Outcomes of Using RO: Engaged Employees and a More Productive Organization
- For me, the most essential requirement for success is absolute clarity and absolute buy in at every level in the organization. ideally the sponsor is the business leader. If everybody is singing from the same song sheet, everyone is committed and everyone understands what the prize is. A more effective and more focused organization will deliver significantly better results.
Speaker A How would I summarize all of the impact and what I've experienced on requisite organization very early in my experience, and I'll attribute this to the business leader that I had the good fo...
Transcript of the presentation video
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Speaker A How would I summarize all of the impact and what I've experienced on requisite organization very early in my experience, and I'll attribute this to the business leader that I had the good fortune to start working with. She said very early on in the practice, if you've ever worked in a requisite organization, you will never want to work in a non requisite organization again. My initial reaction at that time was, yeah, of course what I'll say now is I believe those words wholeheartedly. Once you have worked in a requisite organization, that's got very clear accountability, vertically, horizontally within the organization, where everyone knows what is expected, what's in scope and what's out of scope. It does create a very liberating environment which you will flourish in and which you can rely on and trust other individuals to deliver what they're accountable for delivering. And you're expected and trusted to deliver what you are accountable for delivering. That is something if you operate in that kind of an environment, you really don't want to go back to an environment where there's lack of clarity, there's confusion, there's spin, there's duplication of effort, there's whatever it is. So the statement of never wanting to go back is very true. Would I ever work in a non requisite organization again? Probably not. And that is part of the I think it's become part of my underlying thinking of how I look at an organization or currently or in my current consulting practice now is very fundamental on how I talk with clients. And my business now is about aligning strategy, people and performance. The organization framework, which to me can only be requisite, is that underpinning to allow an organization to link its strategy, its people and its performance. So when I left CIBC, I decided not to go back into a corporate role. And I decided to take that experience that I was fortunate enough to have through what I would describe as a lengthy and successful HR. Career and apply that in the consulting side. Working with organizations to be able to bring that kind of focus around people and organization. Given the question of what's the biggest learning or the biggest AHA that I got out of my time with Requisite.org and how that still impacts how I think. For me, the the most essential requirement for success for any organization that is embarking upon a transition into a requisite organization environment is one to ensure that there is absolute clarity and absolute buy in at I'm going to say every level in the organization, but it starts at the most senior level. So ideally the sponsor is the business leader. I don't think it can be anyone but the business leader and that person has to have the stamina and the commitment to see through that. Sponsorship rule of implementing requisite organization. It will be time consuming, it will be tumultuous at times and that's where that next level of the leadership team comes into it. If everybody is singing from the same song sheet, everyone is committed and everyone understands what the prize is. And that prize, just to be clear, is a more effective and a more focused organization that will deliver significantly better results through a requisite structure. If that stratum four, whatever the next level is, whether it's the fives to the six or the six to a sevens or in my case, the fours to a five, they all have to be committed to again see through their sponsorship role in ensuring that requisite.org the principles of it are implemented within their scope of accountability. What I found is that wherever there is an individual that could be termed a resistor, everything below that person is just a black hole in terms of being able to leverage the success. So where everybody is committed and where everybody is willing to advance the agenda of a requisite.org, it will cascade down throughout the organization. It will create that clarity, and the end result will be engaged employees and a more productive, with better results.
Major organizations and consulting firms that provide Requisite Organization-based services