For the over 30 years, Brian has focused his business, consulting and training efforts on helping organizations become more effective in serving their customers, employees and shareholders. His experience has been in a wide variety of industries, where he has held a number of senior positions. Brian is also on faculty with the Schulich Executive Education Centre at York University, where he conducts a number of open enrolment and in-house management training programs.
Brian's areas of expertise include:
- Customer Retention Strategies - to increase customer satisfaction, loyalty and retention
- Organization Development - to optimize organizational structures, role clarity, and performance management systems
- Leadership Development - to develop and leverage workforce capability
- Managing and Sustaining Change - to maintain productivity and minimize human downtime
- Teamworking and Teambuilding - to promote cross-functional collaboration and increase team effectiveness
- Facilitation - to promote objectivity, engagement and achieve desired outcomes
Brian's work comprises customized, output-based consulting and training interventions; responsive, flexible service; and an ability to engage people at all levels of the organization.
Brian has worked internationally in a wide variety of industries including: technology, financial services, aerospace, utilities, mining, retail and government.
Major clients include: AECL, Amex, IBM, Bank of Nova Scotia, Bell Canada, Bombardier, Enbridge, Inco, Messier-Dowty, Rogers, Stratford Festival, Telesat, University Health Network and WSIB.
Degrees and certifications
- C.A.
- M.B.A.