En homenaje a Harald Solaas
Harald SolaasSenior Fellow de la Global Organization Design Society
Especialista del campo profesional relacionado con el diseño y gerenciamiento de la organización requerida
La contribución de Harald Solaas a la Global Organization
El Board de la Global Organization Design Society reconoce la contribución de Harald Solaas
Harald Solaas contribuyó en forma significativa, a incrementar el nivel de conciencia, conocimiento experto y aplicación de los conceptos de Organización Requerida en Argentina y países de habla hispana e incluso alrededor del mundo, trabajando en colaboración con la Global Organization Design Society del año 2003 al 2012
Todos nosotros nos hemos fortalecido como consecuencia del pensamiento profundo de Harald, su voluntad de mantener diálogos serios, sus escritos, sus presentaciones, su docencia, sus traducciones y su persistente esfuerzo por crear una comunidad de practicantes de la Oganización Requerida.
Apreciamos de manera profunda los servicios prestados por Harald al Board y su personal entrega para que la Conferencia Internacional del 2009 pudiera ser efectivamente realizada en Buenos Aires.
La Sociedad ha desarrollado una página especial en su site de internet en homenaje ala contribución de Harald de manera de facilitar el acceso a la misma.
Board of Global Organization Society
Don Fowke, Chairman; George Weber, Secretary and Treasurer, Ken Shepard, President,
Michelle Malay Carter, Sheila Deane, Azucena Gorbarán, Jan Ake Karlsson, and Cynsie Kraines
El agradecimiento personal del Presidente de la Global Organization Society
Si bien tengo un fuerte reconocimiento a la amplia experiencia de Harald, su rigor intelectual, y su foco tan fuerte y preciso en la Organización Requerida, lo que más profundamente he apreciado en Harald es su amistad, su acompañamiento en jornadas sin descanso dedicadas a la Global Design Society y a nuestro campo profesional. Hacía todo esto con tanta elegancia y generosidad que yo me consideraría bendecido si hubiera tenido éxito en emular una sola de sus virtudes
Nos hicimos amigos en la clínica de E. Jaques en Toronto en 2008 en la que pasamos largos momentos juntos conversando mientras disfrutábamos del lago Ontario. Nuestra amistad se desarrolló a lp largo de las años en un sin número de largas conversaciones por Skype y extensiva correspondencia. Pero la amistad floreció cuando Harald lideró la organización de la Conferencia en Bs As como co-chair. El hizo lo imposible alli. Me esperó en el aeropuerto, recorrió conmigo las calles ayudándome a encontrar departamento, me presentó a practitioners de RO y otras asociaciones relacionadas y me mostró los restaurantes y las otras ricas actividades culturales de la ciudad.
Compartió el arduo trabajo de realizar las entrevistas en video, en la planificación de la conferencia y en la producción de todo lo que ayudó a hacerla realidad.
Compartimos incontables comidas, muchas de ellas cocinando juntos y muchas otras lindas veladas. Me prestó una bicicleta para nuestros recorridos por Buenos Aires los días domingos y me incluyó en sus encantadoras reuniones familiares. Lo mejor de todo fue compartir las visitas a clientes en ciudades lejanas, como invitado en sus clases y en el viaje celebratorio de una semana post conferencia en Uruguay.
Recuerdos de comidas, vino y conversaciones compartidas y de la amistad de Harald siguen acompañándome. Su espíritu continúa siendo una extraodinaria compañía y fuente de inspiración para continuar con este trabajo.
