Don Edward Beck
Founding Partner
The National Values Center, Inc.
Beck is the coauthor of "Spiral Dynamics: Mastering Values, Leadership & Change" (with Christopher Cowan, l996).
While much of Beck's work is in the area of large scale systems change, he has also been active in working with corporate leaders, public institutions, educational enterprises, and not-for-profit agencies in designing the work place for the 21st Century. Spiral Dynamics ® concepts are being used in various contexts literally around the world. He was invited to No.10 Downing Street in December 2006 to meet with members of the "policy unit" in a search for ways to implement "Third Way" initiatives in UK and abroad. Beck has discussed racial issues with President Bill Clinton and deep reconciliation Strategies with President Nelson Mandela.
In his long consulting career, Beck has worked with large banks, five different US airlines, major global energy companies, heavy industry (steel and aluminum), hospitals and health care institutions, law enforcement agencies, city governments, and many other public institutions. These have included the IRS, FAA, US Army Corps of Engineers, EPA, US Forestry Service, US Army Tank Command, and many others.
He has been a frequent speaker for the World Future Society, the American Society for Training and Development, the International Association of Business Communicators, the Young Presidents Organization and the Edward Deming CEO Symposium.
Beck now has major projects underway in the Netherlands, UK, Germany, France, Mexico, and other places.
He gave a major address at the World Bank in 2001 on the Cultural Dynamics for Nation Building in Afghanistan. The "What is Enlightenment? Magazine" recently described him as "the philosopher/activist for the 21st Century."
Beck was a featured speaker at the recent global conferences of the State of the World Forum, in San Francisco in 2000 and New York City in 2001.
While much of Beck's work is in the area of large scale systems change, he has also been active in working with corporate leaders, public institutions, educational enterprises, and not-for-profit agencies in designing the work place for the 21st Century. Spiral Dynamics ® concepts are being used in various contexts literally around the world. He was invited to No.10 Downing Street in December 2006 to meet with members of the "policy unit" in a search for ways to implement "Third Way" initiatives in UK and abroad. Beck has discussed racial issues with President Bill Clinton and deep reconciliation Strategies with President Nelson Mandela.
In his long consulting career, Beck has worked with large banks, five different US airlines, major global energy companies, heavy industry (steel and aluminum), hospitals and health care institutions, law enforcement agencies, city governments, and many other public institutions. These have included the IRS, FAA, US Army Corps of Engineers, EPA, US Forestry Service, US Army Tank Command, and many others.
He has been a frequent speaker for the World Future Society, the American Society for Training and Development, the International Association of Business Communicators, the Young Presidents Organization and the Edward Deming CEO Symposium.
Beck now has major projects underway in the Netherlands, UK, Germany, France, Mexico, and other places.
He gave a major address at the World Bank in 2001 on the Cultural Dynamics for Nation Building in Afghanistan. The "What is Enlightenment? Magazine" recently described him as "the philosopher/activist for the 21st Century."
Beck was a featured speaker at the recent global conferences of the State of the World Forum, in San Francisco in 2000 and New York City in 2001.
Degrees and certifications
Currently unavailable.
Contact Info
Email: [email protected]