Requisite Organization: The CEO's perspective

- Making hierarchies better able to serve social and psychological as well as economic needs. It helps when you're needing to downsize because of some financial constraints and challenges. It has helped a lot now in terms of growing the organization.
- The words we use are people, are the business. Systems really drove the behavior of the organization. In the last 15 months since we've been implementing requisite principles and rebuilding our business processes, we have been the highest performing mining stock. You can make 5 to 7% per annum systematic improvement as a result of handling managerial effectiveness better.

Speaker A Uno Seace cargo the supra friend de la quente I lante recono seso. Speaker B Making hierarchies better able to serve social and psychological as well as economic needs. Speaker A You sami ...

NOTE: This transcript of the video was created by AI to enable Google's crawlers to search the video content. It may be expected to be only 96% accurate.

Speaker A Uno Seace cargo the supra friend de la quente I lante recono seso.

Speaker B Making hierarchies better able to serve social and psychological as well as economic needs.

Speaker A You sami context no muifasion no aviation effective amende no efficient.

Speaker C When you look at Elliot's functions in terms of let's look at work, let's look at the output of an organization, let's look at how does work get done inside that organization. You're looking at something that's withstood the.

Speaker B Test of time when it's first presented to you it's like this is the complete organizational structure management system.

Speaker C But the most important thing that Denning could ever say to anybody is.

Speaker B Buena Practicas and Los Directorios Mass Organization regerida jokerio caesune imbative you always are skeptical at the beginning. You know better. You're coming from Monsanto, you have already ingrained how to manage. And that was a change, that was a difficult part but it was an eye opener because it was a simple theory but very no nonsense. It was very practical in the approach and there's something very saint making about knowing what your stratum capability is about knowing the type of organization, the type of structure you need.

Speaker C Orlando and Doyle Accountability Coach and Mentoring los estratos el Timespan Mrs. La Requisite.

Speaker B It helps when you're needing to downsize because of some financial constraints and challenges. It has helped a lot now in terms of growing the organization and I think that's where it's really showing now its power.

Speaker D Bonovino Jackson Argentina isun analysis isun Diagnostic organizational ila primer todo Neuro Company you.

Speaker E Can, through looking at an organization really free people up to live out that productivity in terms of the good of the overall organization and indeed in terms their own satisfaction that they feel that they're aligned with the objectives of the organization.

Speaker C If I can capture it in its essence from the outset and the words we use are people, are the business.

Speaker F Systems really drove the behavior of the organization. So we were always really conscious of how important our systems were and not to divide, but to really bring together and to really make people feel felt that they've been treated fairly.

Speaker G Ela mezida quesang acertra Parentes la Taria sila persona MPSA connor sequenta persona quesutaria Nuela mathifisi quesutaria Nuela malre Murada sino quacosa setanclaras.

Speaker B We need no longer look on irrational and antisocial behavior as an inevitable result of the makeup of all of us.

Speaker C The general manager of that organization was having dinner one evening with the head of social services of the local community and the person said to him what have you done at the plant? Referrals from employees of the plant for domestic violence are down to virtually zero over the last six months.

Speaker F What's happened when that trust came it really allowed the genius of all those people at the site to really come out.

Speaker C It also gave me enormous relief because I felt now there was a clear solution to the mess that had been there.

Speaker A Obsione laferencia respect to almondis nocia signavantarias sex preservan de sales avria k ralcos nocilia navala Darial negotiate responsibly victor.

Speaker D LaCosa relational negotiate no Korea guandola persona.

Speaker G Porquitra masajak.

Speaker B LaCosa functional that's what organization is about.

Speaker C We were like doubling the business in the first two years was just unbelievable. The profitability, everything was going right.

Speaker G Parabola re numerous momento approximate persona travahando organic gracias alam Puerto Marte planta persona.

Speaker H And you can see that the productivity is flat until about 84 or five, when suddenly it starts to pick up when the principles are in and we're getting the managerial effectiveness. And you can see the steady increase. And that wasn't from more investment in the business. That was because everybody was starting to work together more effectively.

Speaker I Thinking about organization, thinking about some of these aspects that I first came into contact with 20 years ago, 20 plus years ago. I think they've NetNet have improved the performance of the business.

Speaker C Interestingly, in the last 15 months since we've been implementing requisite principles and rebuilding our business processes, we've been the highest performing mining stock in the global universe of the mining industry.

Speaker H And so we believe that that sort of improvement is possible in every business on a sustained basis, that you can make five to 7% per annum systematic improvement as a result of handling the managerial effectiveness better.

Speaker C El quincento la sempreza solos over Acacia chemo sobrega emosion post and largo plus.

Speaker G I get Traversia Roberto paradigma vehicles.

Speaker D Oyandi asian de.

Speaker A Natural Rekeria porna natural.

Major organizations and consulting firms that provide Requisite Organization-based services

A global association of academics, managers, and consultants that focuses on spreading RO implementation practices and encouraging their use
Dr. Gerry Kraines, the firms principal, combines Harry Levinson's leadership frameworks with Elliott Jaques's Requisite Organization. He worked closely with Jaques over many years, has trained more managers in these methods than anyone else in the field, and has developed a comprehensive RO-based software for client firms.
Ron Capelle is unique in his multiple professional certifications, his implementation of RO concepts through well designed organization development methods, and his research documenting the effectiveness of his firm's interventions
Former RO-experienced CEO, Ron Harding, provides coaching to CEOs of start-ups and small and medium-size companies that are exploring their own use of RO concepts.  His role is limited, temporary and coordinated with the RO-based consultant working with the organization
Founded by Gillian Stamp, one of Jaques's colleagues at Brunel, the firm modified Jaques;s work-levels, developed the Career Path Appreciation method, and has grown to several hundred certified assessors in aligned consulting firms world-wide recently expanding to include organization design
Requisite Organization International Institute distributes Elliott Jaques's books, papers, and videos and provides RO-based training to client organizations