Wilma C.G. Oliveira
- Instituto Bert Hellinger Brasil Central Consultoria e Treinamento ltda - Atman Editora ltda
Graduated in Nursery at Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG) - 1989
Post-graduated (lato sentu) - Systematization of Nursery assistance - UFMG - 1990
Post-gratuated (lato sentu) - Nursery applied to work - Fundação São Camilo - 1998
Post-graduated (lato sentu) - Systematization of Nursery assistance - UFMG - 1990
Post-gratuated (lato sentu) - Nursery applied to work - Fundação São Camilo - 1998
- Training in Three One Concepts - 2001
- Training in Touch for Health - 1998
- Training in Neural Organization Technics - 1999
- Private practice in kinesiology (Three One Concepts and Touch for Health 1998-2001)
- Contact with Bert Hellinger's Systemic approach - 2000
- Training in Bert Hellinger's Systemic approach - 2003
- Co-founder of Atman Editora and it´s first and present CEO (publishing company devoted to translate and publish books about systemic thinking applied to psychotherapy, education and business) - 2004
- Co-founder of Instituto Bert Hellinger Brasil Central C. & T. ltda and it's present CEO - 2005 to 2007
- Co-founder and first secretary of Brazilian Association of Practitioners of Bert Hellinger's method (ABC sistemas) - 2003
- Extensive practice with workshops for families, business with Bert Hellinger's Systemic approach 2002 - 2007
- Organizing Bert Hellinger's workshops for 500 person in Brazil 2005-2006-2007
- Organizing of the III Congress of Systemic Pedagogy - November 2008
- Little Experience with Requisite Organization - 2007
Degrees and certifications
Currently unavailable.
Contact Info
Email: [email protected]