Contributions of Stratified Systems Theory to Military Leader Development and Organization
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Although this book is assembled primarily for the private sector executive, it is important to note that the initial 35 years of work to develop these concepts included extensive applied clinical consulting with governmental, notfor- profit, religious, and charitable organizations as well as private sector businesses. The careful developmental work demonstrated that the concepts were valid for managerial employment hierarchies in all sectors. The first of these non-profit applications articles is by T. Owen Jacobs and Stephen D. Clement and describes the extraordinary resource commitment, length, and scale of a project in a stratum VII organization (the US Army) starting at the top with the Office of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. The well-designed research program largely validated major Stratified Systems Theory concepts and their adoption led to substantial improvement in senior leader development. The article also describes the use of levels of work and human capability concepts in the redesign of elements of a major branch of the US Army.