Video directory

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Your GO Society is pleased to present this unique online collection of Videos and Audios made freely available to the international GO community.

These select media presentations provided to you via streaming video/webcasts and encompass:

  • Important Interviews & Presentations on RO subjects from around the world;
  • ICoverage of Special Workshops, Symposia & GO Conference proceedings;
  • ICEO & Top-Level Government global application success stories in Industry, Government & Non-Profit/Religious organizations covering over 50 years;
  • IDiscussions with key RO thought-leaders...and much more.

This collection is made possible by a truly global collaboration of many human resources, and exists due to the generous contributions of the...

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  • financial sponsorships (really - this does not run on air alone)
Displaying 401 - 459 of 459

- The session was originally meant to be Chuck Snow's teaching. It includes a session on design thinking and processes. But for me it's kind of packed on change management. It's important to recognize what the world includes when they teach organizational design.
- Greg Joffey: I think design thinking is a fabulous approach for some problems in business, but I don't think it's a great solution for all of the design components. He breaks down which parts I think it works for and which parts it doesn't.
- Steve, I wonder about how much scale matters. And it comes more from the industrial design world. analytic design, given its opportunity, given the chance, kills designerly design with the death of 1000 cuts. I think it's very difficult to manage those things.
- Design thinking is what is done by architects and it's more the analytic organizational design that's done by the engineering. But it's often sequential, but it doesn't have to be out there in design world. And I think it's useful to have it be loopy.
- In some ways in design thinking per se, with the emphasis on empathy and user driven design criteria, we do a lot of the problem space analysis through users. But in any business organization there are many different kinds of criteria. Design thinking would try and get us to find higher order solutions.
- From a manager's perspective, design thinking is really useful as strategic thinking tools. Where I find it's less useful is the actual analytics side of then having to say right at the end of the day. It could be used really well in strategy.








- Designers, both from a consulting basis but really often also employees in organizations. How do we ensure the quality of the design and the design process? Should we talk about a certification of individuals?
- Digital area change the items that we design. We can also talk about it in the way we teach design. Are we at the point where the organization design has matured enough to be a profession? How should we certify to be in the profession?
- Mark Lascola is the managing principal of a global consultancy called on the Mark. About 20% of his firm's business is teaching organization design. He says the challenge is to make design real in organizations.
- There are many schools of thought around organization design. From requisite organization to social technical systems. What I would emphasize is in teaching design in a digital world, is it's not enough to get it in the classroom. You have to apply.
- Nuno Jill is a professor of new infrastructure development at Manchester Business School. In what she teaches she introduces a lot of organizational design theory. She says this makes students aware of the way in which these things need to be designed.
- Project Management certificate is an interesting intersection between what we're talking about here and focusing on certification. The same issue for us in organization design, as I said earlier, 60% to 70%. Work simultaneously with the design work, and if you're not, you're going to get hit by one or the other.








- The Global Design Society is a society of academics, business users, practitioners of a work levels based approach to design. Every presentation at their world conferences every two years are videotaped and put on our web for free. We've also said we will give away our materials.
- John Ballard has taught organizational design in theory for over 20 years. His first class after the syllabus and introduction is an exercise called Organize to Survive. Most important thing. in terms of what we do. would be apply and bring it back to the real world.
- When you teach organizational design you have to design your course to fit the audience. Experimentation, prototyping, theory based target the design of the course to the audiences. Let's open it up for questions, we. Have a few reading minutes.
- It all starts with systems theory. What you have to do is have a coherent design strategy that goes from concept or design team all the way through implementation. If you get the incentives wrong, the instrumentation is not working.
- I wonder if ultimately it's really going to be about the design of informal social networks too. In the innovation space, what we're seeing is formal structure. I think ultimately the questions of the construction of social networks is going to turn out to be much more important.








A panel discussion with Judy Hobrough, Richard Sale, Don Fowke, and Lois Melbourne

- Judy Hobrough shows you both an organizational tool and, as Richard said, the individual assessment tools. The whole technology movement within BIOS is something that's quite new, I think, within BIOS within the last five years.
- The compensation module is a part of the decision-making process. The action plan should be formulated jointly by the manager and the manager once removed. Who develops the action plan? Is this whole process coordinated by a consultant?
- The other question is when you're doing. sort of assessments, typically the assessment of capabilities is done by the MoR. This is the third time we'll have taken the carry operations through it and there's a better understanding. And our objective is always to train the organization up.
- Acquire was the original creator of the automatic chart. We now have around 1900 customers and we have customers using our product in 123 countries. We are privately held, we are a woman-owned business. We currently have 6 million employees under management.
- Sustainability is what's required to get any company to purchase technology. What is it going to do long term for the organization? Almost everything that I will show you is replicated from a customer site. We're driving most of this from data. We are trying to automate this as much as possible.
- There are three ways of approaching assessment of capability, each from a very clearly structured and rigorous and validated basis. Have you ever validated because you devised a method doing it? Mr. Kasaris, maybe it's wrong for MROs to use this at all themselves.




Duration: 2 hours

Language: English



- Elliot Jacks came along and concluded that psychological analysis, human relations and psychotherapy were not the keys to organization effectiveness. He hypothesized that the organization was the key to Organization effectiveness. Jacks had a very, very high view of people. He believed that if you would put people in a supportive environment, all people would function well.
- 360 Tool has huge capacity when you integrate it, like Lucy mentioned. We're integrating the conversations to look at managers and look at leaders. What we're trying to do is achieve behavioral change. And we believe that having the aggregated information sometimes helps, but we have to facilitate those discussions.
- 360 is predominantly, I hate to say it because I am one an HR tool. One of the worst possible outcomes is when a manager is accused of being rough in a context of a business turnaround. The great benefit here is putting the auto context. On it and using it a more. Systemic way in the aggregate.
- IPC and temperament are absolutely fundamental in terms of really understanding what goes on in organizations. To ignore some of that does us a disservice. To pretend that there aren't some bad people out there is to ignore 20th century history.
- And the sensitivity to others, which John talked about earlier, to me, this is plus team. Any one of those drivers, in my experience, are hugely predictive. And if we don't pay attention to that whole continuum, my experience is we do ourselves a disservice.
- The idea of changing managerial behavior causes problems, says Sam. The issue, if you will, is not changing managers behavior but specifying the required managerial performance. Organization effectiveness requires that we recognize that managers are human beings.








