Archived conferences and events

2005 World Conference in Toronto - link to below.

2007 World Conference in Toronto - link to below.


Global Organization Design Conference-2005

"Achieving potential through liberating structures”

Readings & Videos on Global Organization Design: GO Conference-2005 Proceedings

August 8-11, 2005
BMO Financial Group Institute for Learning
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

With high accolades given by all in attendance, the 2005 Global Conference celebrated
the gathering of international
  • consultants,
  • business users in the private, government and citizen sectors, and
  • academics
  • who shared in practices, applications and studies happening at Level IV and above.
    Your GO Society is pleased to present the Proceedings, Videos and Readings from this unique conference freely to the international GO community.

    Below you can explore the Readings, Plenaries and Session/Workshop presentations
    published in Adobe PDF .

    Select video presentations from Conference-2005 are made available to you via streaming video/webcasts. GO Society webcasts are published in Microsoft Windows Media format (supporting version 9 or higher) / .

    GO Conference-2005
    Proceedings & Readings Quick-Links

  • General Conference Readings
  • Conference Program; Presenters; Attendees; World Census
  • Day 3
      - August 10 2005
  • Pre-Conference Workshops
      - August 08 2005
  • Day 4
      - August 11 2005
  • Day 2 (Executive Day)
      - August 09 2005
  • GO Conference-2005 Sponsors
  • The Sponsors that made GO Conf-2005 & these publications possible

      General Conference Readings

    Final Conference 2005 Program
    Click Here to download...  Go_Conf_Prog_2005_0508G1.pdf
    (~1.3MB - 15 pages)
    Your Presenters
    Click Here to download...  Presenter_Profiles_0508G2.pdf
    (~850kB - 30 pages)
    Conference 2005 Attendees
    Click Here to download...  Attendees_0508G3.pdf
    (~490kB - 8 pages)
    A GO World Census
    Click Here to download...  World_Census_0508G4.pdf
    (~530kB - 7 pages)

      Pre-Conference Workshops - August 8 2005


    Session 1

    The DNA of Corporate Governance
    - Larry Tapp, Mark Van Clieaf, Janet Kelly, Catherine Jackson, and Paul Hodgson

    Session 2

     Transforming your Organization while Defeating the Competition
    - Steve Clement & Michael Kirby
    Designing a High Performing Organization to Achieve "World Class" Results
    - Steve Clement
    Click Here to download...  Clement_Structure_050808S1-1.pdf
    (~1.1MB - 68 pages)
    Managing the Corporate Talent Pool
    - Steve Clement
    Click Here to download...  Clement_Talent_050808S1-2.pdf
    (~1.2MB - 71 pages)

    Session 3

    Creative and Flexible Talent Management
    - Judy Hobrough & staff from the International BIOSS group
      (no materials available)

    Session 4

     Breakthroughs in Strategy
    - Julian Fairfield & Kenneth Craddock
  • Part A: Levels of work concepts applied to competitive analysis and strategy formulation
  • Part B: The Worlds of the Consumer: The Double Games of Requisite Strategy
  • A. 
    Levels Theory Provides Unique Insight Into Strategy and Why “Levels Shifting” Change Management Is So Demanding
    - Julian Fairfield
    Click Here to download...  Fairfield_LevelsTheory_050808S2.pdf
    (~710kB - 24 pages)
    The Deadly Diseases Blocking Requisite Organization
    - Kenneth Craddock
    Click Here to download...  Craddock_DeadlyDiseases_050808S3-1.pdf
    (~525kB - 7 pages)

