Tom Foster travels North America, working with CEOs and executive managers on the structure of their organizations. He has logged more than 15,000 direct service hours as an executive coach and conducted more than 400 workshops on managerial leadership practices.
Unique background Tom brings to his RO-related work
- Tom holds both degrees in Communications, both at the undergraduate and graduate levels
- He has 14 years in television production - honing his influence, scripting, and efficient messaging skills.
- His years as a Dale Carnegie seminar leader again hone his communication and particularly his teaching skills.
- His ten years of experience in a CPA firm gives him solid understanding of business profit and loss.
- Tom's
- Extensive experience in executive coaching and consulting
Contributions to the field of Requisite Organization
Tom has been a Vistage (formerly TEC) group chair since about 1995. Vistage is a global organization of franchisees who chair local small groups of CEOs and executives of small and medium-sized businesses. The groups hold monthly meetings and the group chair meets several hours a month with each group member to deal with that member's organizational issues. After being mentored in the early 2000s by Kathryn Cason Tom incorporated Requisite Organization into his Vistage chair activities. Then he began teaching workshops on RO at Vistage conferences convening chairs from around the work. From there began travelling over the USA providing' RO-based workshops to other Vistage groups. In all, he has delivered over 15,000 hours of direct executive coaching and led 400 workshops on related topics. In his Vistage work, Tom has delivered 15,000 hours of direct executive coaching and 400 workshops. it's likely that Tom has taught RO concepts to more business leaders than any other RO-based consultant.
Tom has produced a significant number of short YouTube videos based on his RO work.
Tom Foster writes a Management Blog
He designed and produced two web-based courses, Timespan 101 and Hiring Talent: Decoding Levels of Work in the Behavioural Interview
2013 - Book: Hiring Talent, Levels of Work in the Behavioral Interview,
2015 - Book: Outbound Air, Levels of Work in Organizational Structure
Contact information:
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 954-605-2776 (Mobile)
Websites: Blog - http://www.managementblog.org
Company - fosterlearning.com
Linkedin url: https://www.linkedin.com/in/fosterlearning/
Twitter: FosterLearning
Degrees and certifications
Bachelor of Science - Communication, University of Texas at Austin 1973
Master of Science - Communication, University of Texas at Austin 1975