- We come from a tradition of the two leaders of concern for society. Our field is founded in social responsibilities and ethics, of living together with trust. And so I think for this keynote for the conference, Julian, it's a very important message about the human evolution of individuals, groups and society.
- If resources are limited domination and submission hierarchy will kick in. If you've got benign resource rich, non competitive environment the more positive behaviors would come out. If there's more than adequate resources, more benign behaviors, mutual grooming, hanging out will become apparent.
- We're going to look at the similarities of chimp and human brains in terms of structure and also abilities. From an evolutionary point of view, the brain evolved in stages. The lizard brain controls the autonomic body functions. The prefrontal lobes seem to be executive control that manages multiple roles.
- Both chimpanzees and human beings construct concrete realities for the use of their five senses. A difference to this is that human beings have the ability to develop abstract concepts that have no basis in physical reality. What allows you to drift off into things that you have felt truth is not necessarily true attached back to reality.
- Next strength is we're able to address metaphysical problems. Felt truth nationalism, for instance, is inhibiting us, cracking these problems there. Each approach has progressively tried to draw out a positive predisposition managing our negative ones. We see felt truth shifting quite dramatically as we evolve.
- Ram Sam: I determine to choose love, not fear. How I think imagine the world helps create the world. I'm going to figure out how I can participate in guarding our democratic institutions. It's not a prescription of Google this stuff, it's a way of thinking.

Julian Fairfield




Duration: 2 hours and six minutes

Language: English


Date: 2005

Passport Canada, Health Canada, Public Service Commission, Canadian Dental Association,

- This is a session about global organization and design in government and the not for profit sector and the social sector. We'll allow questions related to each presentation, but then we'll allow a discussion period at the end. We promise to quit precisely at three.
- The International Federation Red Cross Red Crown Society is the largest humanitarian network in the world. The overall organization assisted 233,000,000 people using 105,000,.000 volunteers, just under 300,000 permanent staff, annual expenditures collectively $24 billion.
- The Red Cross had 30 different governments and each had their own systems. Working as a federation was a concept that in order to deal with the challenges in the future. There were 103 recommendations that needed to improve the effectiveness of the organization.
- Only 45% of all managers were aligned properly, 55% were not aligned properly. Big issue in terms of improving our effectiveness and our performance was to get the field geneva relations clearer who were the boss of the field people. Results were enhanced and we changed the performance of the organization.
- Wondering how much this is shared. All NGOs are in competition with each other. But when I call coordination, it works best. At the field level where that happens. It shows the depth and the emergence need so that it's not about putting into a static organization.
- Thank you. I just want to say quickly that I appreciate being here. I feel very fortunate to be here in such a small group to get such high quality presentations. Thank you very much.





Language: English


Date: 2005

A concurrent session at the 2005 GO World conference in Toronto

- Jerry Gray: We want to include the evidential side of the issue and the research side. It'll take us a little bit into the other side, which is where we go from here. Has this been ignored in the research literature? And Ken, I'll be asking to make some comments on that as well.
- VIMO did a study here both on employee satisfaction and financial performance. And you can see here that organization design significantly improved. While we only tracked it three years, in fact this has been a continuing process.
- Ken: We're trying to find opportunities through the consultancy to do research. We've also developed a questionnaire on organization design satisfaction. Because our main business is consulting, we really haven't put the effort into publication yet.
- As a consultant, research is good for business. How do you use some of the research in order to not only for the consultants, but for Canada, for Sweden? My practice is moved to strategic planning.
- Can you compare what has been written on other famous authors against Elio Jackson? How does it compare with equity theory in terms of quantity, quality? What's the failure rate in our field? One of the reasons for the high failure rate generally is because of the misalignment of managers.
- Where it's being taught right now are a number of places. But their biggest one of the things I want to stress is to get the consultants, wherever they are to sign on to become adjunct professors at their local university and just go for quantity on this stuff.








With discussion by Stephen Clement, Gerry Kraines, Barry Deane, and others

Alistair Mant




Duration: 1 hour and 24 minutes

Language: English



Career Path Appreciation, CIP - Complexity of Information Processing, Gearing or Calibration processes

- Start with Judy Holbrook from BiOps. Glenn Meltredder, who's with People Fit. Jerry Cranes is with the Leventon Institute. So you really don't need to hear from me. Thanks you.
- I'd like to see more contact between the sales manager and the clients. We get a lot of complaints about late deliveries. It makes the sales reps look bad and it angers the customers. We need to train our representatives on how to offer exceptional customer service.
- We need to separate the salespeople from the account managers. Asking someone to do both adds stress when they are working on a side they're not comfortable with. People will be able to spend 100% of their time doing what they're good at and enjoy. Here are the transcript.
- We have kind of a set up way to transcribe these that's about 600 words per page. We review it by two compare results, and whether the results agree or not. There's a number of validation check. We evaluate them, and then we link it back to benchmark.
- A project that was inside an organization, was sponsored by succession planning. It was a major telecommunications company. They screened 1200 director and executive director level people. Three out of 103% out of 150 people were able to move into leadership. The data is holding up very well.
- If someone has been underemployed for a long enough period of time, they start to become demoralized. How quickly does an organization have to move to move them through regression to get them to the higher job before they get frustrated and leave?




