Differences in the HR Practices of the Novus Management System
Speaker A My name is Maria Burt. I am a human resources manager. I've been with Novus for one year and a half. Before joining Novus, I worked for two large multinational organizations here in St. Loui...
Transcript of the presentation video
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Speaker A My name is Maria Burt. I am a human resources manager. I've been with Novus for one year and a half. Before joining Novus, I worked for two large multinational organizations here in St. Louis. They did have a mission core values, but they didn't have a Novus management system like Novos does. For me, I think the most important thing, when I joined Novus, Sabrina Hamilton asked, know, you're going to come to this strategic management meeting because we're going to cover the novice management system, and it's very important that you're going to be there. And I think the most important thing that really stroke me was how the long term strategy of the organization is linked to your key accountability document and how open that process is, that everybody gets involved in the process. So that really for me was new, was really new. So I really enjoyed it. I am a level three in Novus, and I report to Robin Bokoic, she's a four one, and then Serbina Hamilton is my manager once removed, and she's a level five. We actually have six levels in Novus. So Seth Simon is our CEO, and he actually is a level six. What I do, for example, and I think that's also very important, the knowledge management system is to match employee capability to the role complexity. Okay? So that the job complexity. And I think I help managers doing that a lot, not only with the management system, but also with the human synergistics level three as a form of looking at different personality traits and use as a tool to collaborate better among managers and subordinates, or managers and managers or managers want to remove. And sors so I think that's important. I support mostly a level force. So what we do, for example, when you look for a position to fill a role, we get together and we discuss this manager organization and what are the roles necessary in order to get the work done. And so that's the beginning of our discussion. So we don't talk about people, we just talk about roles. So what are the roles that are needed in order to achieve whatever work you need to get done in your organization? And so there's a discussion, and then the role is identified, and then we start, if it's approved, of course, by the department ahead, we move on, and of course by the CEO, we move on and start the search. Well, in Novos, what happens, which I think is different from other companies, is we talk about time span. And so we have role level ones, which is from zero to three months, role level twos, which is six months to a year, role level threes, which is my role, it's a time span of one to two years, and then role level four, three to five, and then moving on. So I think it's totally different from other organizations. So we talk about time span, and for example, in my case, a good example for a role level three would know. My manager telling me, maria, you need to develop a global benefit program to be implemented across the organization in two years. Okay? So that will be, for example, something that a role level three will be responsible, will have the authority and that accountability to achieve.
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