Video directory

Notes about the video resources

Your GO Society is pleased to present this unique online collection of Videos and Audios made freely available to the international GO community.

These select media presentations provided to you via streaming video/webcasts and encompass:

  • Important Interviews & Presentations on RO subjects from around the world;
  • ICoverage of Special Workshops, Symposia & GO Conference proceedings;
  • ICEO & Top-Level Government global application success stories in Industry, Government & Non-Profit/Religious organizations covering over 50 years;
  • IDiscussions with key RO thought-leaders...and much more.

This collection is made possible by a truly global collaboration of many human resources, and exists due to the generous contributions of the...

  • thoughtful time and experience shared by each of the presenters;
  • time & talent given from GO Society volunteers working on this project;
  • reduced costs given by our technical services providers; and
  • financial sponsorships (really - this does not run on air alone)
Displaying 101 - 200 of 459

- Tricia Beal is the director of Global communications for Novus International. Says she immediately noticed a level of structure in the management system. Says it provides a global structure which enables people around the world to feel connected back. Has had zero turnover in her group since she joined.

Tricia Beal

Organization: Novus International

Country: USA


Duration: 6:25

Language: English

Format: Interview

Date: 2009

- I'm a natural writer. I love writing. Whether I'm a good writer is another question. But I write as the health service project that Brunel went on. The two books which I regard as my particular lasting contribution are Social Analysis and organizational design.
- Elliot's brilliant insight was that work in organisations is stratified and it has a basic time dimension. What the insight David BILLISON himself had, I think. The formulations we finished with are very simple. They can be categorized in a couple of words at each level.

Ralph Rowbottom


Country: UK


Duration: 5:20

Language: English

Format: Interview

Date: 2005

- Michael Wimmer is the communications manager at Novus. He says the Nova management system has helped him become a better manager. Wimmer says the orientation process was really helpful. Putting it into practice now is where the rubber meets the road, so to speak.

Michael Whitmer

Organization: Novus International

Country: USA


Duration: 3:26

Language: English

Format: Interview

Date: 2009

- Rick Kasmerick is a manager of customer service at Novus International. His role is to manage order fulfillment for customers in North America that purchase Novus products. His first exposure to novice management system was a key accountability document. The level to him is an indication of the length of projects he or his subordinates are working on.

Richard Kasmarick

Organization: Novus International

Country: USA


Duration: 13:34

Language: English

Format: Interview

Date: 2009

- One of the most important part for a management system to be successful is to be endorsed and practiced by the people. Whether or not the senior management is real, if you walk the talk, it gives you a lot more credibility in the organization.
- This is in general now I'm making a point when we initiate new employee to talk about the novice management system. The manager is the real manager, not going around to find the real boss. Other one is the manager added value to the subordinate. Looking across that is the practice that the employer recognizes is important.
- Hiding why Novus is a beautiful place to be and how we are different from the others. There is passion and curiosity, which is contagious. Treat fairly the employee. Our vision is to feed the world affordable wholesome food.
- There is no censors and we are accepting any feedback and everybody needs to express himself. The legacy that we will leave is that we leave a place that is much better than the one we found. We need to have a more logical hierarchy and structure within the organization.

Giovanni Gasperoni

Organization: Novus International

Country: USA


Duration: 10:16

Language: English

Format: Interview

Date: 2009

- Owen Jacobs is a retired executive director of the Institute of Complexity Management. He credits work with Elliot Jacks and with Journal Officer Leadership. Institute is trying to get some of these ideas out into the general public media.
- Another part of the work that we were doing, of course, was not just to predict, but rather to assess the current journal officers. We found that we could estimate the officer's potential by asking the officer to talk about the nature of his work. We also looked for cognitive skills that were different by level.

Owen Jacobs

Organization: Institute of Complexity Management

Country: USA


Duration: 7:27

Language: English

Format: Interview

Date: 2006

- Elliot's notion that there was discrete step level to level, so that it's like ice to water to steam, a change of state. That flies in the face of everything that we know about human capability. Most of the things that we see are unimodal.