Duration: 1 hour and 49 min

Language: English


Date: 2005

- Terry Tate: Try to get your just enormously impressed with Herb's presentation this morning. It about a conceptual level of understanding things, scientific level, engineering level and the human propensity for anesthesis. So I'm going to try to touch on all of these.
- Dr. Jacob believes that the managerial hierarchy is an organizational expression of human capability. He believes that human capability is discontinuous and matures from first to death predictable patterns. It would be very useful for us consultants to do the same.
- The theory of life has a different understanding of time. Jack's preposition is that time is two dimensional. Another foundation for the theory is the information complexity. Any principle that you applied within the social theorem should be applicable to other species.
- An empirical finding in managerial organizations describing how subordinate feels towards the manager. Theory claims of three types the manager feels just right, too close or too for example. There is a relationship between that structuring and those feelings that the managers and subordinates get.
- Jax developed it in 1960. First job integrated ideas of father. It takes me about one to three minutes to measure. Can you tell us how you do that?
- Sam. Sarcasm was when do they start paying to be an employee? As you get down lower, they all are contributing to the organization. Instead of X, you can go we can play with the scale.








- Elliot Jacks came along and concluded that psychological analysis, human relations and psychotherapy were not the keys to organization effectiveness. He hypothesized that the organization was the key to Organization effectiveness. Jacks had a very, very high view of people. He believed that if you would put people in a supportive environment, all people would function well.
- 360 Tool has huge capacity when you integrate it, like Lucy mentioned. We're integrating the conversations to look at managers and look at leaders. What we're trying to do is achieve behavioral change. And we believe that having the aggregated information sometimes helps, but we have to facilitate those discussions.
- John Keen: 360 is predominantly an HR tool, and we can impose it in an organization. Keen: IPC and temperament are absolutely fundamental in terms of really understanding what goes on in organizations. Only 15% of CEOs get it, would do it, and would stick with it, Keen says.
- The four criteria for fit are skill, knowledge, and experience, CIP, temperament, and valuing the work. When we get into 360, about 25% of a management group overestimate themselves. This represents an enormous opportunity in terms of tightening up communication layers.
- Elliott: What we see on a temperament level is micromanagement perfectionism. Here we start looking at high potentials, and what 360 often tells us is these people are hard to manage. Management always seems to struggle between differentiating CIP and temperament.
- The idea of changing managerial behavior causes problems, says Sam. The issue is not changing managers behavior but specifying the required managerial performance. We have a moral obligation to provide managers all the support necessary for achieving the performance.








- Currently I'm a management consultant but my first career was in the not for profit sector. I spent 20 years with the Canadian Red Cross Society doing all manner of jobs. It does show you some of the perils of working in the Not for Profit sector.
- When you talk to people about levels of work, it's just so natural and nonthreatening. What about when you move to levels of capability? Do you find the same openness? Sometimes we need to make the things at least attractive to people.
- The challenges have had more to do with role relationships and accountability discussions than they have explicitly with levels. Unless you actually make explicit that there is a theory underpinning these relationships, it's very hard to explain to people why the logic should be apparent.
- Alan Watts: A hierarchy only works if it is a common belief system and value system. He explains why there are levels of organization and explains how they work. Watts: What you're trying to do is make all energy flows easily.
- The idea of a quintave is not a surprising concept. If we think about GE and of course here there is a real debate between the European and the BIOS model. There's a difference in perception of what happens at senior levels. Culture is largely, primarily how we don't do things around here.
- Both models will be up on the website and anything you want to tell me about them or ask about it or improve critique, I would be really delighted. What I'm hoping, and this is my fantasy hope, is that I've actually found the core engine from which we can now elaborate any levels model.








GO Conference 2005 Presentations by Charlotte Bygrave, Julian Fairfield, Maurice Dutrisac and Steve Clement

Charlotte Bygrave's presentation to the 2005 GO Conference is from 0 min to 39 minutes








- What is it that Shell rooted itself in to make this journey possible? To move from a wonderfully, well designed 1970s model to a 21st century model. Theories in which we could ground our thinking and ground our decision making. Theory right down to practice requisite organization, cognitive complexity and time span of horizon yields paycheck.

John Hofmeister





Language: Engolish



An interview conducted by Ken Shepard, May 2006 when Gerry was president of the Levinson Institute

Getting to know Gerry Kraines, his early career and how he discovered and engaged in Elliott Jaques's concepts.

Gerry Kraines




Duration: 1 hour 22 min

Language: English


Date: May 2006

Through the identification of individual Cognitive Capability (potential) amongst informal micro-credit entrepreneurs and providing focussed business support and development opportunities.

- The UN estimates that there are 1.2 billion people living on a dollar a day and a further 2 billion people live on $2 a day. The UN identified entrepreneurship as a prime vehicle for changing this in. For a project to be successful in combating poverty, it's got to be scalable, replicable and partnerships.
- For more than 50 years, the work of Elliot Jack has been used globally. His work has allowed us to predict how people's need for work challenges will change. The models could be applied in the fight against poverty. They seem to cut across gender.
- I want to talk to you about the purpose of this project. To identify young, successful micro entrepreneurs who've got the cognitive ability to grow their business into small or medium sized organizations. We need access to a talent pool and partnerships with an organization that teaches entrepreneurial skills.
- We have a unique opportunity here to combat poverty by dealing with the pipeline. But we need to do this in a partnership. I do need access to an entrepreneurial talent pool of young microcreditors. And thirdly, if you're a financial services institution who's interested and concerned and wants to lend money to help these young entrepreneurs.








