Julian Fairfield's contributions to the field:  Book, videos, articles, powerpoints


Julian Fairfield

Senior Fellow of the Global Organization Design Society
Former GO Society Board Member (2005 - 2007)
International Advisor (2005 - present)
Managing Director & Founder, Bach Consulting 
Author, Levels of Excellence: A Management Novel

Julian Fairfield’s first career experiences were in manufacturing where he ended up as plant manager. From there, he moved to work for McKinsey where he specialized in strategy and organization. As part of the organizational work, he led for two years the seminal reorganization of CRA (40,000 employees) that utilized and expanded on the “levels of work” concept. He now also owns and operates two import businesses and is writing a book on Human Behavioural Evolution.




Reflections on the Nature of Human Capability   Growth, Happiness and Avoiding Extinction   Strategy for design and process issues
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GO Conference 2005 Toronto






GO Conference 2005 Toronto

Understanding human evolution: A useful precondition for personal growth, happiness and avoiding extinction

August 11  2005



GO Conference 2005 Toronto

Strategy drives structure and vertical alignment - design and process issues

August 10  2005



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Random House Australia, 2002 - 196 pages



Levels of Excellence: A Management Novel

This is a business book written in the form of a novel. It makes accessible two leading theories in current business management: Levels Theory, developed by Elliott Jaques, and the Seven-S model developed by McKinsey's Bob Waterman (of IN SEARCH OF EXCELLENCE fame). Main character Jim takes a new, high-powered bank job in which his brief is to double financial growth. He begins a romance with another divisional head, Jane, whose management approach is the opposite to Jim's. As the story evolves, it offers a real-world example of how these two theories can be combined in practice to produce the most satisfactory outcomes for both the business and its employees.


Extracted from the book, Organization Design, Levels of Work & Human Capability: Executive Guide; Editors: Ken Shepard, Jerry L. Gray, James G. Hunt, and Sarah McArthur, 2007 - pp. 129 - 142. You may purchase a printed copy of the book at Amazon.com or download a free digital copy of the book here. 


Profit by Raising a Key Function to the Next Level : Tools to Build a Work Levels Shifting Strategy 

The importance of understanding complexity and how it relates to corporate strategy and growth is the focus of Julian Fairfield’s article, “Profit by Raising a Key Function to the Next Level: Tools to Build a Work Levels Shifting Strategy”. An experienced consultant with global experience in implementing requisite concepts, his position is that companies that dominate markets are those who operate at a higher level of complexity than their competitors. Similar to the approach taken in his popular book Levels of Excellence, Fairfield integrates other management theories—such as the McKinsey “7 S model”—with requisite concepts.






Chapters (Excerpt)?

Profit by Raising a Key Function to the Next Level : Tools to Build a Work Levels Shifting Strategy 

Extracted from Julian Fairfield's book, Organization Design, Levels of Work & Human Capability: Executive Guide; Editors: Ken Shepard, Jerry L. Gray, James G. Hunt, and Sarah McArthur, 2007 - pp. 129 - 142. You may purchase a printed copy of the book at Amazon.com or download a free digital copy of the book here.

The importance of understanding complexity and how it relates to corporate strategy and growth is the focus of Julian Fairfield’s article, “Profit by Raising a Key Function to the Next Level: Tools to Build a Work Levels Shifting Strategy”. An experienced consultant with global experience in implementing requisite concepts, his position is that companies that dominate markets are those who operate at a higher level of complexity than their competitors. Similar to the approach taken in his popular book Levels of Excellence, Fairfield integrates other management theories—such as the McKinsey “7 S model”—with requisite concepts.

Papers and articles

A Group Of Integrated Frameworks to Direct Dialogue Around the Complex Leadership, Political, Social and Economic Issues Facing Eritrea 

A White Paper on development of East Timor

Understanding Human Evolution: A Useful Precondition for Personal Growth, Happiness and Avoiding Extinction 


Audio Interview:

Julian's thoughts on up-shifting the levels of work complexity, July, 2014



Other Publications

Levels Theory Provides Unique Insight Into Strategy and Why “Levels Shifting” Change Management Is So Demanding 
Click here to download... 
(~710kB - 24 pages) 




Major organizations and consulting firms that provide Requisite Organization-based services

A global association of academics, managers, and consultants that focuses on spreading RO implementation practices and encouraging their use
Dr. Gerry Kraines, the firms principal, combines Harry Levinson's leadership frameworks with Elliott Jaques's Requisite Organization. He worked closely with Jaques over many years, has trained more managers in these methods than anyone else in the field, and has developed a comprehensive RO-based software for client firms.
Ron Capelle is unique in his multiple professional certifications, his implementation of RO concepts through well designed organization development methods, and his research documenting the effectiveness of his firm's interventions
Former RO-experienced CEO, Ron Harding, provides coaching to CEOs of start-ups and small and medium-size companies that are exploring their own use of RO concepts.  His role is limited, temporary and coordinated with the RO-based consultant working with the organization
Founded by Gillian Stamp, one of Jaques's colleagues at Brunel, the firm modified Jaques;s work-levels, developed the Career Path Appreciation method, and has grown to several hundred certified assessors in aligned consulting firms world-wide recently expanding to include organization design
Requisite Organization International Institute distributes Elliott Jaques's books, papers, and videos and provides RO-based training to client organizations