    Session 5

     Unveiling CIP's Influence upon Job Performance, Satisfaction, & Career Progression
    Assessment Exercise
    - Glenn Mehltretter & Michelle Malay Carter
    Click Here to download...  Mehltretter_Carter_AssessmentEx_050808S4-1.pdf
    (~470kB - 5 pages)
    Getting Leverage on Job Performance, Satisfaction and Career Progression (CIP)
    - Michelle Malay Carter & Glenn Mehltretter
    Click Here to download...  Carter_Mehltretter_CIP_050808S4-2.pdf
    (~575kB - 9 pages)
    Evaluation Process Comparison
    - Michelle Malay Carter & Glenn Mehltretter
    Click Here to download...  Carter_Mehltretter_EvalProcComp_050808S4-3.pdf
    (~790kB - 16 pages)
    Hiring Exercise
    - Michelle Malay Carter & Glenn Mehltretter
    Click Here to download...  Carter_Mehltretter_HiringEx_050808S4-4.pdf
    (~560kB - 10 pages)

    Evening Session

     Welcome and Purpose
    Who We Are: Summary of survey results by ABC's
    Academic, Business and Consultants Questions

    - Ken Shepard, GO Society President
    Click Here to download...  ABCQuestions_050810P2.pdf
    (~455kB - 5 pages)

      Conference Day 2 (Executive Day) - Aug. 09 2005


    Welcome & Overview of the Day

    "Does this stuff really work?"
    - Ken Shepard & Jerry Gray
      (no materials available)

    Session 1

     The DNA of governance-improving the level of board work and choosing & paying the CEO.
    5 Levels of CEO Work & 5 Levels of Board Governance: Solving the Corporate Governance Problem
    - Mark Van Clieaf & Larry Tapp
    Click Here to download...  VanClieaf_Tapp_5Levels_Governance_050809S1-2.pdf
    (~490kB - 20 pages)
    Paradigm Flaw in the Boardroom: Governance vs. Management
    - Edward Waitzer
    Click Here to download...  Waitzer_ParadigmFlaw_050809S1-1.pdf
    (~570kB - 14 pages)

    Session 2

    Built to Last - well-designed organizational structures and people development systems endure over 25 years - Business needs and results
    - Sir Roderick Carnegie (video), Leigh Clifford, Mark Kaminski & Julian Fairfield
      (no materials available)

    Session 3

     Life and death decisions: Identifying and developing the general staff in the US Army - reflecting after 25 years: How well did we do?
    - Michael Kirby & Steve Clement
    - Steve Clement
    Click Here to download...  Clement_Leadership_050809S2.pdf
    (~900kB - 39 pages)

    Session 4

    Management tools so good, I've used them successfully in three different businesses
    - Robert Pearce, April Taggart, Anne Stephen & Ronald Capelle
      (no materials available)

    CEO Panel

    A special panel of CEOs - moderated by Larry Tapp - share their experiences in tailoring Requisite Organization principles as part of their personal leadership style, senior team alignment, and structure and management systems of their organizations.

    Share the insights provided by this cross-section of corporate leadership. Watch the CEO Panel online in the following GO Society five-part video webcast...
    Private sector CEOs on their experiences in implementing RO in their organizations (Part 1 of 5)
    - Joseph Privott
    Click Here for the GO video webcast...  Joe Privott talks about organizational re-design at Novus International.
    Private sector CEOs on their experiences in implementing RO in their organizations (Part 2 of 5)
    - Mark Cutifani
    Click Here for the GO video webcast...  Mark Cutifani shares the Inco perspective of a very successful RO implementation.
    Private sector CEOs on their experiences in implementing RO in their organizations (Part 3 of 5)
    - Ruth Hubbard
    Click Here for the GO video webcast...  Ruth Hubbard provides her experiences of organizational re-designs.
    Private sector CEOs on their experiences in implementing RO in their organizations (Part 4 of 5)
    - Jos Wintermans
    Click Here for the GO video webcast...  Jos Wintermans talks about the org re-design at Canadian Tire Acceptance Ltd.
    Private sector CEOs on their experiences in implementing RO in their organizations (Part 5 of 5)
    - Sean Jackson
    Click Here for the GO video webcast...  Sean Jackson brings his Meridian Credit Union organizational re-design experience to the table.