- The topic is of our presentation. Our day long working together actually is requisite compensation. There are a number of people going to present on the application. What I'd like to do is have each of them tell you a little bit about themselves and about what they're planning to present.
- Gavin: I'd like to just take a minute to have Catherine introduce herself. Bring your chairs up to a table if you like. Just use that. Catherine is a resource, too, during this.
- Introduce myself. Most of you, certainly some of you know who I am. I was here two years ago, so your faces are familiar. I am interested in getting to know who you are and what you're doing. Catherine is Elliot's long term colleague and wife widow.
- In order to establish a requisite compensation system, you have to establish work bands within the strata of the wells. Without requisite structure to start with, the compensation discussions become confused. Some roles are just very difficult to time span.
- Time span is the measure of a human intention. It is the basic building block of Elliot Jack's work. The time spanning of an extant current role is significantly different from the time span of a newly created role. I think we could have a full day session on time span.
- Seniority raises its ugly head in the US. People in level one roles are often making compensation, which is seniority based. By law, you can easily get yourself out of line with the market. Let's come back at 20 after ten if that gives.




Duration: 1 hour and 27 min

Language: English


Date: 2007

- Glacier had a sheet of progression curves for every individual. They were updated each year by the personnel function in conjunction with the manager. This is where pay increases were going through. It was unusual even today behind every individual having merit based pay systems.
- The manager's manager is to take a look at or equilibrate the performance appraisal assessments or personal effectiveness assessments. They're looking for patterns which managers seem to be very stringent in rating, which managers may be more generous. Here might be an opportunity for some coaching and mentoring between managers around comp and performance management.
- At Roche, employees were satisfied with the Pay program. Roche used an employee relations survey probably once every two years. A lot of those kinds of situations can be headed off by HR or the MRR.
- Employees sit down with their managers to get feedback about their effectiveness appraisal. It's the first honest feedback they've ever had. justifying those ratings are important. There are some very clear principles that can be derived from these practices.
- The effectiveness appraisal process and the first feedback is the first time people understand that accountability is real. Accountability is an abstract concept. It doesn't become real and visceral. You have to begin at the moment that you declare we're going to become a requisite organization.
- This is my suggestion. Why don't we take a food break now, a little food break, and then have one more presentation for lunch, and have lunch at one? Is that all right with the group?





Language: Engolish



- There seems to be a bit of concern that is too detailed and climate. Once the task is set appropriately, I can step right back. There's a fine line between how much you want to give and how muchyou want to step back.
- A team is a group of people who must work together in order to limit the outcome. The power of this model is basic. It sets accountability for the manager or the leader of the team. Once your team, your managers and the team members understand the model, you'll find that getting cross functional work done more effectively.
- The next step is critical issues. Engaging your team by deciding the issues, by looking at the future state. Only then are you in a fixed state to start looking at options. Only one person who makes the decision on this model. That's the manager, the leader.
- Work this team to identify issues for designing an arlo based development program. Demonstrate how we could use this teamwork model. And we're only going to demonstrate, so we're going to take 15 to 20 minutes.
- CEO demonstrates using teamwork process in order to help. It's two way and it needs to. be managed. Why do we want to do that? Well, as you guys know, three years ago we started up cultural improvement program. And now I'm coming to the conclusion how to implement this framework.
- The manager is the definition of a manager is accountable for the output of the individual. The individual working across the organization in role relationship inhibits effective work. If the role relationships aren't clear that's going to impact the individual ability to deliver.








- What are the employees accountability and authorities? And then do we hold a manager and employee equally accountable for the results that were produced?
- We want to have an opportunity today to reflect on yesterday. In your team, your intact team, we're going to ask you to take one current organization or leader issue that you have and describe it in the lens of this leadership frame. It helps you to diagnose and we'll demonstrate that before we ask you.
- Yesterday we spent a lot of time talking about managerial leadership. The framework think about managing one remove across an organization. It sets clear expectations of managers what they must know, be and do. Central to this goal is the manager employee relationship.
- How would you define the manager employee relationship? Diagram. Not a diagram. The intersecting circle inside as an integrated step of concepts they overlap. You have to create a position where dialogue without a difficult repeat.
- There are at least four questions that are fundamental for a manager and an employee to have here. The final one is what's my future? Where am I going? That one would say is actually answered by the manager on the list. It's the exercise of discretion which goes to the core.
- Business purpose, vision, targets, structure. All of this means the business outcome, the value chain is going to result in value to our customers. Your strategy is really what's going to help you determine how to break up. This is where Requisite organization comes in.








- You. Can I just leave it like this for the moment? It's the opposite of that. Fine. All right. You don't need this, do you? I'll let you leave it. Thanks very much.
- A healthy social institution is an institution that will make it possible for normal people to do so. The definition of normal here would be in terms of social interaction. What role you take up certainly is going to be determined by intention.
- A good social institution is an institution that provides for the full range of human behaviors. It is no part of employing organizations in any way to tamper with the temperament and natural modes of behavior of their people. The aim is to develop requisite institutions that allow so called normal individuals simply to behave freely.
- I think the proposition you're making changes substantially the moment one begins to think of social institutions with positions set up. That set up organizational structures relevant to the purpose. Is it possible then to say that it's possible to define a requisiteness within?
- We need to move away from what I'm now inclined to call pigeon theory of human behavior. People do not work for reward. Can we develop the kinds of institutions that provide opportunity for the expression of what I would call the phylogenic in individuals?
- Very few people like the term stratum. Everybody seems to prefer the word level. An absolute prerequisite for any further development is the development of an agreed systematic language. Your words have an enormous impact on managers.