Owen Jacobs

Organization: Institute of Complexity Management

Country: USA


Duration: 4:57

Language: English

Format: Interview

Date: 2006

Pablo M. Kanterewicz

Organization: Pablo Kanterewicz & Asociados

Country: Argentina


Duration: 14:44

Language: Spanish

Format: Interview

Date: 2009

- Harvey: How did it affect my teaching? We had a course at GW University to teach introductory Master's Students Organizational Theory. He turned the course from an accountability hierarchy into being an association. Harvey: It changed into one of the most spiritual experiences that I've ever had in my life anywhere.

Jerry B. Harvey

Organization: George Washington University

Country: USA


Duration: 6:20

Language: English

Format: Interview

Date: 2006

Azucena Gorbaran

Organization: AMG Consulting Group

Country: Argentina


Duration: 5:18

Language: Spanish

Format: Interview

Date: 2009

- I think what you've got is an incredible integrated package. We've linked pay to individuals, to roles, to organizational structure, to skills management, development, every single aspect we've done. Anyone wants to use it now is benefiting not only from Unilever, but also from Tesco.

David Billis

Organization: London School of Economics

Country: UK


Duration: 1:41

Language: English

Format: Interview

Date: 2005

- I think that one of the most powerful things with requisite organization is that it's just not for big business, it's for small business. It's for all of these attributes of society education, social work, government. There is a need for people of higher stratums in board levels to challenge a new level of thought.
- Over the next 50 to 100 years, the big test of democracy will be is now that we've created huge governmental institutions. Can we get the strata leadership necessary to lead those institutions? That'll be as big a test as was the labor movement, and the Civil War.

D. Michael Weaver

Organization: The Weaver Group



Duration: 4:22

Language: English

Format: Interview

Date: 2008

- Jane Hobbs: Novus has institutionalized the novice management system to a point where it is what drives our business. She says the company provides healthy lunches and a conducive work environment. Hobbs says the Novus management system has helped her transition from an administrative role to a management role.

Jane Hobbs

Organization: Novus International

Country: USA


Duration: 7:05

Language: English

Format: Interview

Date: 2009

- We still operate we we operate in multimodal time horizons. Our future combat systems investment that we're. Making now is out to 2025. 2030. On things like body armor, on. Solving the IED problem. We have a much longer time horizon.

Tom Kelly

Organization: US Army

Country: USA


Duration: 2:31

Language: English

Format: Interview

Date: 2006

Rich Morgan

Organization: CORE International Inc.



Duration: 14:00

Language: English

Format: Interview

Date: 2009

- Norm Trainer is the CEO of the Covenant Group, an international leader in training and development. Requisite organization provides the perfect framework to focus on capability, capability at an individual level and at an organizational level. Trainer: The understanding of requisite really helped me come to terms with becoming as much as I can be.
- To be effective in the role you have to be, at a minimum, Stratum Two ideally, stratums Three through five. When they gain insight into the power of having Stratum applied to the build out of their structure it has an enormous impact on their performance.

Norm Trainor

Organization: The Covenant Group



Duration: 8:03

Language: English

Format: Interview

Date: 2007

- Value leadership, what in the UK they call man management. If the CEO is simply interested in strategy or finance or technology, this is not for him. CEO has to be prepared to hold each of his subordinate executives accountable. One out of four potential clients I reject because I don't believe the CEO has those five attributes.

Gerald A. (Gerry) Kraines

Organization: The Levinson Institute Inc.

Country: USA


Duration: 2:55

Language: English

Format: Interview

Date: 2006

- The conceptual framework gives us the vocabulary through which to formulate at scientific laws of cause and effect. Science is about if the conceptual framework is about making sense, science is about finding objective truth.

Herb Koplowitz

Organization: Terra Firma Management Consulting

Country: Canada


Duration: 4:43

Language: English

Format: Interview

Date: 2007

- That book and the spinoffs has been enormously influential but in ways of which we can perhaps discuss. What Elliot and Wilfred did was produce a wonderful set of tools whereby you could take an organization and strip it down to the minimum number of levels. I propose that we move away from time span and that we adopt a system of trying to identify the collection of distinctive activities.

