How the Compression of Time Affected the Work in the US Army

- We still operate we we operate in multimodal time horizons. Our future combat systems investment that we're. Making now is out to 2025. 2030. On things like body armor, on. Solving the IED problem. We have a much longer time horizon.

Speaker A We still operate we we operate in multimodal time horizons. Our investments for fixed technology, it we're out there many years. Our future combat systems investment that we're. Speaker B M...

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Speaker A We still operate we we operate in multimodal time horizons. Our investments for fixed technology, it we're out there many years. Our future combat systems investment that we're.

Speaker B Making now is out to 2025. 2030.

Speaker A Our understanding that the M One Tank and the Bradley are going to be.

Speaker B With us out to 2050, those kinds of things.

Speaker C We're still investing in those kind of.

Speaker B Technologies for the long haul.

Speaker A Because the technical challenge to get to where we want to go with military equipment is difficult and takes a lot of engineering.

Speaker B And a lot of technical breakthroughs to get to.

Speaker A So we do do that for the long term. We're also investing for the short term.

Speaker B On things like body armor, on.

Speaker A Solving the IED problem. So those are much faster.

Speaker B The time compression is really serious in.

Speaker C Terms of things like basing.

Speaker A We just finished a round of the base realignment enclosures and those decisions are out to 2015 and we're reestablishing our international global footprint and that's out there.

Speaker B To the 2015 time frame.

Speaker A In an operational sense, we're evolving every day in terms of investment sense and in terms of a global footprint. We have a much longer time horizon.

Speaker C And our thinking is out in the.

Speaker B 25 year time frame.

Speaker C The Women.

US Army

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