Duration: 1 hour and 2 min

Language: English


Date: 1989

- What do you mean by performance appraisal? What you do is you see how near your subordinate got to meeting those objectives. Two different concepts. One term feels rife. It's either one term for range of concepts or a range of terms for the same kind of thing. These all have effects on real managers.
- When you're trying to judge potential, is there any way of getting a better grip on what you see? What we're fighting for is what to look for. The question of how to measure the level of complexity or level of cognitive power. See what you think this afternoon.
- Carl: What could a possible unit of measurement be that would give you level of task complexity within category two state? Carl: I make a sharp distinction between task target completion time and time span measurement. These are very, very practical problems and it'd be useful if we could get some agreement on where we are.
- chemistry and scientific metallurgy emerged from alchemy in under 50 years after the development of the thermometer. I'm distinguishing measurement from rating, because again, we use quantification as putting numbers on things as a sign of objectivity. I think it's true measurement.
- Dan Miller: We really are dealing with human values here. He says requisite institutions are institutions that enable you to get your work done. What we're talking about has to do with effective social relationships, he says. Does this kind of structure increase trust or does it diminish?
- I want to take a look at maturation and concepts of maturation in terms of growth of individual potential. I got interested in the problem of time and the nature of time. And the physicists go bonkers over it. They argue like bloody hell about this stuff. It's called time reversal.




Duration: 1 hour

Language: English


Date: 1989

- Our field of human behavior starts with dynamics. Our entities are events. You cannot observe psychological things and measure them in physical length. Time span measurement has to do with measuring the duration of events. Earlier and later are not the same as past, present and future.
- We need to reach the point where we can put our finger on phenomena to attach the words to. How do you know? Design an experiment which provides a test of the concept. We have a lot of words floating around that are not particularly well shared as concept.
- There's a problem here when we think of social entities, social things. You quantify by counting processes. Entities have properties and we define them by boundary definition. Attributes are individual judgments about entities. What we really have to do is to develop measuring instruments for doing so.
- A major one the present time is trying to develop a measuring instrument for getting at cognitive power in the individual. Cognitive power is a property of the individual human being and ought to be measurable. I don't believe it will be possible to get substantial total organizational change unless the issues I'm raising are clarified and understood.
- I don't think they did statistical analyses, but very often a drop of water condenses in its place. Is it water that comes in crystal state as well as liquid state? Argue, just talking with Ian and Flyn, that this will come up this afternoon like nobody's business.
- Now then, let me get back to a couple of other things quite quickly. I've talked about requisiteness, and I think that really, honestly, is something just going to need tons of clarification. Just putting it together with a concept of rewards and penalty. Things like the nature of trust.




Duration: 1 hour and 17 min

Language: English


Date: 1989

- An entrepreneur was trying to balance risk with fair pay levels. Is there a point at which the sense of felt fairness of the incentive system and the potential that a person can make is reached and to pay them more?
- What you can have in a hybrid organization that will pass for management in a bureaucratic structure. The kind of organization I'm thinking of in particular is a university. There are people who are allowed quasi collegial roles by the members of the collegium themselves.
- The question in my mind is how to define relationships which in terms of requisite organization. Who carries the camp of misallocation of resources? Is there any concept of efficiency worth the name in an organization with this kind of structure?
- The proportion of students processed in the UK is very small as compared to the United States. There is a failure to appreciate the nature of what I would think of as true university staff. The community of scholar sense of a university is still part of the mythology. And so these problems continue to flop around in large scale.
- I think there are many people who believe that they really can get the sense of future potential, higher potential showing at the present managers. How do you get your hands on seeing the future adult in the less matured state as opposed to the current state of maturity?
- Not to forget that part of carrying out career path appreciation. There are certain ways of behaving that allow those opportunities to occur. I do not believe that employing institutions are entitled to bring in specialists to do assessments of any kind on individuals inside the organization.




Duration: 1 hour and 46 min

Language: English


Date: 1989

- Tasks and what work looks like at different layers or strata of organization. Performance versus personal effectiveness. Incentives, motivation and so on. This was Dan's idea about 2030. And any other perhaps more urgent issues arising out of discussion yesterday.
- I was interested in the extent to which it seemed possible to go in the CRA, the Australian project, in splitting out businesses. In effect both task complexity and cognitive complexity. Difficulties start coming up when you look at product development and improvement.
- Chairmanship roles should be kept absolutely separate from CEO president roles. There will be functions to assist the CEO in terms of strategic development. I reserve the term strategic for work up at the seven six level.
- There are no strategic planners and there's no strategic planning cell. What I'm trying to do is to separate out the kinds of functions that would exist up here. And I think that there is need for a funk to look at a function here maybe not differentiated out of business organization development.
- Carl: While it's conceptually possible to have service business units that are large, that tends not to work. By the time you get to straight three and human resources work, you have to go outside. By and large, we're not growing.
- There's one last point I'd just like to make. What you can hold me accountable for is using my best endeavors to produce the outputs for which you are accountable. Your boss cannot hold you accountable for your outputs. This underscores the whole of this performance appraisal thing.




Duration: 1 hour and 2 min

Language: English


Date: 1989

Transformation of the IT or Information Service area - reducing headcount by 100

- The most important single action a computing related organization can take is to hire fewer people. Our staffing is declining each year while our workload and computing capabilities are expanding. Our savings to date are in the three to $5 million range within the department.
- Our next basic approach was to start study projects division by division. We made the manager of the division under study the sponsor of the project. He had the authority to veto presentation of the final study results. It's worked beautifully ever since, and that saved our bacon.
- About 112 out of 680 who are in support services for the first time. They have built databases, budgeting systems, online budgeting. They've automated created a requisite salary system. It's very feasible to shift corporate services into departments.
- Our turnover in data processing has dropped from the 20% figure of 1981 and 82 to around three. General managers are suffering because they want much closer guidance than we're able to give them. It is very, very sharply separating the high performers from those who have very limited ability.
- Carl: I suggest three phases of the GMO job. One is structured, two is the development role, and then there's a third role. He says his attention is shifting away from structural questions and more and more encouraging the development.
- Stratified systems theory allows you to think through the kind of information that's needed where. I'm fairly well persuaded. Can I answer any other questions about our training process and so on? Politics. Okay, then we'll take our break.