Kenneth O. Shepard, Ph.D. (Ken)
President of the Global Organization Design Society
The GO Society Recognizing Solaas Harald at the 2009 World Conference in Buenos Aires
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Harald Solaas endeavored to bring RO to the Spanish-speaking world
Harald wrote articles in English
The Cusp Gap: The Gap in Media Management as a limit to growth of SMEs
Why RO theory is so difficult to understand
measurement and three discoveries A
History of the Organization Required in Argentina
Blog written by Harald Solaas
Harald translated into Spanish books and articles by others
Article: Meditations on the elephant in the living room, and Who the hell is Elliott Jaques? by Jerry B. Harvey (Meditations on the elephant in the living room)
Article: The rigor of the Organization Required by Ken Shepard (The rigor of Requisite Organization)
Book: The Practice of Managerial Leadership by Nancy R. Lee ( The Practice of Managerial Leadership)
Harald championed bringing the GO Society's world conference to Buenos Aires and providing simultaneous translation for the conference
Click here for conference program
Harald helped design a webpage That Society Organizes all available RO-related materials in Spanish
Harald Solaas Getting to know: Video Interviews
Ordinary People doing Extraordinary Things in Spanish
Art vs. Science and the Essential Discourse in Spanish
Harald Presented at Society world conferences
Implications for Society of RO Concepts
2009 - Buenos Aires Conference
With His client from Justice Department - to be found
Harald Taught at Universities
Organizations Beyond and Back
2007 - University of Belgrano
Harald Taught public workshops on requisite organization and many times on assessment
Teaching More Effectively Requisite Organization
2009 - Presentation at a conference Requisite Organization For Those teaching in Argentina at the Technological Institute of Buenos Aires
Also Harald wrote articles in Inglés
Organizational Engineering and the CEO
Why Requisite Organization Theory is so Difficult to Understand?
Memories and appreciations of Harald Solaas by others
From Decio Fabio de Oliveira
"My first contact with Harald took place on the occasion of a seminar on the theory of organization required ITBA, in the year 2007 with the presence of Ricardo Gutiérrez, Atilio Peña, Raúl Timmerman, and other important names related to the work Elliott Jaques in Argentina. I participated in the first meeting with enthusiasm and asked a lot during all activities, to the point of annoying some here, but Harald was very caring and willing to inform, referrals, support and helpful suggestions on an clear who will share knowledge in an open, honest and generous way in those days we combine our next meeting in Toronto on the GO conference -. 2007. From our exchanges in these two events, the idea that he came to give in Brazil, a ongoing assessment of potential capacity, in Minas Gerais, which in fact did the following year. The course was a success, we had two modules and 30 very active participants. The bond of friendship was strengthened and began a continuing collaboration via email and Skype in the years that followed. I have translated the book Harald wrote but did not publish, for Portuguese and unfortunately we did not publish. Along with him, I participated in the Congress of the Global Society Organization in Buenos Aires in 2009, at which time he had a number of conversations with instructive on measuring time-span, the philosophy of Jacques, his person and implementations they did in Argentina. We had a plan to write a joint paper on the theory of Jacques under the inspiration of the book "The Goal" by E. Goldratt, that we never completed because we had the right inspiration.
I have with me still vivid memories of our dinners, discussions about ethics, philosophy, management, children, good wines and the simple joys. Several e-mail discussions with Harald and Herb Koplowitz showed me aspects and details of the theory behind the results of Elliott Jaques that I could not possibly understand otherwise. During the following years I was in Buenos Aires several times and our encounters with Alejandra, his son ("harito") and my wife Wilma were a living part of those good memories and joys that continue throughout life. It is also surprising that I was in Buenos Aires on the day of his death. I could hug his family that day and goodbye pain and keep your warmth in my heart. I hold in my heart forever memories Solaas Harald, the seriousness of his scientific approach and the constant quest for precision on the essential concepts, his kind eyes and a deep faith in human nature, appreciation for equity and justice management systems, logic always unbeatable. One person who definitely enorgulleceré I have always known and for which I will always be grateful, because it would have been possible to dive deeply into the work of E. Jaques safely and without clear guidance that the presence of Solaas provided me over the years. His premature departure of life has left us orphans of his courage and clarity. A big, warm hug from your Brazilian friend.
Decio Fábio de Oliveira Jr.
IBHBC & Refinne Treinamentos
Invitation to Contribute to this page
• Photos and Videos of Harald in various professional settings
• A detailed CV with a complete list of His professional activities and writings
• Reflections About Your Personal and professional relationship With Harald and your view of His contribution to colleagues, to the Society, and to the field
Please send materials to [email protected] at your earliest convenience.
We will do our best to complete this page prior to the event planned to celebrate His Life October 29th.
We expect this page will be That translated into Spanish.