      Conference Day 3 - August 10 2005


    Morning Plenary

     Building an RO-based organization design function in a large organization with minimal resistance
    - Anne Stephen & Herb Koplowitz
    Levels of Requisite Organization (Summary Table)
    - Herb Koplowitz
    Click Here to download...  Koplowitz_LevelsofRO_050810P1.pdf
    (~510kB - 3 pages)

    Concurrent Session 1

     Cutting edge business unit design: Strategy drives structure and vertical alignment – design and process issues
    - Julian Fairfield, Steve Clement, Maurice Dutrisac & Charlotte Bygrave
    Inglis Case - Designing a Business Unit for Growth and Productivity in a Flat Market
    - Steve Clement & Maurice Dutrisac
    Click Here to download...  Clement_Dutrisac_InglisCase_050810S5-1.pdf
    (~850kB - 37 pages)
    Roche Canada - Managing Increasing Complexity in the Pharmaceutical Industry
    - Charlotte Bygrave
    Click Here to download...  Bygrave_RocheCanada_050810S1.pdf
    (~460kB - 27 pages)

    Concurrent Session 2

     Understanding and implementing accountabilities and authorities
    - Gerry Kraines, Beverly Nyberg, Sergey Ivanov & Paul Tremlett
    Evolution in Our Understanding of Accountability
    - Gerry Kraines
    Click Here to download...  Kraines_EvolofAccountability_050810S2-1.pdf
    (~615kB - 13 pages)
    Manager-once-Removed-Led Equilibration Sessions
    - Gerry Kraines
    Click Here to download...  Kraines_MoR_Equilib_050810S2-2.pdf
    (~505kB - 6 pages)
    Employee Fit & Satisfaction Study
    -Beverly Nyberg
    Click Here to download...  Nyberg_EmployeeFit_050810S2-3.pdf
    (~535kB - 15 pages)
    Right-Fit Training Model
    - Beverly Nyberg
    Click Here to download...  Nyberg_Right-Fit_050810S2-4.pdf
    (~465kB - 3 pages)
    Investigating the Optimum Manager-Subordinate Relationship of a Discontinuity Theory of Managerial Organizations
    - Sergey Ivanov
    Click Here to download...  Ivanov_OptMgrSubRels_050810S2-5.pdf
    (~670kB - 43 pages)

    Concurrent Session 3

     Cutting edge business unit design: Strategy drives structure and vertical alignment – design and process issues
    - Donald Fowke, Judy Hobrough, Richard Sale & Lois Melbourne
    Web-enabled Career Path Assessment, the BIOSS Mapper for role complexity & accountability: 2 software packages
    - Judy Hobrough & Richard Sale
      (no materials available)
    Global Talent Management: an integrated system & software
    - Donald Fowke
    Click Here to download...  Fowke_TalentMngt_050810S3-2.pdf
    (~1.5MB - 18 pages)
    Click Here for the GO video webcast...  Don Fowke elaborates upon the value of "Global Talent Management: An Integrated System and Software".
    OrgPublisher: charting software
    - Lois Melbourne
      (no materials available)

    Concurrent Session 4

     Changing Managerial Behaviour: Approaches to effective managerial leadership practices, feed-back and training
    - John Bryan, Jack Fallow, Ken Wright, Paul Holmstrom, Joseph Privott & Herb Koplowitz
    The Whole Person at Work
    - John Bryan
    Click Here to download...  Bryan_WholePerson_050810S4-1.pdf
    (~500kB - 6 pages)
    Click Here for the GO video webcast...  The approach of using "The Whole Person at Work" in changing managerial behaviour is explored by John Bryan.
    Requisite Leadership Inventory - 360 degree feedback
    - Paul Holmstrom
    Click Here to download...  Holmstrom_360SurveyIntro_050810S4-2.pdf
    (~590kB - 6 pages)
    Feedback on your Management and Leadership: 360 Survey Sample Report
    - Paul Holmstrom
    Click Here to download...  Holmstrom_360SurveySample_050810S4-3.pdf
    (~1.5MB - 15 pages)
    A 360-Degree Feedback Instrument: (Survey Presentation)
    - Paul Holmstrom
    Click Here to download...  Holmstrom_360SurveySlides_050810S4-4.pdf
    (~625kB - 5 pages)
    Complementing Requisite Organization Implementation with 360 Feedback
    - Joseph Privott
    Click Here for the GO video webcast...  Joe Privott provides "Insights from Practice: Using 360 feedback to complement Requisite Organization implementation."
    Attractive Leadership
    - Jack Fallow
      (no materials available)
    360 feedback - as Requisitely as possible
    - Ken Wright
      (no materials available)