Duration: 1 hour and 2 min

Language: English


Date: 1989

- No organization in the world is more concerned about leadership than the US Army. All of the major leadership theories have been financed by Department of Defense work. Officers familiar with leadership practices in the army once they retire, are sought by industries. This is why Stratified systems theory has been rejected for work in the Army.
- The work that was described today consists of consulting work where the client himself under the circumstances sets up its own internal working resource. It isn't a matter of buying in your consultants, bringing in the package in effect. One notes the possible development of at least four types of consultancy organization or institution externally.
- The possibilities, and I think through other professions and these all exist possibilities of partnership in the ordinary sense of partnership. Once you get up into however that is say category capability five consultant working at higher levels in client organizations they do increasingly become identified as individuals.
- I'm curious whether maintaining the open, trusting, fully on the table relationship between you two needed to necessarily have been stopped when you started dealing directly with John. I stopped being any kind of consultant and had just labor tasks to do. I much prefer the autonomy of having no formal job, just the employment without the job.
- I see consulting services as knowledge develops. It's possible to have some bits and pieces, personal effectiveness, phrase of development. But you can't have this without having reckless structure. Without a conception of manager subordinate relationships, accountability and minimal authority.
- One of the education exercises, and it really is a very simple 110 minutes, is tightly now the militaries, the armed services of countries have got this pretty well locked up. You can use a single title as a very excellent clarifying process. Two business units out of the 20 OD in CRA actually use it.

Steve Clement, Nancy Lee, George Harding, Dan Smith, ....





Language: English


Date: 1989

- The possibility of using CPA as an offering in an organization. It would be a unique development experience, private and owned by the employee. I'm more inclined to use appreciation as a route in to a gradual increase in understanding.
- Comment about organizations working responsibly, I think. But ethically it must be upfront and recognize that it's a different. Managers understand that one way to survive is to share the decision making, share the blame. A very clear way to help without getting into any of these difficulties is to take the manager through the requirements of the job.
- Language isn't building on something about what. It's really the resistance to the use of precise language. If there's a new jargon to be learned because it's the right jargon, we have an obligation to try to teach. The fights about language in CIA are now that kind of fight.
- The realism of trying to change antirequisite organizations into requisite ones. Taking one bit without the other bits really doesn't work. It may be better to start with new organizations that are starting from scratch.
- One of the things that we recently discovered is that in going into any potential client relationship in our minds, what we wanted to offer them was what we've been calling requisiteness. They're more interested in a kind of visceral connection that they make with you. Do they trust you to be able to help them to do what they need to get done?
- Great. Just one last convenient note. We're going from cocktails 630. Is that right? We should be there.





Language: English


Date: 1989




Duration: 1 hour and 1 min

Language: English


Date: 1989

- We'll be around Kohlberg's hierarchy of cognitive types. What I must do is pass out a one page little flyer that has a little scenario on it. And what I'd like for you to do is so you have a fresh batch of data to work. Have your tension back up here again.
- Ask a question and hear some of your efforts to classify that or categorize that type of reasoning. Somebody share with me the response you got and how you classify that. How do you classify conflict between quality and delivery? How'D you classified that.
- People often use very different type of reasoning when describing a situation. The cause is a serial thing that is not a set, but it's a series of interaction among various sets. To me there's a rationale behind the four questions.
- One of the most difficult steps, in my opinion, in trying to discuss those people is to leave the content out. And just listen for the structure. Listen to see if they're talking about creating a thing. Or do they take a moment to describe the thing? Is English. Persuasive whipping up rhetoric?








- This afternoon, I'd like to discuss the assessment of potential. Some of the material that I'm going to present and will be used for discussion is probably better used in groups of about six or seven. We'll break into smaller groups later.
- What we mean in this context, assessment of potential. What we mean by mode and how we differentiate between modes. Do we share that because the processes that we use well? There are two other issues. One is the nature of discontinuity.
- There seems to be discussion as to the extent to which people experience significant changes or not as they move through strata. To what extent do people really experience a different way of constructing the world? How important is it for us to agree on some of these issues?
- Most of the decisions about potential and the realization of potential are made by managers or manager once removed. In most cases, the assessment of potential is not done in any formalized way. The problem is, it depends what mode you are to begin with and then your own judgment.
- One of the things that I became interested in was looking at the use of language in people with a mental handicap. What I want to do now is use some tapes to show you the uses of language. And I'd like to draw some comparisons between these approaches.
- Are things getting any better in South Africa? Not really, no, I don't think so. Censorship, zombishly Hindered yes. How can we possibly help black people in south Africa? Are sanctions more a help or a Hindus?





Language: English


Date: 1989

- Group A: The woman's range was from high one to four; the young doctor was two to four. Group B: The consensus was that if we were picking someone to head up an agency that would make decisions about social policy, we'd go with the reporter at this point.
- In mental handicap, we looked at. terms of thoughts and words that are directly related to objects. They're actually there the words refer to objects that actually can be pointed to or seen. For example, give you very clear example the difference between childhood and adulthood.
- When we move on third order of language we're talking about concepts that are actually more than once removed from a tangible object. The important issue going is not the actual use of the words. The way that you solve problems is by directly manipulating it, by using judgments.
- Michael Burke says 90% of patients who express a wish to die are depressed. He says we should have the freedom of choice if we want to die. Burke says many older people in our society have nothing to live for.
- Are things getting any better in South Africa? Not really, no, I don't think so. Censorship is obviously hindered. The uprising has been suppressed in a way. How can we possibly help the black people? Sanctions more a help or a hindrance?
- Some of the early moral development kind of stuff was that they made the mistake of identifying higher levels of abstraction withhigher levels of moral development. I try to make a clear distinction between thinking about things abstractly or even big things extractly. But in the way they live their life, I would classify as not morally mature or developed.





