Challenging the Academics

- When Elliot would come to class, you'd say, anything you want to tell me before we get started? He pointed out that the relationship between students and faculty is an accountability hierarchy. Some people on our faculty will not permit Elliot's work to be discussed.

Speaker A When Elliot would come to class, you'd say, anything you want to tell me before we get started? These are all graduate students, doctoral students, master's students. And I'd say, Elliot, fo...

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Speaker A When Elliot would come to class, you'd say, anything you want to tell me before we get started? These are all graduate students, doctoral students, master's students. And I'd say, Elliot, for God's sakes, don't beat on him. He could not keep from it most of the time. Occasionally, he didn't beat on. And the meeting with the faculty. He met with our faculty one time, and he pointed out that there are two kinds of organizations, an association, which is involved, designed for the generation in free exchange of knowledge, and accountability hierarchy, which is for the production of goods and service, efficient production of goods and services. And then he read from the mission statement of the school, which was to provide for the generation and free exchange of knowledge. That was step one. And then he pointed out that the relationship between students and faculty is an accountability hierarchy. So we've designed the university, and particularly our school, to ensure that its mission can't be accomplished. Well, we had to call resuscitation squads from all over the city of Washington. Some people walked out. Some were just turning blue. And the first thing you don't want to do is argue with him because he's on a different stratum and he knows more. And to this day, there are some people on our faculty that will not permit Elliot's work to be discussed. It's amazing. Students say, wow, I just sat in a session with Dr. Jack. And he's right. All this stuff we're learning on management style is relevant. I'm sorry, we don't discuss Dr. Jackson this course. And of course you don't. If you do, then all they've learned through their PhD and professorial efforts are irrelevant.

George Washington University
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Major organizations and consulting firms that provide Requisite Organization-based services

A global association of academics, managers, and consultants that focuses on spreading RO implementation practices and encouraging their use
Dr. Gerry Kraines, the firms principal, combines Harry Levinson's leadership frameworks with Elliott Jaques's Requisite Organization. He worked closely with Jaques over many years, has trained more managers in these methods than anyone else in the field, and has developed a comprehensive RO-based software for client firms.
Ron Capelle is unique in his multiple professional certifications, his implementation of RO concepts through well designed organization development methods, and his research documenting the effectiveness of his firm's interventions
Former RO-experienced CEO, Ron Harding, provides coaching to CEOs of start-ups and small and medium-size companies that are exploring their own use of RO concepts.  His role is limited, temporary and coordinated with the RO-based consultant working with the organization
Founded by Gillian Stamp, one of Jaques's colleagues at Brunel, the firm modified Jaques;s work-levels, developed the Career Path Appreciation method, and has grown to several hundred certified assessors in aligned consulting firms world-wide recently expanding to include organization design
Requisite Organization International Institute distributes Elliott Jaques's books, papers, and videos and provides RO-based training to client organizations