Why We Are Using Requisite Organization in our CEO\'s Study Group - Part II
Speaker A When I first started in business, there was no clear cut management other than the courses that I took when I was in college that helped me understand about management. And over the years, t...
Transcript of the presentation video
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Speaker A When I first started in business, there was no clear cut management other than the courses that I took when I was in college that helped me understand about management. And over the years, through trial and error, through personal time spent trying to acquire knowledge about management, through reading, through talking to other managers, I felt I have acquired a good bit of knowledge. My initial reaction upon reading the book was that I am acquiring more knowledge that will be helpful in a significant way, not only to myself, but the people that I work with every day in the CEO peer group that I work with and will help them grow their organizations. And I kind of feel like it's something that I should have looked at or found a few years ago. My sense is that the way I would describe this system is a way that you can put the right people in the right places, doing the right jobs more quickly. If you can do that in any organization today, you're going to accelerate the process of running a successful organization. And if there's one thing that I can see that will be helpful with this, is that ability to take this organization, this concept and understand how to more effectively put the right people in the right places within the organization. What I found is that CEOs, at least the CEOs that I work with, want to find the way to most to accelerate the growth of their organization, to run their organization in a way that takes advantage of all the people correctly, that prioritizes what they need to do. And the book has been a study that has provoked a lot of interesting conversation to this point on a number of different levels. We've talked about initially the fact that there are different levels and people have capabilities. Basically, we're at what I consider to be the introductory stage to understanding what a requisite organization is and how you might adjust your organization to become more in line with that concept of running an organization in that fashion. And that's where we are at this point.