Upcoming Events


Building Trust Inducing 

Agile Organizations

for ToMoRrOw

Saturday evening, July 22nd through Tuesday, July 25th, 2017
BMO Financial Group Institute for Learning
Toronto, Canada

A 3-day conference that assumes basic knowledge of requisite organization concepts.
Those new to RO are strongly encouraged to complete 
the online Introduction to RO-based
organization design provided without charge to those who register for the conference.  
There will also be several web based exercises and webinars to support preparation for the conference



Saturday, July 22 — 6:30pm to 9:30pm

Conference Opening
The Essence of RO—past, present and future

Your conference will begin with a welcome reception and sit down dinner. Find old friends and make new ones; let the networking begin.

Following dinner we will settle into the essence of RO as presenters share three key elements of the heart, soul and intent of this body of work—trust and fairness, realizing human potential and societal impact.

Following each presenter, a short video of Dr. Jaques will be shown speaking to each element. This is intended to be an opportunity to see, hear and experience this remarkable thinker and researcher, especially for those of you who did not have the chance to meet this man.

To cap the evening, we will share a special cake celebrating what would have been Elliott’s 100th birthday.


Sunday, July 23

9:00am to Noon
A Significant RO Company Application to learn from and help clarify needs and focus for the conference

The morning will kick off with a Key Note presentation by a Senior Executive who has applied RO in significant ways and, in concert with other approaches and tools, achieved major change, improved effectiveness and performance, built a trust-enhanced system and created a positive social contribution. There will be an opportunity to engage in a Q&A dialogue with the presenter.

Table talks will follow. These will provide the opportunity to tackle organization design questions related to the Key Note presentation and to explore needs, hopes, interests and questions related to the conference agenda items. Output will be shared with the larger group, commonalities found and with input from all a chance to add more depth to the coming sessions through a panel that will respond to your questions and issues.

This panel will be comprised of our Key Note speaker, presenters and session leaders involved in the remainder of the conference. We believe that this exchange and engagement from all will strengthen and deepen the elements to be covered starting after lunch.

1:00pm to 5:00pm
Requisite meets performance improvement

RO does not stand alone as a model that can release full enterprise value and individual potential. For this section of the conference we have picked four approaches to explore that can operate in alignment with RO principles: Process Re-engineering/Kaizan, Theory of Constraints, Six Sigma/Lean and Agile.

The afternoon will be broken into two tracks each one exploring 2 of the 4 approaches. A subject matter expert in the approach who, via a brief overview presentation, will ensure sufficient understanding of the basic premises, principles and tools will lead each track. These tracks will involve a facilitated dialogue around a number of key questions. Attention will be paid to input and expectations from the morning session. Each group will be asked to provide some documentation of key learning, insights and recommendations to be presented back to the larger group to wrap up day one.


We are still in the planning stages around evening activities. Possibilities are panel discussions on a subject of interest to you, a short intro to RO for those who are not practitioners, a hot topic on which one of you would like to lead a discussion. We hope you will share your thinking with us about what you might like to add now that the program is forming. And, of course, for those needing and wanting space—free time to do as you please.


Monday, July 24

9:00am to Noon
Vertical meets lateral

During our research around conference topics, the question of managing lateral relationships and project teams came up often. This is driven in part by the realities of matrix organizations as well as the fact that many of the new theories of organization design focus on lateral versus vertical relationships. There is a way to think about the integration of both. It’s not either/or.

This morning session will attend to how RO helps organizations understand and manage vertical and lateral accountability. It will be “TARRs and TIRRs (the RO acronyms for vertical and lateral relationships) on steroids!” Senior practitioners will share and discuss approaches they have been using to align the two and dealing with the integration of structure and processes. The session will demonstrate how the application of software tools can create more clarity about accountability in workflows as well as making things simpler and easier to manage. This will be a plenary session that will provide opportunities for engagement with presenters, demonstrations of software applications and plenty of dialogue and sharing amongst participants.

1:00pm to 5:00pm
The application of RO principles in work organizations that are not accountability hierarchies

Many of those involved with the Society over the years, be they managers or consultants, work in and with organizations that are not pure accountability hierarchies—large professional partnerships, professional associations, healthcare and academia to name a few. Also included here are networked organizations such as outsourced relationships, contractors versus employees and internet-based subcontracting. This session, will explore the dilemmas involved and how to deal with them utilizing the experiences of conference participants.

Exploring new organization design paradigms in contrast to RO

Building on the morning session, the afternoon will explore two major new organization design paradigms that have emerged in the past few years—Holocracy and Teal. The intent will be to develop a working understanding of each, determine how they do and don’t align with RO principles and where they can be mutually supportive in helping organizations be more effective and create higher levels of trust and employee engagement.

In preparation for the conference, participants will be provided with material to review prior to the session. Subject matter experts in both of the paradigms will be present (in person or by video stream) so that we can share meaningful dialogue and exploration.


Free time.  Option to participate in a fun, off campus, experience. We are exploring some neat ideas for this.


Tuesday, July 25

9:00am to Noon
The human side of RO

An RO conference would not be complete without attention to the human factor, something on which the principles are grounded. Therefore, the morning will be filled with presentations and dialogue exploring:

  • Trust inducing relationships with a focus on creating transparency, consistency, healthy psychological contracts and the power of Three-Level Units
  • The reality that a meaningful accountability system cannot exist without an accurate, internally consistent effectiveness appraisal process.
  • Capability and potential—a review of some existing methods used to assess potential and the various applications of those assessments.

Conference close

We will close the conference with an appropriate summary and celebration of our time together.


Special meeting - GO Society directions

1:00pm to 3:00pm

The Society Board will host a session for any and all who wish to join in a conversation regarding the Society and its future.


Who should attend

  • Most attendees will be experienced practitioners, however

  • Those new to RO are encouraged to encouraged to take advantage of the E-learning and pre-conference webinars so that they are well prepared for the advanced discussions during the conference.

  • Consultants, both external and internal, those specializing in strategy,  organization design, and talent management but also those in other specialities that would benefit from deep understanding of a systems approach to organization design and management.

  • General managers

  • Senior HR managers

Registration is now closed



The GO Futures Team



Past events

Major organizations and consulting firms that provide Requisite Organization-based services

A global association of academics, managers, and consultants that focuses on spreading RO implementation practices and encouraging their use
Dr. Gerry Kraines, the firms principal, combines Harry Levinson's leadership frameworks with Elliott Jaques's Requisite Organization. He worked closely with Jaques over many years, has trained more managers in these methods than anyone else in the field, and has developed a comprehensive RO-based software for client firms.
Ron Capelle is unique in his multiple professional certifications, his implementation of RO concepts through well designed organization development methods, and his research documenting the effectiveness of his firm's interventions
Former RO-experienced CEO, Ron Harding, provides coaching to CEOs of start-ups and small and medium-size companies that are exploring their own use of RO concepts.  His role is limited, temporary and coordinated with the RO-based consultant working with the organization
Founded by Gillian Stamp, one of Jaques's colleagues at Brunel, the firm modified Jaques;s work-levels, developed the Career Path Appreciation method, and has grown to several hundred certified assessors in aligned consulting firms world-wide recently expanding to include organization design
Requisite Organization International Institute distributes Elliott Jaques's books, papers, and videos and provides RO-based training to client organizations