Ten year global restructuring of Royal Dutch Shell
Speaker A What is it that Shell rooted itself in to make this journey possible? To move from a wonderfully, well designed 1970s model to a 21st th century model? To position ultimately its reputation ...
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Speaker A What is it that Shell rooted itself in to make this journey possible? To move from a wonderfully, well designed 1970s model to a 21st th century model? To position ultimately its reputation and its employment brand for the longer term future in a world that has changed so dramatically, which so many people have written about? I would submit that there are two basic theories of the case which came into play which, because of the brilliance of people like Elliot Jocks and his requisite organization and the brilliance of Jay Galbraeath and Star theory, two comprehensive, coherent theories that work. Theories in which we could ground our thinking and ground our decision making in ways that could impact the entire world. Without such grounding, without the anchors to continuously refer back to, I don't think the journey could have either made the progress it's made or in some cases have been completed in the time frame in which certain things were completed. Those fundamental theories, starting with requisite organization in which a fundamental understanding of the cognitive complexity by requisite level of organization was essential to structuring a company. The size and magnitude of Shell according to, in essence, the seven defined cognitive levels that Jacques has done so well to describe. And so by focusing on that long term span of horizon which Jacques talks about, we can think about how we plan and grow our business in the future essential and critical to success around the world. How they fit into the organization relates directly to salary level and that's very important in terms of maintaining equity and sense of fairness and sense of justice around the world. So theory right down to practice requisite organization, cognitive complexity and time span of horizon yields paycheck. That's how simple it really becomes and ultimately how practical it plays out.