How the Compression of Time Affected the Work in the US Army
Speaker A We still operate we we operate in multimodal time horizons. Our investments for fixed technology, it we're out there many years. Our future combat systems investment that we're. Speaker B M...
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Speaker A We still operate we we operate in multimodal time horizons. Our investments for fixed technology, it we're out there many years. Our future combat systems investment that we're.
Speaker B Making now is out to 2025. 2030.
Speaker A Our understanding that the M One Tank and the Bradley are going to be.
Speaker B With us out to 2050, those kinds of things.
Speaker C We're still investing in those kind of.
Speaker B Technologies for the long haul.
Speaker A Because the technical challenge to get to where we want to go with military equipment is difficult and takes a lot of engineering.
Speaker B And a lot of technical breakthroughs to get to.
Speaker A So we do do that for the long term. We're also investing for the short term.
Speaker B On things like body armor, on.
Speaker A Solving the IED problem. So those are much faster.
Speaker B The time compression is really serious in.
Speaker C Terms of things like basing.
Speaker A We just finished a round of the base realignment enclosures and those decisions are out to 2015 and we're reestablishing our international global footprint and that's out there.
Speaker B To the 2015 time frame.
Speaker A In an operational sense, we're evolving every day in terms of investment sense and in terms of a global footprint. We have a much longer time horizon.
Speaker C And our thinking is out in the.
Speaker B 25 year time frame.
Speaker C The Women.
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