The Payoffs of Implementing Requisite Organization Systems
Speaker A Well, the real payoff in the back does happen, but it happens in a very in a roundabout way, and that when you have the proper person in place who has the smarts. Now they rapidly gaining th...
Transcript of the presentation video
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Speaker A Well, the real payoff in the back does happen, but it happens in a very in a roundabout way, and that when you have the proper person in place who has the smarts. Now they rapidly gaining the knowledge and skills, and you have them in charge, good things begin to happen. You find the inventory is being lowered, quality is getting better, the workplace is better organized. People know what they're doing. The workers concerns are being addressed because now everybody knows their proper role. They're getting their questions answered, and bam, if the productivity doesn't start to go up. And when that happens, the profits go up, and you're doing things faster, better, cheaper. And it just starts to happen because you have eliminated the friction that causes people to not care, to think, well, management doesn't know what they're doing. And I have evidence of that, because I've had, over the years, about four because we're a non union shop. I've had four union drives over my career. And I remember talking to one of my workers, why do you guys want a union? He said, well, we really don't. We just want to get your attention because things around here aren't as well managed as they could be. And how else do we get your attention? I thought I better take that as a lesson. And he said I said, well, why don't you tell me what these problems are? He said, look, you guys walk around here sometimes wearing a necktie. You're supposed to know these things without us telling you. I thought, well, that's interesting. Well, the fact is, if you had a good relationship, and they would tell you if you asked them right questions, but what they were suffering from was poor supervision, and that was the real issue. So what the Jake system does is forces you to take care of poor supervision and substitute good supervision, supervision that can teach and inspire and forces you to recognize because of the tools that the guy is you've already said bottom half, bottom third. Would you want to work on that person? No. Well, then make the decision. Decision has been made. Do something, then. Before you could hide these things and be hidden within an organization, and you could make excuses for, well, they need to be training. They need something else. But at some point, Jake lets you know that it's time to cut the cord.
Major organizations and consulting firms that provide Requisite Organization-based services