The Role of The Negative Temperament on Management Effectiveness
Speaker A Senior vice president hired. And what you face in companies is how do you take somebody that's left, right and and whatever but can be disruptive because of temper. And I had no framework to...
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Speaker A Senior vice president hired. And what you face in companies is how do you take somebody that's left, right and and whatever but can be disruptive because of temper. And I had no framework to say do I counsel him, do I work with him? Because I really like the guy that were friends and he was four and we could talk about the future. And I think at that point, Jake's I wish I'd known about Jake's because part of this Jake's theory that's very valuable is if you understand his definition of leadership and what it takes to be a leader then you look at all these leadership books for what they are, which is absolute horsemaneur. It's a waste of time they're reading. They ought to pile them up and set them at 451 degrees Fahrenheit and burn. The key is if you have the knowledge and skill and if you have value the role of being a boss and taking responsibility for those who work for you and their performance and if you have the requisite again. Knowledge and skill and mental capability. You can lead. I don't care if you're 4ft, two or 10ft tall or male, female, or you are then qualified to lead that area. You disqualify yourself from that role by having an average personality, which Elliot says there are a thousand of them, all of which are good in the mean, all of which are bad in the extreme. For instance, you can be honest to a fool, you can be dishonest to a fool. So there's a goldilocks medium that's agreed to everything in moderation and that's the case for personality traits. You don't want to have a raging temper, but then you don't want to have no temper. You need be able to get mad and upset but in a reasonable, controlled way that's effective because people have to know when you don't like something. So all of a sudden it becomes very clear as to what the requirements will be for people who are going to manage to be put in charge. And you read these leadership books I just have to shake my head because it's all so much horsepucky what managers do and what they shouldn't do. And you should be more like Jack Welch. Well, Jack Welch manages one way and it means, I mean, that's fine doesn't work for the next guy and it doesn't work and you're not going to get very far emulating. You have to go back to again of the Greeks, which is know yourself and therefore acquire the requisite knowledge and skill for your job and don't be a turkey.
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