Current role and interest
Ron Capelle is founder and principal of Capelle Associates since 1977.
Competed RO-based projects
Ron and his colleagues have developed the Optimizing Organization Design® approach. This approach is based on over 100 large-scale projects and 24 research studies that they have conducted over the past 25 years. The research and client experience shows that this approach leads to better employee satisfaction, better customer satisfaction and better financial performance.
Ron has successfully completed many very complex projects, including improving the operations of an organization in over 60 countries. He has consulted with virtually all types of organizations in the private sector, non-profit sector and the government sector. He has supported global clients with operations in North America, South America, Europe, Asia, and Africa.
As well as consulting, Ron has completed extensive research into organization design and uses the data to offer clients a customized, proven approach to strategic organization design. This includes benchmarking databases with over 59,000 manager – direct-report relationships and over 13,000 employee satisfaction questionnaire responses.
Major projects
- 2005 - BMO
- 2005 - Passport Canada
- 2007 - International Red Cross Brief project description - Redesigning a Global Organization to Deal with Increasing Complexity:
- 2007 - Canadian Dental Association Brief project description - Organization Assessment and Redesign
- 2007 - Royal Ottawa Health Care Group Brief project description - Organization alignment: Four years
- 2012 - Canadian Pacific Railway (Now Canadian Pacific and Kansas City Railway CPKC)
- 2012 - Capital Power Corporation
- ? - Allstate Insurance
Contributions to the field of Requisite Organization
2014 - Book - Optimizing Organization Design: A Proven Approach to Enhance Financial Performance, Customer Satisfaction and Employee Engagement (San Francisco, Jossey-Bass, 2013). This book includes a description of the approach; insightful comments from over 30 executives on their success in using this approach; 23 previously unpublished research studies; and four case studies.
Contributions to the Global Organization Design Society
Served as founding member of the Global Organization Design Society in 2003
Has attended and presented at global conferences including keynote addresses.
- 2005 - Conference plenary presentation - Management tools so good, I've used them successfully in three different Bank of Montreal businesses featuring Robert Pearce, April Taggart, Anne Stephen & Ronald Capelle (The GO Society was unable to secure permission to use the video)
- 2005 - Concurrent session - How well does this stuff really work? Research on Benefits of RO Implementation. Ron Capelle shares how we can move forward with our future RO research and teaching agendas.- **Ronald Capelle**
2012 - Pre-conference workshop - Research in the Broader Context
- 2014 - Pre-conference Clinic - Organization Design - Ron was a member of the clinic staff. Videos are available for a fee in the form of a professional development e-learning course
2014 - Video & slides - Improving the Organization Performance by Optimizing Organization Design: A keynote presentation to the 2014 GO World Conference in NYC by Ron Capelle
Other related career experience
Degrees and certifications
Ph.D. - York University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
CMC - Certified Management Consultant
CODC - Certified Organization Development Consultant
CPsych - Registered Psychologist
CHRP - Certified Human Resources Professional
The academic requirements for the Directors Education Program at the University of Toronto Rotman School of Management and ICD Corporate Governance College