Teleconference series - Introduction to Organization using RO methods - for fee.
Audio lectures with self study readings and written assignments - Herb Koplowitz - for fee.
Four-and-one-half day professional development workshop in requisite organization in Toronto in June 2009.
Title: Accountability Systems and a Science-based approach to organization design and management
Staff: Barry Deane, Sheila Deane, Herb Koplowitz, and Ken Shepard
Fee: $4500 including all accommodation and food
Location: BMO Financial Group Institute for Learning
Three-day professional development workshop in requisite organization in Buenos Aires, Spring 2009.
Title: Accountability Systems and a Science-based approach to organization design and management
Staff: Harald Solaas, et. al.
Fee: $???? including all accommodation and food $$$ without accommodation.
Location: ITBA?
Three concurrent pre-conference workshops at the RO World Conference in Buenos Aires in 2009
October 26, 2009; Sheraton Libertador Hotel, Buenos Aires
1. An integrated approach to Organization - integrating the methods of Elliott Jaques and Jay Galbratih
2. An introduction to organization design
3. ???
Fee: $400 including lunch