Language: English


Date: 1989








- Joss: What caught your attention regarding a breakfast organization that made sense to you and how did that come about? He was CEO of K Type Acceptance. He gave me the theory of bureaucracy to read which to this day I still recommend to people. And this to me made sense.
- How did you build the enthusiasm? How did you get that going? For me, this was an awakening. All of a sudden I became accountable for what I had to do and I took it serious. Once you were taking off, it was almost impossible to want to get a very successful organization.
- Josh: I think that basically I was a sponge. Got a lot of advice for people. I basically meant at it with an enthusiasm. It suited me and it really made me grow up fast. I wouldn't recommend it to anybody.
- I love being a CEO and getting the result and doing it by hooking, by proving, by practicing everything. That's why I get fired, because some stakeholders, like owners don't like happy run the business. I like to get back into honestly, I find I try it.
- I really want to know if the person really wants to change, do they really commit it. You have to go in this with conviction, with courage, with assistance. It is a very crucial you have to hold on to the integrity of the system.
- Jerry Grace: The CEO has to value leadership. 85% of CEOs still will not embrace it. It has to be the boards that will insist and require that the CEOs implement it, he says.





Language: English



An nterview with Grant Beck, CEO of Graham Group by Don Fowke

- Levels have been just a common word we use almost every discussion. We didn't match up the requirements properly to the capability of the individual or the demands of the job. Almost everything we do now is focused around that. It was a big learning curve for us to go through that's.





Language: English


Date: 2012

- Ken Shepard: Use the Go Society's online professional development program. Click and this takes us to the course. And I invite you to read through. Right now we have primarily module one, which is preparing for Calgary.
- The two calls will take place on November 2 and November 7. Here's a short overview of how to get in and use the personal development program. I hope it helps.








- It's a great honor to be back in Argentina. My wife Cynthia and I spent a good part of four years here in the early, early ninety s. Argentina has been at the forefront of experimenting and applying the principles of requisite organization and organizational design.
- The twin forces of needing, on the one hand, creative initiative and on the other, needing to maintain control are responsible for management fads. In developing requisite organization, Elliot Jacks created a leadership system that captures the basis of accountability and creativity simultaneously.
- Managers need to hold their subordinates accountable for both for what they do and how well they do it. Employees must be held accountable for performance and effectiveness. Earning one's keep is not something that can be measured, but it can be judged.
- If we try to box in people too much, we essentially rob them of the opportunity and the pleasure of adding significant value. How do we create clarity about what one is accountable for? By defining outputs clearly how much? How? When? By when?
- Elliot Jacks discovered an underlying property of structure in all managerial systems across the world. He also developed an architectural set of principles about the different functions that are necessary to conduct business. This is really about the system. It's about how do we engage people and align people.
- Well, this becomes extremely important as we're trying to align our pool of talent with our models of the organization required for strategy in two and five and ten and 20 years. And now, coming up with true strategic alignment is no longer a mystery. It's no longer witchcraft or black art. It is a straightforward, rational process.








- The last time I participated in a Go conference, it was back in Toronto. We were operating at CBRD Inco. In 2008 the Canadian operations delivered the best outcome in terms of safety, production, productivity, operating costs. Today, as we speak, the operations are on strike. That is very disappointing to see.
- My focus today is to talk about the new Anglo Goldish Anti. We're building a whole new organization, structure and strategy. And we're taking the business into the community. 70% of our businesses in Africa is absolutely critical for the future of those communities. And I think we've been making good progress.





Language: English


Date: 2009

An interview with Sir Roderick Carnegie, former CEO of CRA, and Jack Brady, former Sernior VP HR at CRA, describing a ten year transformation of CRA using Requisite Organization concepts They report significant growth and effectiveness by improving organizaton design and management systems without maor investments in infrastructure. See more about Sir Roderick at








- Program is real an introduction to design and management of organizations. Two days of training followed by a symposium of senior executives. Focus of face to face learning is going to be on implementation.




Duration: 5 min

Language: English


Date: 2012

- Herb Coplewitz is one of four trainers in the global organization design professional development program. The program is really an introduction to design and management of organizations. There will be ongoing telephone support in telephone seminars and face to face training.















don Fowke








A plenary presentation by Ron Harding at the 2007 GO Society World Conference in Toronto

- Personal reflections on Ro experience. I like taking on organizations where it's impossible to fail. The only way to go is up. Marcy is here today in celebration of the full Ro implementation.
- We're beginning to implement what I will describe as the requisite leadership behaviors that are needed to be successful in Ro. We were driving reform within the Mallancrop Baker organization and we are continuing to roll that out. We are now in a position to look at systems and install systems.

Ron Harding




Duration: 14

Language: English


Date: 2007

From a pre-conference professional development entitled Designing the Requisite Organization

This video is also part of a professional development course.

Herb Koplowitz





Language: English


Date: 2014








A 3-min video on Society activities produced about 2012

- To take place over the next two days will be challenging full of controversy, questioning and critical thinking tendency. We have to it. He's he's refined better on how for this was truly facilitating the maximizing of potential through liberating structures.




Duration: 2 min 55 sec

Language: English


Date: 2012

- The measurement of a human intention is the most trust inducing, freeing experience for the individual. Only way you can create trust in the managerial system is to measure the time span of the intention. This is the only body of individuals whom I feel like I can truly trust to hear what I'm trying to say.

Kathryn Cason




Duration: 10 min

Language: English


Date: 2007

Part of an interview with Jos Wintermans

- From being an employee who's working hard and being stressed, I now found my own space. I found room to be myself. And I could challenge myself to do the right thing. I always consider that the beginning of my successful life as a manager.




