Summary of Scientific Critiques of a General Theory of Managerial Hierarchy and its Implications

Theory's Application to the Organizations, Modern Society, and the Organization of Democracy

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This paper discusses scientific critiques of a general theory of managerial hierarchy and application and implications of the theory to modern organizations and the society in general.

The paper describes the scientific foundations behind the organization of the managerial entity, and explains why the managerial or similar-type of organization is the major unit of the modern society, and explains the design of the organizational structure.

The paper also discusses scientific critiques and tests of the theory by organizational theoreticians, such as John Isaac and other thinkers. The author doubts the premise that various types of work require different approaches; the author rather explores the fundamental basis behind the concept of work, and applies the General Systems Theory to study organizations. Organizations, as the major unit of work in the modern civilization, are the pillars of today’s economy, but they are designed (often enough) against the very principles they were created to accommodate, which create tensions in them, society, and possible violations of the human rights in the larger society.

The author, though, stops short of identifying the scientific principles for a democratic and humane society, and concludes that a new understanding of the organization of society is necessary to achieve a democratic and humane 21st century civilization and beyond.
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Organization Design
University of the District of Columbia

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