senior civilian official within the Department of Defense of the USA
Develops science-based technologies for natonal security
Maintains day-to-day health care for soldiers.
Serves as the Logistics Staff Advisor for the Commanding General, U.S. Army
Manages about $160 billion for approximately 350 global institutional clients


Is a Mexican chemicals, plastics and textiles manufacturer
Is the largest glass producer in Mexico
A global automotive parts manufacturing company


Mobile phone operator
A food company specialized in confectionery
The largest media conglomerate in Argentina
Maker of medical diagnostics equipment
Provider of banking services
AFIP -; Federal tax and customs revenue agency
McDonald’s largest franchisee
Producer of carbonated soft drink
Producer of components for automation of industries
Provides banking services
Is the leading producer of long steel in Argentina .
A media system to promote brands
Business Process Outsourcing and Customer Experience Management provider
Producer of welding and cutting equipment
Solutions provider for agricultural markets
Internet Service Provider
A pharmaceutical company
The central bank of Argentina
A consulting and outsourcing firm for business transformation
An Insurance Company
Company that explores and produces oil and gas


Provide solutions in dismantle engineering
Producer of agricultural commodities
Producer of cement
Major producer and distributor of oil


Manuelita is a Colombian agribusiness corporation


Explosive producing company


An architectural design company HR Service provider
A mobile telecommunications company
Operaters of gas and electricity supply
Organisation for care and welfare


Manufacturer, seller, installer, and servicer of wind turbines


Producer of polmers; Producer of polmers


Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development


Manufacturer of healthcare products, coatings and chemicals
A microfinancing organisation


6 AP Fund - Organisation that manages public pension funds
A health care based company
Air Travel Company
Banking service provider
Eniro -; Company offering search services and directory assistance
Financial solution providers for Swedish Export industry
Telephone company and mobile network operator
Provider of communication technology and services
Nordic Postal Services - State owned mail and logistics service provider
State owned train operator
Automobile manufacturer
The supreme executive authority in Sweden
Authority responsible for investigative activities, crime prevention and service
State-owned company operating in the regulated gambling market
Government owned power company


International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies - Organisation that works to improve humanitarian standards


A pharmaceutical and biologics company
Provider of aerospace precision engineering service
A global mining group
The Royal Bank of Scotland - Banking facility provider
Banking services provider
G4S -; A security services company
Royal Dutch Shell -; Is an oil and gas company
Manufacturer of chocolate
Is an oil and gas company
GlaxicoSmithKline - A healthcare company
Is a leading brewer
TRP Truck & Trailor Parts - Seller of truck parts
High frequency, high capacity railway service
An Insurance Company
Grocery and general merchandise retailer
A consumer goods company


Bahrain Civil Aviation - Oversees all aspects of aviation
Authority involved in supply of electricity and water
Bahrain Ministry of Works -; Responsible for all infrastructure services in Bahrain
Bahrain Petroleum Company - Is a national oil company
Organistaion that works for industrial development and modernization of Bahrain
Regulates the power sector in Bahrain; generation, transmission and distribution of electric power and water.


Building, civil and electromechanical engineering contractor
Nest Investments Holdings - Holding company of a group of subsidiaries


Is a group of private, co-educational schools
The National Olympic Committee representing Qatar
Is a gas company
State owned petroleum company
The State-owned transport company
Liquefied natural gas producing company
A gas company


Methanol Chemicals Company
Manages all of The Olayan Group's businesses and investments
Logistics service provider
Sabic -; Manufacturer of active in chemicals, polymers, fertilizers and metal
Islamic Devlopement Bank - A multilateral development financing institution
A consumer goods company
Power and Water Utility Company


The state-owned oil company of the United Arab Emirates
The High Commission for the Development of Riyadh
A natural gas producing company


An Insurance providing company


A global enterprise comprising over 100 independent operating companies


Bank for crediting micro and small businesses
Is a gold mining company with assets in Russia
Company that deals with extraction and sale of natural gas.
Russian Bank - Central bank of the Russian Federation
Company involved in extraction and production of hydrocarbons


A telecommunications infrastructure company
Producers of major commodities
Purchases and maintains equipment and supplies for Defence
A beverage and food company
Financial service provider
Water supply and sewerage services provider
A navigation service provider
A leading steel company
A railway engineering company
Mission to bring justice, equality through women education
Corporation that provides potable drinking water
Organisation of mining and supplier companies
A banking service provider
A multinational insurance company
Market operator for the Australian National Electricity Market
Banking service provider
Manufacturer of office, printing and packaging papers
A Scientific research organisation
Was an Anglo-Swiss multinational mining company, later acquired by Glencore.
Automobile club which provides a range of services
Operator of tram network


Is a supplier of bauxite, alumina and aluminium products, later acquired by Riotinto
Producer and supplier of iron ore
Manufacturer of steel
Branch of goverment responsible for the enforcement of the law
Home building Company
The Department charged with centrally leading New Zealand
Government organisation for conserving the natural and historic heritage of New Zealand


Republic of Botswana


Global mining company
Government of South Africa
A global gold mining company
Energy and chemical company
Company that offers medical insurance products
A company involved in manufacturing and marketing of edible oil
First National Bank -; A large financial services conglomerate
Is a leader in packaging and paper solutions
World’s leading primary producer of Platinum Group Metals (PGMs)
Is the the revenue service (tax-collecting agency) of the South African Government


Uganda Coffee - Authority to promote and oversee the coffee industry

Major organizations and consulting firms that provide Requisite Organization-based services

A global association of academics, managers, and consultants that focuses on spreading RO implementation practices and encouraging their use
Dr. Gerry Kraines, the firms principal, combines Harry Levinson's leadership frameworks with Elliott Jaques's Requisite Organization. He worked closely with Jaques over many years, has trained more managers in these methods than anyone else in the field, and has developed a comprehensive RO-based software for client firms.
Former RO-experienced CEO, Ron Harding, provides coaching to CEOs of start-ups and small and medium-size companies that are exploring their own use of RO concepts.  His role is limited, temporary and coordinated with the RO-based consultant working with the organization
Founded by Gillian Stamp, one of Jaques's colleagues at Brunel, the firm modified Jaques;s work-levels, developed the Career Path Appreciation method, and has grown to several hundred certified assessors in aligned consulting firms world-wide recently expanding to include organization design