What you will learn
What’s special about this program?
Who Should Attend
The Learner’s experience
What you will learn:
- How to apply current and well-researched organization design concepts in a case study
- How senior executives have applied these concepts in a variety of organizations to implement their strategies or to address priority issues.
- A year’s access to the Society’s Learning Management System (LMS) and subscription-only learning resources.
- Guided reading and viewing
- E-learning modules on requisite organization concepts*
- On-line learning forum with Senior Fellows
- Three-day face-to-face learning environment:
- Two-day hands-on workshop focused on skilled use and application.
- One-day executive conference with general managers discussing their major projects - with frequent huddles in learning group with Senior Fellow tutors.
- Structured program to pair learners at the general management level with senior practitioners in five hours of Distance Tutoring (with the option to continue tutoring at GO Society rates)
- Distance or on-site project support by senior practitioners at negotiated rates (optional)
- Invitation to become a Society affiliated organization design practitioner upon successful completion of the program and recommendation by a distance tutor who has supervised your introduction of these concepts into your work or consulting practice.
* Note: E-learning modules were contributed to the Society's professional development program by Novus International.
What’s special about this clinic on organization design?
- This clinic includes a specifically designed case study with case features
- You will be in smaller groups allowing for a more highly engaged environment
- People are expected to come to this track having already done the e-learning
Who should attend
- Specifically people who are interested in learning more about applying organization design principles
- If you are interested in strictly management processes (click here)
The learner’s experience
Preparation for Clinic #1: Organization Design
- Complete the e-learning modules
Clinic #1: Organization Design
Purpose: To deepen your understanding of foundational organization design concepts and their application, to build personal relationships with Senior Fellows and others in the learning community, and to participate in a senior executive discussion of applying requisite concepts to address priority issues in major organizations.
The workshop design assumes that you have completed the Novus e-learning modules and submitted your notes before you arrive and begins with practice in application. Those who arrive without the required preparation will be assigned to a separate track to cover the basic concepts before rejoining the workshop and Symposium.
Thursday, July 31st
6:30 pm Reception, dinner and gathering in. The less experienced meeting the more experienced.
- Your learning goals, forming learning groups, learning additional features in the GO Society Learning Management System.
Friday, August 1st
- Clarification of concepts from the e-learning modules
- Current (extant) organization analysis (in the context of the case study)
- Assessing grouping of work
- Assessing cross-boundary issues
Saturday, August 2nd
Developing requisite design propositions
- Fit to role application and practice—assessing information processing capability
- Talent Pool Management
- Putting it on the ground—implementation and barrier management
- Back-home planning - Orientation to on-line learning resources including being matched with a distance tutor
Post-Conference - Continuing your learning
Purpose: To support your continued learning in your areas of interest supported on-line by the Society’s Senior Fellows and others in the learning community and the Society’s extensive resource library.
- Participants at the general management level will complete five hours of teleconference “distance tutoring” with Senior Fellow practitioners.
- Complete additional hours of distance tutoring as desired at Society rates.
- Continue reading, reading, and discussing-on-line Society web site materials related to your learning goals.
- Engage a Society shadow consultant on a project that will apply Global Organization Design concepts in your organization or client organization. (if appropriate to your needs)
- Upon successful program completion and recommendation of your distance tutor, consider accepting an invitation to sign a Society Participation Agreement to become an affiliated practitioner -- an Associate of the Society.
Professional development program staff
Herb Koplowitz, Ph.D.Dr. Koplowitz in a founding member and Senior Fellow of the Global Organization Design Society and has played a lead role in designing and delivering the Society’s professional development programs in accountability and levels-based organization design. |
Nancy LeeNancy Lee is president of Requisite Organization Associates, Inc, and Lee Cornell Associates, firms specializing in helping organizations understand and utilize effective structure, staffing and managerial practices. She has extensive experience as a corporate manager and as a consultant to senior management in the areas of organization design, human resource development, succession management, management education, marketing and information technology. Ms. Lee managed a firm consulting in information technology for ten years and founded her own companies specializing in requisite organization consulting in 1993.Clients with whom Ms. Lee has worked include: Aer Lingus, Amdahl, Australian Health Systems International, the Royal Bank of Canada, Bechtel, Chase Manhattan Bank, Citibank, Digital Equipment Corporation, the First National of Nebraska, Inc., Harvard Pilgrim Health Care, HDM, Inc., Hoffmann-La Roche, IBM, IATA, the International Center for Information Technology, the IRS, Kellogg's, MCI, Massachusetts Medical Society, Metropolitan Life, Norsk Hydro, Novus International, Ontario Hydro, Scudder Stevens, Tandem, TWA and the U.S. Treasury. Doubleday and Ballantine Books have published Ms. Lee's book on management development, Targeting the Top. Her book entitled The Practice of Managerial Leadership was published in 2007 and is available from www.Xlibris.com. Nancy Lee has been a speaker at major conventions such as the American Bar Association, American Institute of Banking, and the American Management Association addressing issues of organization structure and management practice. She has taught management courses throughout the U.S., the U.K. and Australia and at Simmons College in Boston and the Pacific Coast Banking School at the University of Washington in Seattle. She has been a resource participant at the Aspen Institute and a trustee of Russell Sage College. |
Paul Tremlett, MSc. in organization behaviourPaul is a founding member and Senior Fellow of the Global Organization Design Society participating fully in all aspects of its programming. |
Ron Capelle, Ph.D., CMC, CPsych, CHRPRon is a founding member and Senior Fellow of the Global Organization Design Society participating fully in all aspects of its programming. Ron and his colleagues have developed the Optimizing Organization Design® approach. This approach is based on over 100 large scale projects and 24 research studies that they have conducted over the past 25 years. The research and client experience shows that this approach leads to better employee satisfaction, better customer satisfaction and better financial performance. Ron has written Optimizing Organization Design: A Proven Approach to Enhance Financial Performance, Customer Satisfaction and Employee Engagement (San Francisco, Jossey-Bass, 2013). This book includes a description of the approach; insightful comments from over 30 executives on their success in using this approach; 23 previously unpublished research studies; and four case studies. Ron has successfully completed many very complex projects, including improving the operations of an organization in over 60 countries. He has consulted with virtually all types of organizations in the private sector, non profit sector and the government sector. He has supported global clients with operations in North America, South America, Europe, Asia, and Africa. As well as consulting, Ron has completed extensive research into organization design and uses the data to offer clients a customized, proven approach to strategic organization design. This includes benchmarking databases with over 59,000 manager – direct report relationships and over 13,000 employee satisfaction questionnaire responses. With a Ph.D. from York University, Ron is also a Certified Management Consultant (CMC); a Certified Organization Development Consultant; a Registered Psychologist (CPsych); a Certified Human Resources Professional (CHRP); and has completed the academic requirements for the Directors Education Program (University of Toronto Rotman School of Management and ICD Corporate Governance College).