La Brecha en la C?spide: El Vac?o en la Gerencia Media como L?mite al Crecimiento de las PyMEs
The Gap at The Top: The Middle-Management Void as a Limit to The Growth of Small Entrepreneurial Organizations
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A paper presented at the IX Congress of Small and Medium Enterprises, sponsored by the Professional Council of Economic Sciences of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, Argentina, November 2006.
This paper deals with the difficulties encountered by the founder of a small business with a Current Potential Capability of Stratum IV or higher, when company growth demands a large amount of work at Stratum III that he or she is forced to do personally. The entrepreneur does not focus this new problem properly and fails to provide adequate solutions for it. Discontent spreads, unnecessary errors are continuously made, opportunities are lost and further growth becomes difficult. In consulting work with small companies in Argentina, we have repeatedly found this problem in small companies of all kinds. We present here our analysis of this typical problem and the responses to it
Paper presented at the IX Congress of Small and Medium Enterprises, organized by the Professional Council of Economic Sciences of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, Argentina, November 2006.
The article addresses the difficulties faced by the founder of a small business with a Current Potential Capability of Tier IV or higher, when growth requires a large amount of Tier III work that they are forced to do personally. He does not identify this problem well, and does not succeed in solving it adequately. Discontent spreads, unnecessary mistakes are made, opportunities are missed, and continued growth becomes difficult. In consulting work in Argentina, we have repeatedly observed this problem in SMEs of the most diverse branches. We develop here the analysis and the answer to this typical problem.
This paper deals with the difficulties encountered by the founder of a small business with a Current Potential Capability of Stratum IV or higher, when company growth demands a large amount of work at Stratum III that he or she is forced to do personally. The entrepreneur does not focus this new problem properly and fails to provide adequate solutions for it. Discontent spreads, unnecessary errors are continuously made, opportunities are lost and further growth becomes difficult. In consulting work with small companies in Argentina, we have repeatedly found this problem in small companies of all kinds. We present here our analysis of this typical problem and the responses to it
Paper presented at the IX Congress of Small and Medium Enterprises, organized by the Professional Council of Economic Sciences of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, Argentina, November 2006.
The article addresses the difficulties faced by the founder of a small business with a Current Potential Capability of Tier IV or higher, when growth requires a large amount of Tier III work that they are forced to do personally. He does not identify this problem well, and does not succeed in solving it adequately. Discontent spreads, unnecessary mistakes are made, opportunities are missed, and continued growth becomes difficult. In consulting work in Argentina, we have repeatedly observed this problem in SMEs of the most diverse branches. We develop here the analysis and the answer to this typical problem.