Collaboration and Cooperation Are Part of the Novus Culture
Speaker A My name is Alma Reese. I have been with Novus for one year. I am a one one, and I have come to novice from a previous job. The management system was different. We were accountable. I was eva...
Transcript of the presentation video
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Speaker A My name is Alma Reese. I have been with Novus for one year. I am a one one, and I have come to novice from a previous job. The management system was different. We were accountable. I was evaluated on that job on the basis of the performance of the people I was working with here. I'm evaluated on the completion of projects and so forth, as directed and given by in connection with my manager. And my manager doesn't decide, and I don't decide together we come to an agreement of what would be best for success on my level, for my position. I consider myself chief greeter and ambassador for novice. I think that when people come into novice, I am the first person they are going to see. And I think that my position affords me the opportunity to give people a feeling of what they can anticipate. Here at Novus, I often hear people say when they come in, wow, you have a lovely place to work. I think that that gives not only people who are coming into our building a comfortable feeling, but the workers as well. So I think the comfortable feeling that people get, be it a person coming in to interview for a job as ambassador, my actions, my words should say to them, relax, you're going to be accepted, it will be fine, you'll do a good job. And if the board of directors walk in, I'm saying to them, I am greeting you on the professional level that I should to give a good presentation for your company. If a company is going to be successful, its workers must be comfortable. And you must be comfortable enough to say, jane, I need help with something, or can you help me with this? And know that you are not going to be pushed aside. Know that you will receive help. I found that working at Novus people are extremely helpful, because if we work together, surely we're going to succeed. If we're pulling against each other, we are not going to succeed. I see that quite a bit. I see that quite a bit. People willing to help others. Even in my job, if for some reason I have to be away from my desk, I can call several people and without hesitation, sure, I'll cover for you. Give me a few minutes and I'll be there. That makes me feel good, makes me comfortable, and know that I can do what I have to do and I don't. And I'm not just stuck in my position.
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