A Practitioner's Reflections 1st Edition
He links the strata to develop four overlapping domains: Added-Value (1 day to 2 years), Innovation (1 to 10 years), Value-Systems (5 to 50 years), and the Spiritual (over 20 years).
Hoebeke develops a typology of human activities which reveals boundaries relevant to practical interventions in work-systems. The ability to think analytically and holistically and to find novel solutions lies at the core of the successful leader and manager.
Document Info:
This E-Book (John Wiley and Sons, Chichester, UK, (Online edition 138 pages.) is presented in PDF format and is downloadable as a single PDF (~1.78 MB filesize) and 138 pages long.
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Combines theory with practice to demonstrate how organizations work. Based on a non-hierarchical model of enterprises, it offers a framework in order to recognize the dynamics for successful organizations and to improve performances by highlighting and strengthening these dynamics.
Provides excellent guidance for managers, encouraging them to reflect on their own experiences to avoid the chaotic detail of constant change and to concentrate on their true strategic intentions.