Perceptions and Self-Reflection in Different Strata

- The capacity for self reflection is important within any stratum. But the kind of self reflection a level five does is very different than the self reflection of a level one or two. Our understanding of self in a variety of ways is always within the limits of the strata in which we live.

Speaker A Well, what I'm talking about is, I think at any stratum, the capacity for self reflection far it, understanding oneself is important within any stratum. But the kind of self reflection a lev...

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Speaker A Well, what I'm talking about is, I think at any stratum, the capacity for self reflection far it, understanding oneself is important within any stratum. But the kind of self reflection a level five does is very different than the self reflection of a level one or two. That our self reflection. And our understanding of self in a variety of ways is always within the limits of the strata in which we live. And for example, I found the same thing about Jack's work. Everyone understands it, no matter what their stratum is, but only within the limits of their stratum. And kind of like everybody understands the Bible, assuming they've read it. But their understanding varies according to their stratum. For a stratum, one Jesus is this icon that is nailed to the wall in their church. For a stratum nine or eight, Jesus is a much more abstract concept. I remember reading an article many years ago called Einstein's Intoxication with the God of the Cosmos, explaining that Einstein was deeply spiritual, but he wouldn't be somebody that would find many people who could farm a church with him. But he's no more spiritual or no less spiritual than a level one. His understanding of the spirituality and the nature of one's relationship to the deity is just fundamentally different than a level one and they would not be able to comprehend it. I think that's the same for Jack's word level one's understanding, like the notion of one stratum, are being overmanaged or micromanaged. You ask a level one, you talk about if there are two people within the same stratum, one can't manage another without conflict. You talk to a level one about it and they say, yeah, that's my boss. The son of a bitch is always in my business. If I want something done on the floor, I go to his boss and we get it straightened out. Now, that's not the same description that a level seven would give to his relationship to a level eight. So I think Stratum are unrelated to understanding. It's just that we understand within the limits of the stratum that we're in. Could you explore a little bit about how but I also think that the capacity for self reflection, for self understanding is very important and is part of meeting one's work potential, as Jack describes work and potential it. But we only can do it within the limits of the stratum that we're in.

George Washington University
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