Gillian Stamp
Bioss The Foundation
Research Fellow in BIOSS after an MA at Brunel University. PhD thesis was about Synodical Government in the Church of England. Developed Career Path Appreciation (CPA) to evaluate individual capacity to make decisions. CPA modified by Professor Owen Jacobs at National Defense University Washington DC to create MCPA.
Became director of BIOSS in 1985 following Elliott Jaques. Worked with John Isaac at Brunel to develop The Matrix of Working Relationships. Developed the Tripod of Work.
Initiated the international expansion of BIOSS into Southern Africa, Brazil, Australia and India. Consulted to numerous national and international companies, to national and local government departments and to not for profit organisations. Advisor to three successive Archbishops of Canterbury.
Research linked Elliott Jaques's concepts to work levels, information processing capability, levels of maths, flows, well-being, and work domains.
Published Well-Being at Work with Colin Stamp, 1993. Visiting professor, Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi. Member of Editorial Boards: Journal of Career Management; Indian Journal of Training and Development. Member of Council of St George's House Windsor 1995.
Became director of BIOSS in 1985 following Elliott Jaques. Worked with John Isaac at Brunel to develop The Matrix of Working Relationships. Developed the Tripod of Work.
Initiated the international expansion of BIOSS into Southern Africa, Brazil, Australia and India. Consulted to numerous national and international companies, to national and local government departments and to not for profit organisations. Advisor to three successive Archbishops of Canterbury.
Research linked Elliott Jaques's concepts to work levels, information processing capability, levels of maths, flows, well-being, and work domains.
Published Well-Being at Work with Colin Stamp, 1993. Visiting professor, Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi. Member of Editorial Boards: Journal of Career Management; Indian Journal of Training and Development. Member of Council of St George's House Windsor 1995.
Degrees and certifications
- D.Phil. - Buckingham University, UK
- Ph.D. - Sociology, Brunel University, UK 1981
- M.A. - Brunel University, UK
- B.A. - University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa
- Hon DPhil - 1991
- FRSA - 1992
Contact Info
Email: [email protected]