The Practice of Managerial Leadership describes the comprehensive set of principles based on comprehensive scientific knowledge called "The required organization," developed by Dr. Elliot Jaques and his colleagues through the research work in consulting for over 55 years in 15 countries. Nancy Lee Dr. Jacques worked for more than 20 years. This book is aimed at managers at all levels, and refers to the managerial role, which is the point where most needed to have clear guide action to achieve the goals of the organization. The application of these ideas has the effect of increasing the productivity and profitability, strengthen confidence and provides employees with a healthy work environment that promotes personal development.
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Topics in the book:
Chapter 1:
Basic Concepts
1 Associations and the managerial hierarchy
2. The working relationship manager-subordinate
March. Time interval and organizational levels (strata)
4. Working level or timing of discretion
. 5 The required pattern of organizational structure
6. Complexity of roles and tasks
Chapter 2:
The human capacity
- The nature of human capacity applied to work
- Negative Temperament
- The maturation of the complexity of data processing and maturation Development
- Fairness in the employment relationship
- Complexity of information processing and organizational strata
- Orders of complexity of the information processing
- Research on the complexity of the information processing
Chapter 3:
Working relationships
- Relations role in the allocation of tasks between manager and subordinate
- Teams and teamwork
- Cross-functional working relationships
Chapter 4:
The structure of the organization and functional alignment
- The functions in the organization
- Corporations stratum VII
- Business units and roles of stratum V
- GMs stratum IV
- Units of mutual recognition (MRU) in stratum III
- Turns frontline
Chapter 5:
The management practices
- Organizational leadership practices
- Managerial Leadership Practices for all managers
- Coaching
- Evaluation of effectiveness
- Merits review
- Selection
- Induction
- Reversal and dismissal for cause
- Management meetings
- Continuous Improvement
- Continuous improvement at all levels
Chapter 6:
The story of Novus
- History of Monsanto and novus
- Fresh start using principles and practices required
- The question of temperament
- Analysis of cross-functional working relationships
- The development of practices required for novus
- Educate employees on the Novus Management System
- Other required practices
- Level of work and organization structure
- Salaries
- The development of talent pool
- Integration of Management System of the company Novus
- Reflections on the Novus project
- Novus in the XXI century
Chapter 7:
The case Roche Canada
- Background
- Roche Canada is preparing for the XXI century
- Definition of organization required to comply with the strategy of Roche
- Improved cross-functional working relationships
- Establishment of high performance teams to develop and launch products
- Evaluation of the talent and communication of results
- Training for managerial leadership
- Rewards and recognition required
- The Requisite Organization principles and strategic planning Roche
- What we learned at Roche Canada
- Synthesis