Found 330 Articles
Reality HR: April Taggart on Organization Design April Taggart is Vice President of Human Resources for the Bank of Montreal's 17,000 employee-strong Personal and Commercial Client Group. |
Index Requisite supporters in the US Army |
Ken Shepard, GO President and Chair, Canada Ron Harding, GO Development Coordinator, Treasurer, and Secretary, USA Cynthia Kraines, USA |
Book highlighted here in prominent info area. |
GO Society Purpose |
The society is incorporated as a not-for-profit corporation under the legal name, Global Society for Science-Based Management and operates under the style name of "Global Organization Design Society" |
President and CEO Ken Shepard, Ph.D. GO Society Board Ken Shepard Ron Harding Cynthia Kraines |
Chronology 2003 |
For those new to organization design and management based on requisite organization Self - study |
Self - studyReading on the web site and reviewing materials from past conferences. Upcoming Events World conferences for experienced practitioners occur every two years. |
Click here to go directly to GO Readings in PortugueseThe GO Editors have appointed Décio Fábio de Oliveira Jr. to be Coordinating Editor of a new e-journal presenting GO Society reading |
The GO Editors have appointed Ken Craddock to be Coordinating Editor of a new e-journal presenting requisite organization-related research. The e-journal will provide efficient and effective means to publish both: |
Teleconference series - Introduction to Organization using RO methods - for fee.Audio lectures with self study readings and written assignments - Herb Koplowitz - for fee. Four-and-one-half day professional development workshop in requisite organization in Toronto in June 2009. |
REQUISITE: the Theory, Structure & Organization Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) |
Please select one of the links below to direct your correspondence to the appropriate party. |
"Achieving potential through liberating structures” Readings & Videos on Global Organization Design: GO Conference-2005 Proceedings |
"Designing Organizations for Value-Creation, Sustainability and Social Well-Being” Videos & Readings on Global Organization Design: GO Conference-2007 Proceedings |
Major organizations and consulting firms that provide Requisite Organization-based services

A global association of academics, managers, and consultants that focuses on spreading RO implementation practices and encouraging their use
Dr. Gerry Kraines, the firms principal, combines Harry Levinson's leadership frameworks with Elliott Jaques's Requisite Organization. He worked closely with Jaques over many years, has trained more managers in these methods than anyone else in the field, and has developed a comprehensive RO-based software for client firms.