Mark Van Clieaf is Managing Director of MVC Associates International, a leading consultancy in integrating organization / accountability design, succession planning & talent management, and enterprise performance management linked to value for shareholders and society.
His research and consulting on Levels of CEO Work, Levels of CEO Capability & Levels of Corporate Governance and the link to shareholder and societal value are recognized worldwide.
Over an 18 year consulting career he has worked with clients on organization structure and job design, succession planning, executive search and enterprise performance management and Pay for Performance in North America, Europe,
Middle East, Far East and Africa.
He brings over 25 years experience of line management in sales & marketing, and consulting experience including a number of years with Price Waterhouse in their Business Strategy and Executive Search Consulting Practices.
He led North American Best Practice Research Benchmarking Studies on:
- Succession Planning and
- Performance Management
His research and thought leadership has been published in a number of publications including:
- The Ivey Business Journal
- American Journal of Management Development
- Corporate Governance Advisor
- The Corporate Board
- Directors and Boards
- CA Magazine
- Investor Relations Newsletter
- Human Resource Planning
- Business Horizons
He was special guest editor of a strategy issue of Human Resource Planning, the Journal of the Human Resource Planning Society.
His appointments include:
- Guest Lecturer and Researcher, Corporate Governance, Ivey School of Business;
- Commissioner for the National Association of Corporate Directors, Blue Ribbon Commission on CEO Succession Planning;
- Founding Member, Executive Selection Research Advisory Board, Center for Creative Leadership;
- Past President of the The Strategic Leadership Forum;
- He is a member of the National Association of Corporate Directors and the International Corporate Governance Network;
- Guest Lecturer in executive job analysis and executive assessment / selection for the Ph.d Industrial Psychology Program at the University of Guelph.
He is an avid sailor and boater, including with family members scuba diving with sharks in the Caribbean and Galapagos Islands, canoeing with alligators on the Hillsborough River in Tampa, and swimming with Manatees in the Florida Springs.
Degrees and certifications
- BA - Economics and Business - York University, Toronto, Canada
- Post Graduate Diploma - International Business - York University, Toronto, Canada