Time Span Is An Interesting Way of Establishing Goals
Speaker A My name is Jared Hux and I've been with Novus for almost four years and four years in the fall. I work in product management and marketing. I've been marketing ever since I started with Novu...
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Speaker A My name is Jared Hux and I've been with Novus for almost four years and four years in the fall. I work in product management and marketing. I've been marketing ever since I started with Novus. Most of the people, I came straight from graduate school into Novus. So this was my first real job out of graduate school. I was a teaching assistant in graduate school, so things were quite laid back in the academic world. When I joined Novus, I was a level two A back then. For anybody else, that was a level. And then through my progression with Novus up to product management. I started out very young, didn't know a lot, didn't know what I was really getting into on the novice management system. But I came to learn it early on and have really benefited from the way the organization is structured. There is clear accountability up and down the hierarchical structure, and that's what stands out the most to me. In product management, it's very important. The cross functional team structure is very important to the success of the team and ultimately the success of the product that we're selling to the industry, to our customers, or actually meeting our customers needs. From the marketing side, the marketing usually takes the lead in managing the team and the different parts of the team. Those include representatives from operations, from finance, research, technical service, field representation, sales, all types of different functions. And it's the responsibility of the product managers and marketing managers to take those team members and make the team function in order to service the customers. I think the time span is a good it's very unique to the system. So in interactions with colleagues, whether it be within the industry we're in or external industries, in talking to that level of time span, you don't hear a lot of you don't hear that from other people. So I think it's an interesting way to, one, establish goals personally from a careers perspective and for the company, and two, it's a good way to measure success in the way we achieve those goals. So I think that it's a good process. Anne it's unique to the novice vendor system.
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