A special web page celebrating Harald's life and his many contributions to the field and to the Global Organization Design Society can be found at: http://globalro.org/index.php/go-library-2/in-memoriam/harald-solaas
Harald Solaas obtained his degree of Psicólogo Laboral (industrial psychologist) at the Universidad Nacional de La Plata in 1967. He performed as a company officer in several companies and in various capacities for many years after graduation. His most significant experience was in SHELL C.A.P.S.A., local Argentine company of the SHELL Group.
Harald is in private practice as an organizational and HR consultant since 1991. He has conducted a variety of organizational programs in a wide range of industries and in governmental administration. He adopted RO theory as the theoretical and technical foundation for all his work in 1995. Since then he has been devoted to professional practice and theoretical research on RO.
Between 1997 and 2000, Solaas participated in a large project in which Dr. Elliott Jaques acted as a consultant. In the course of this project and afterwards he kept an intense exchange of theoretical and technical material with Dr. Jaques.
Harald has taught in several universities in Argentina, and currently holds the Chair of Análisis y Diseño Organizacional at the Maestría en Psicología Empresaria y Organizacional at the Universidad de Belgrano.
He has written a book on the evaluation of individual potential and a large number of articles published in several magazines and journals.
Degrees and certifications
- Psicólogo Laboral - (Industrial Psychologist) - Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina 1967