Duration: 1 min

Language: English



Interview with Ralph Rowbottom in Bath, UK. He was a member of the original BIOSS group and author of several books available on this site

- I write as the Health Service project that Brunell went on. The two books which I regard as my particular lasting contribution are Social Analysis and Organizational Design. I would be very happy to think if people got something from those two books but forgot anything else I'd written, I'd rest a happy man.
- Elliot's brilliant insight was that work in organisations is stratified and it has a basic time dimension. The formulations we finished with are very simple. They can be categorized in a couple of words at each level. The task for the principal worker or the manager is to see life as a flow.
- There is a fateful leap from Level Three to Level Four because now in most businesses you'd be called a director. At level four, the brief would be your job is to provide hospital services. Don't start innovating and coming out. If you've got good ideas, go and get a job as a chief executive officer somewhere else.
- The book's in two parts. The first part is elaborating the theories. The second part looks more particularly at areas in which we'd had direct implementation experience in factory organization. It draws together material of probably worldwide relevance about the nature of professional work.

Ralph Rowbottom




Duration: 12 min

Language: English










The speaker reflects on the challenges of management in Argentina today. He emphasizes the importance of accountability starting from the top levels of an organization, with leaders setting an example. He also discusses the role of HR in building a culture of management through developing managers, not just employees. The speaker notes that organizations often only pursue serious management development when facing crises, though some companies wisely invest in it proactively. Overall he advocates for more rigorous, scientific study of management and HR to elevate these practices.








- I'm going to tell my story about implementing Requisite organization in India. What my story tells is about pragmatisms and making it work in practice. It's learning from these pain points that make us grow.
- Ericsson has had over 30% annual growth and gone from minus double digit operating income. Customers now ask to meet us where they didn't before. Great people hire great people. First you get the right people on the bus and then you decide where you're going to be driving that bus.
- People are okay to take sometimes even a smaller role. Everybody can intuitively feel the strength of your management team. Be honest to people, because straight feedback is basic human right. Strong general with a number of strong lieutenants will prevail.
- The social power of the CEO is one of most important things that we can do. If we can at least help some of those guys on on the Sunday afternoon to have 1020 percent, 30% higher feelings about what they're going to do on Monday morning, I think we're all doing a pretty good job.

A presentation by Christopher Anderson




Duration: 24

Language: English


Date: 2009





Language: English


Date: 2012


people, requisite, level, organization, management, company, years, theory, elliott, ceo, hierarchy, give, learn, big, good, work, hire, group, study, manager








Produced for Antioch College in 1963

Arthur E. Morgan, an influential American engineer, educator, and public administrator, had a career that spanned many significant roles and accomplishments. His work and positions evolved over time, reflecting his diverse interests and expertise. Here is a summary of his key roles at various ages:




Duration: 26 minutes

Language: English


Date: 1963

Interviewed by Chris Comeaux - author of the book The Anatomy of Leadership - and provided courtesy of Teleios Collaborative Network & Teleios Consulting Group

Tune in as Tom, with his vast experience and over 17,000 hours of executive coaching, unveils the secrets to achieving efficient decision-making and problem-solving through structured working relationships. His transition from television production to a CPA firm in the 1980s, a pivotal period of computer integration in business, offers a unique perspective on blending technology with organizational dynamics.

Foster explains that hierarchy is a natural process based on competence, not dominance. He also introduces the concept of levels of work, which involve decision-making and problem-solving. Foster highlights the significance of structural clarity in resolving communication problems and personality conflicts within the organization.

The conversation explores his “Properties in Levels of Work” model and its application to startup organizations and as organizations mature and ride the bell-shaped curve of maturity. They also discuss the application of these levels of work to healthcare and the importance of understanding the complexity and uncertainty of the future.

Tom Foster




Duration: 1 hour and six minutes

Language: English


Date: 2024

Interviewed by Chris Comeaux - author of the book The Anatomy of Leadership - and provided courtesy of Teleios Collaborative Network & Teleios Consulting Group

In a recent episode of Anatomy of Leadership, host Chris Como engages with returning guest Tom Foster to examine the interconnections between leadership effectiveness, organizational design, and corporate culture.

Foster establishes that successful leadership fundamentally depends on clearly defined purpose, with organizational structure serving as a tangible expression of cultural values. He presents a hierarchical framework of "levels of work" that progresses from front-line execution (Level 1) through supervision (Level 2), system design (Level 3), and cross-functional integration (Level 4), extending ultimately to strategic governance and global market positioning.

The discussion emphasizes critical leadership considerations, including:
- The necessity of evaluating proposed changes against organizational needs
- Implementing technological innovation with careful attention to existing workflows
- Ensuring alignment between support functions and core operational activities

Foster articulates the inseparable nature of organizational architecture and culture, concluding that leaders who clearly define work expectations at each organizational level can develop more efficient teams, sustainable growth patterns, and enhanced performance outcomes.

This episode provides executives and organizational leaders with actionable insights for structural alignment and cultural development.

Tom Foster




Duration: 55 minutes

Language: English


Date: 2024

Major organizations and consulting firms that provide Requisite Organization-based services

A global association of academics, managers, and consultants that focuses on spreading RO implementation practices and encouraging their use
Dr. Gerry Kraines, the firms principal, combines Harry Levinson's leadership frameworks with Elliott Jaques's Requisite Organization. He worked closely with Jaques over many years, has trained more managers in these methods than anyone else in the field, and has developed a comprehensive RO-based software for client firms.
Former RO-experienced CEO, Ron Harding, provides coaching to CEOs of start-ups and small and medium-size companies that are exploring their own use of RO concepts.  His role is limited, temporary and coordinated with the RO-based consultant working with the organization
Founded by Gillian Stamp, one of Jaques's colleagues at Brunel, the firm modified Jaques;s work-levels, developed the Career Path Appreciation method, and has grown to several hundred certified assessors in aligned consulting firms world-wide recently expanding to include organization design