Designing and Managing Organizations for
Competitiveness, Sustainability & Well-being
ITBA - Instituto Technologico de Buenos Aires
Wednesday, August 26th
Room 122?
8:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
Co-sponsored by ITBA & Novus International, and
Endorsed by FIDAGH, ADRHA, & ADCA
Who's InvitedIssues CEOs and Top Teams Use Integrated Organization Design to Address
Argentine organizations that have used Requisite Organization.
Organizations around the world that have used Requisite Organization
Gifts to Attendees
Questions and Answers
Resources and Links to additional information
Event Sponsors
Who's Invited
You are invited if you are:
- A major owner, board member or top executive of one of Argentina's medium or larger organizations (either in the private, governmental or not-for-profit sectors).
- A general manager member of the senior management team in an organization with more than 400 employees.
Registration is without charge on a first come-first served basis until the limit of 45 is reached.
Please click here to register online.
To receive an exclusive, high-level briefing on:
- an integrated approach to designing and managing organizations based on requisite organization,
- international experience in its implementation,
- an unusual opportunity for owners and senior teams to learn the approach in depth at up-coming professional development and conference events
- the opportunity to use these methods to reposition during economic crisis for greater organizational effectiveness, and
- the opportunity to increase Argentine competitiveness.
- A small invited audience of owners, CEOs and general managers,
- Setting at ITBA - a local university committed to teaching requisite organization methods to all of its students - hosted by Jose Luis Roces
- Briefings by Argentine CEOs experienced in the methods, Global CEOs by video tape, and by the President of the Global Organization Design Society,
- the benefits of science-based organization design and management,
- the resources provided by the GO Society here in Argentina, and especially
- the public training and conference as high leverage learning opportunities for themselves and their top team
- You wll learn the principles, major concepts of the framework and processes for its implementation.
- You will hear Argentine and CEOs from around the world (on video) describe their experiences,
- You will be able to question and discuss the potential of this approach for your organization and for Argentina
8:30 Gathering in and coffee
9:00 Greetings by Azucena Gorbaran, Vice-President for Executive Outreach
9:05 Welcome by Host -- Vision and Challenge -- Jose Luis Roces, Vice Rector, ITBA
9:20 Video of CEOs in many countries describing their experience with a powerful science-based method of designing and managing organizations.
9:30 A global ecumenical movement toward an integrated approach to designing and managing organizations -- Ken Shepard, President, Global Organization Design Society. Overview of the approach.
9:45 CEO Panel Presentations, questions and discussion.
The Owner's View -- Arturo Acevedo, Former Owner and now Chairman and CEO, Acindar (confirmed)
A CEOs experience - Roberto Wagmaister, CEO of Grupo Assa (invited)
My experience using these tools as a CEO, Board Member, Turn-around leader, and President of a National Association on Governance - Carlos Leone, President of IAGO (confirmed)
10:50 Resources - Guide to free on-line resources, world-wide network of experienced practitioners (general managers, consultants, and academics), video and documents in Spanish, professional development workshops and conference in Spanish
11:00 Social Reflection and coffee
Issues That Owners, CEOs and Top Teams Use Integrated Organization Design Based on Requisite Organization to Address
- Determining the level of complexity required to compete in a given market and therefore the required stratum for the organization, its board, its leader and the key functions that it uses to compete.
- Procesos de sucesión / transición de empresas familiares a empresas profesionales
- Crecimiento acelerado. Regionalización. Globalización. Paso de estructuras locales a estructuras regionales y/o corporativas
- Cambios de estrategia / incremento de complejidad con impacto directo en estructura, roles y capacidad
- Procesos de convergencia en los negocios. Integración de estructuras
- Fusiones y adquisiciones
- Ineficiencias operativas / necesidad de asegurar las capacidades que demanda la estrategia de negocio
- Otras..
Argentine organizations that have used requisite organizatio
- AFIP – Admin. Federal de Ingresos Públicos
- Grupo Assa
- Aceros Acindar
Major organizations that have used requisite organization concepts
Global or Multi-national Corporations
- Unilever
- Tesco
- Rio Tinto – CRA en Australia
- GE – Desarrollo de la reserva de talentos
- AngloGold Shanti
- Royal Dutch Shell
- Novus International
- United Stationers
- Ford Motor Company
- Southern California Edison
- Whirlpool
- Tata Motors
- Imperial Oil (EXXON en Canadá)
- Algoma Steel
- Inglis – hoy Whirlpool
- Northern Telecom
- Ontario Hydro
- Canadian Tire and Canadian Tire Acceptance
- Roche Canada
- BMO Financial Group – Canadá
- CIBC - Canadá
- Tembec Inc. – productos forestales
Government Organizations
- National Health Service – Reino Unido
- Public Service Commission of Canada
- Health Canada – various parts including the Laboratory Centre for Disease Control
- Passport Canada
- US Army Research Institute
- US Army Medical Corp
Not-for-Profit Organizations
- Cruz Roja Internacional
- VON - Victorian Order of Nurses - Canada
- HRPAO - Human Resource Professionals Assocation of Ontario
Gifts to those attending -- two books:
Organization Design, Levels of Work and Human Capability: Executive Guide
by 40 authors from around the world, Ken Shepard, Jerry L. Gray, & James G. (Jerry) Hunt (Editors)
La Practica del Liderganzo Gerencial
by Nancy R. Lee
Questions and Answers
Q: What is Requisite Organization? A: See Frequently Asked Questins on the GO Website.
Q: What is the Global Organization Design Society? A: See "About Us" in the main memu of the web site.
Q: Other?
Resources and Links to Additional Information
Download - GO Society Buenos Aires Project Overview
Download - An Executive Guide to Requisite-based Organization Design: A dependable path to exceptional business results based on Requisite Organization principles and state-of-the-art organization development methods
By Maurice Dutrisac, Don Fowke, Herb Koplowitz, and Ken Shepard
Link to: Two-day professional development workshop - Introduction to Organization Design Based on Requisite Organization - mid-September
Link to: Pre-conference workshops on advanced topics - October 26th at the Hotel Panamericano
Link to: Executive Day - CEO experiences with Requisite Organization - October 27th at the Hotel Panamericano
Link to: BA Conference October 26-29, 2009
Event sponsors: FIDAGH, ADRHA, ADCA
Recently our sponsors have asked the GO Society to work with them:
- ITBA sponsored a clinic - How to Teach Requisite Organization More Effectively, for practitioners who teach RO in different settings at ITBA in June.
- Novus International asked the GO Society to do video interviews with the CEO and at each level down to front line and across functions to document the effect their 17 year use of requisite organization methods has had on their organization.
- ADRHA asked the society to make an invitation-only address to the senior HR managers of Argentina's major corporations attending the ADRHA conference in September
- FIDAGH invited the society to address the presidents of Latin American HR associations in September.
- ADCA has asked the society to assist in designing workshops in organizational design for its members.