    Concurrent Session 5

     Capability Assessment Methods
    - Judy Hobrough, Glenn Mehltretter, Gerry Kraines & Catie Burke
    Career Path Assessment and MCPA
    - Judy Hobrough
    Click Here for the GO video webcast...  Judy Hobrough addresses alternative approaches to assessing capability for information processing - Career Path Assessment and MCPA. (Moderator: Catie Burke)
    Complexity of Information Processing (CIP)
    - Glenn Mehltretter
    Click Here for the GO video webcast...  Glenn Mehltretter presents an assessment approach - by observing Complexity of Information Processing (CIP) to judge Current Potential Capability (CPC). (Moderator: Catie Burke)
    MoR-Led Equilibration Sessions
    - Gerry Kraines
    Click Here for the GO video webcast...  Gerry Kraines discusses CIP assessment via his experience using Manager-once-Removed-led gearing/calibration sessions. (Moderator: Catie Burke)

    Concurrent Session 6

     Building Business User Awareness of these Organizational Design Concepts and Effective Marketing
    - Ulf Lindberg, Piet Calitz, David Dadswell, Barry Deane, Paul Tremlett, Nancy R. Lee & Marcos Luiz Bruno
      (no materials available)

    Concurrent Session 7

     Global Organization Design in Government, the Not-for-Profit & Social Sector organizations
    - Ruth Hubbard, Robert MacPhee, George Weber, Ken Shepard & Dwight Mihalicz
    Requisite Organization - Other Sectors: Why is it difficult?
    - Ruth Hubbard
    Click Here to download...  Hubbard_ROinOtherSectors_050810S7-1.pdf
    (~460kB - 13 pages)
    Click Here for the GO video webcast...  Ruth Hubbard discusses the opportunities and obstacles to effective use of RO concepts in the public service. (Moderator: Dwight Mihalicz)
    Radically Improved Client Service in the Canadian Passport Office
    - Robert MacPhee
    Click Here to download...  MacPhee_CdnPassportOffice_050810S7-2.pdf
    (~625kB - 18 pages)
    Click Here for the GO video webcast...  Former CEO of the Canadian Passport Office, Robert MacPhee, discusses how implementing GO Design dramatically improved service delivery to clients. (Moderator: Dwight Mihalicz)
    Creating an Organization Design to Deal with Global Complexity (International Red Cross/Red Crescent Societies)
    - George Weber
    Click Here to download...  Weber_OrgDesign-RedCrossCrescent_050810S7-3.pdf (~640kB - 18 pages)
    Click Here for the GO video webcast...  As Secretary General Emeritus of the International Federation of Red Cross & Red Crescent Societies, George Weber discusses his experience with complex organization design. (Moderator: Dwight Mihalicz)
    Supporting Managers in Public Institutions to Implement RO Systems
    - Ken Shepard
    Click Here for the GO video webcast...  Ken Shepard shares his experience as a consultant to public agencies in Canada on the issues of supporting public-sector management with their RO implementations. (Moderator: Dwight Mihalicz)

    Concurrent Session 8

     "How well does this stuff really work?"
    A mix of executive experience and measurement/evaluation impact: Implications for our future research and teaching agenda.

    - Maurice Dutrisac, Ronald Capelle, Glenn Mehltretter, Jerry Gray & Ken Craddock
    Top-line business growth in a flat market – impressive quantified results. Dramatically successful application of RO at Inglis Canada
    - Maurice Dutrisac
      (no materials available)
    How well does this stuff really work? (Research on Benefits of RO Implementation)
    - Ronald Capelle
    Click Here for the GO video webcast...  Ron Capelle shares how we can move forward with our future RO research and teaching agendas.

    Plenary Open Space

     Market Place of Ideas
    - Paul Tremlett
  • to market and sell RO/GO internally and externally
  • Theoretical issues and building our future research agenda
  • How to overcome barriers and implementation issues
  • CEO project sponsorship and continuity given short CEO tenures
  • Building general awareness of key RO/GO principles (Public education, influencing the media and marketing issues)
  • GO Society building issues (Reflecting on ABC relationships and synergies, shared principles, ethics and behavioural norms, client confidentiality, etc)
  • Training the next generation of RO/GO practitioners.
  • Influencing future managers through increasing the teaching of RO in management courses at all levels.

      (no materials available)

    Evening Plenary

    i. All The World Is Requisite: The Human Experience of Levels Work & People in Literature and Drama
    All The World of Shakespeare Is Requisite
    - Kenneth Craddock
    Click Here to download...  Craddock_AllWorldShakespeareIsReq_050810P2-2.pdf (~615kB - 37 pages)
    All The World of Movies Is Requisite
    - Kenneth Craddock
    Click Here to download...  Craddock_AllWorldMoviesIsReq_050810P2-3.pdf
    (~585kB - 23 pages)

      Conference Day 4 - August 11 2005


    Concurrent Session 1

     Global Organization Design for the Entrepreneur
    - Donald Fowke, Herb Koplowitz & Nancy Lee
    GO for the Entrepreneur
    - Don Fowke
    Click Here to download...  Fowke_GOEntrepreneur_050810S3-1.pdf
    (~640kB - 10 pages)
    Thinking About Organization Strategically
    - Don Fowke
    Click Here to download...  Fowke_Think_Strategically_050810S3-3.pdf
    (~655kB - 10 pages)
    When it's Time for the Entrepreneurial Organization to Grow up: Fits and Compromises with RO Templates
    - Herb Koplowitz
    Click Here to download...  Koplowitz_EntreprGrowUp_050811S1.pdf
    (~615kB - 4 pages)
    Sustainable Growth for the Small Business: A Theory of Organizational Transition
    - Emeric Solymossy & Atilio Penna  -  (Spanish/Espagñol)
    Click Here to download...  Penna_Solymossy_SustainableGrowth_050811S1-4.pdf
    (~265kB - 19 pages)
    Click Here for the GO video webcast...  Dr. Atilio Penna introduces "Theoretical Insights Provided by RO Concepts in Understanding Entrepreneurial Work" (Part 1 of 4)
    Click Here for the GO video webcast...  Here, Atilio discusses "Requisite Organization and the Nature of Entrepreneurial Work" (Part 2 of 4)
    Click Here for the GO video webcast...  Testimonials are provided on "The Impact of Implementing RO Concepts in Small Entrepreneurial Organizations" (Part 3 of 4)
    Click Here for the GO video webcast...  Atilio Penna explores the "Consultant Role in the Small Entrepreneurial Organization" (Part 4 of 4)
    Consulting with Entrepreneurs
    - Nancy Lee
      (no materials available)

    Concurrent Session 2

     How Global Organization Design concepts and principles can improve the effectiveness of many other traditional management initiatives
    - Ken Shepard, Julian Fairfield, Ken Craddock & Paul Tremlett
    How RO/GO can improve the effectiveness of:
  • Strategic planning processes
  • Quality and Six Sigma interventions
  • Re-engineering interventions especially those efforts to improve all relationships with the customer
  • Socio-technical-systems design
  • MBO programs
  • Management Development and Training programs
  • Executive development and Training interventions especially those behavioural efforts to improve Emotional Intelligence and interpersonal skills
  • Executive coaching programs. Career development
  • Organization Development Action Learning interventions including Appreciative Inquiry, Open Space etc.

      (no materials available)

    Concurrent Session 3

     Implementing Requisite Principles in the Not-for-Profit Sector
    - Judith McMorland & Dwight Mihalicz
    Capacity, Capability and Challenge: disseminating and applying RO concepts in New Zealand
    - Judith McMorland
      (no materials available)

    Concurrent Session 4

     Great Collaborations in the Development of our Field:
    Brown/Jaques, Carnegie/Jaques, Clement/Jaques, Billis/Rowbottom & many others

    - Alistair Mant
    Elliott Jaques and Wilfred Brown: An appreciation of a remarkable partnership
    - Alistair Mant
    Click Here to download...  Mant_Jaques-Brown-Apprec_050811S4.pdf
    (~515kB - 11 pages)
    Reflections on the History of RO development (6 Parts)
    Click Here for the GO video webcast...  Alistair Mant talks about "The Cultural Roots of the Requisite Organization Concepts". (And about Bullshit in the management theories.) (Part 1 of 6)
    Click Here for the GO video webcast...  Alistair Mant shares memories of colleague Wilfred Brown (Part 2 of 6)
    Click Here for the GO video webcast...  Alistair speaks as to the origination of the Tavistock Institute and its role in the Glacier Project. (Part 3 of 6)
    Click Here for the GO video webcast...  Alistair Mant on Elliott Jaques in the Glacier Project and the beginning of a great friendship. (Part 4 of 6)
    Click Here for the GO video webcast...  Alistair explores the issue of "Unions and Works Councils: Where do they fit in the RO theory?" (Part 5 of 6)
    Click Here for the GO video webcast...  Alistair shares the "Grand Finale of a Great Project" (Part 6 of 6)

    Final Plenary

     Continuing reflections on the nature of human capability, evolution, and the development of societies using Levels insights
    - Julian Fairfield
    A Group Of Integrated Frameworks to Direct Dialogue Around the Complex Leadership, Political, Social and Economic Issues Facing Eritrea
    - Julian Fairfield
    Click Here to download...  Fairfield_EritreanIssues_050811P1.pdf
    (~550kB - 31 pages)
    Understanding Human Evolution: A Useful Precondition for Personal Growth, Happiness and Avoiding Extinction
    - Julian Fairfield
    Click Here to download...  Fairfield_HumanEvolution_050811P2.pdf
    (~1.2MB - 84 pages)
     Next steps in building the GO Society community of practice and diffusion of RO/GO concepts in society.
    - Ken Shepard
      (no materials available)

    Major organizations and consulting firms that provide Requisite Organization-based services

    A global association of academics, managers, and consultants that focuses on spreading RO implementation practices and encouraging their use
    Dr. Gerry Kraines, the firms principal, combines Harry Levinson's leadership frameworks with Elliott Jaques's Requisite Organization. He worked closely with Jaques over many years, has trained more managers in these methods than anyone else in the field, and has developed a comprehensive RO-based software for client firms.
    Ron Capelle is unique in his multiple professional certifications, his implementation of RO concepts through well designed organization development methods, and his research documenting the effectiveness of his firm's interventions
    Former RO-experienced CEO, Ron Harding, provides coaching to CEOs of start-ups and small and medium-size companies that are exploring their own use of RO concepts.  His role is limited, temporary and coordinated with the RO-based consultant working with the organization
    Founded by Gillian Stamp, one of Jaques's colleagues at Brunel, the firm modified Jaques;s work-levels, developed the Career Path Appreciation method, and has grown to several hundred certified assessors in aligned consulting firms world-wide recently expanding to include organization design
    Requisite Organization International Institute distributes Elliott Jaques's books, papers, and videos and provides RO-based training to client organizations