David Billis

Organization: London School of Economics

Country: UK


Duration: 3:26

Language: English

Format: Interview

Date: 2005

- Two years ago I was introduced to Requisite Organization, the theory behind it. To have an organization where mutual trust, no politics, people working together. If you can get rid of personality conflicts, dysfunctional organizations, it'd be a happy place.

Jim Schultz

Organization: Applied Education Systems



Duration: 3:23

Language: English

Format: Interview

Date: 2008

Gustavo Aquino

Organization: Schein Transition Advisors S.A.

Country: Argentina


Duration: 6:37

Language: Spanish

Format: Interview

Date: 2009

- At Roche, we decided to go down the Requisite organization path. A big part of the project for us was educating our senior managers. One of the biggest successes at Roche was understanding the different types of teams. The approach shaved significant time off of our product launch process.
- Requisite. org eliminated bonuses to align employee goals with those of the organization. The company was able to roll bonuses into base salary. The strategic planning process gave us an opportunity to make sure that we were connected vertically and horizontally.

Charlotte Bygrave

Organization: Bygrave & Associates



Duration: 5:32

Language: English

Format: Interview

Date: 2009

- One of my members, who is Art Man, brought Elliot Jack's ideas to us 15 years ago. A series of books about Elliot Jackson has been written to help members understand his ideas. The idea is to get members thinking about succession strategy for their businesses.

Rick Oppenheimer

Organization: Vistage International



Duration: 5:34

Language: English

Format: Interview

Date: 2008

- He steered me towards going into engineering, which was away from history. For one level, he was a good father. Knowing now more about both sides of the coin, I think there's a great deal of complementarity between the work.

Richard D.B. Brown

Organization: TPS Consult Ltd.



Duration: 2:37

Language: English

Format: Interview

Date: 2007

- Giovanni Gaspirone is an executive vice President global Sales and Marketing for Nova's International. He says he learned about Aliajack theory 18 years ago when he was exposed in his company to the introduction of this management theory. Says it was a simple theory but very no nonsense and practical in the approach.
- In hiring the saying is you're always 50% right and 50% wrong. The most difficult part of that process is to eliminate the protection of certain individual. If we can liberate freedom the people to express judgment that are not personal but related to the role.
- I think we are pushing the theory of the Novus mentoring system to a different level. One of the most exciting parts of my job as I am the Novas Angelist is train new people. We are already a strong company, even if you think we have been around only for 18 years.
- The other part is talking to customers now. Most of the time don't have a management system. I think you want to create an environment whereby the people will stay because they love what they are doing. It's very difficult for people to leave a company when they have the opportunity to flourish.

Giovanni Gasperoni

Organization: Novus International

Country: USA


Duration: 14:33

Language: English

Format: Interview

Date: 2009

- I started in the Rio Tindo group about 35 years ago in Broken Hill. His first line management role was any significance was about 30, 32 years ago. His reorganization highlighted the challenges of making organisation change in a big organization. His ideas contributed a lot.

Leigh Clifford

Organization: Rio Tinto

Country: UK


Duration: 8:53

Language: English

Format: Interview

Date: 2005

- Tom Kelly is the deputy Undersecretary of the army. The Secretary has focused his efforts on the business transformation side of the Army. He has brought Dr. Clement on to help us redesign that overhead army. Phase two is leaning the processes out and we expect to generate efficiencies there.

Tom Kelly

Organization: US Army

Country: USA


Duration: 3:20

Language: English

Format: Interview

Date: 2006

- The project took three years to complete. The Army Medical Department was facing budget cuts in the early 90s. The team had to work together as a team to overcome resistance. There were challenges on setting up regions.

Stephen N. Xenakis

Organization: US Army

Country: USA


Duration: 4:23

Language: English

Format: Interview

Date: 2006

The summary of the article is about the professional journey and friendship of Bob Tungate and Mark Kaminsky, who worked together in the manufacturing industry. They met in 1989 when Mark became a plant manager during labor negotiations. Despite initial skepticism due to Mark's young appearance, they quickly built a strong working relationship.

They faced challenges, including a strike, but their trust in each other and a commitment to improving the organization helped them overcome difficulties. Mark became CEO in 1990, and despite financial challenges, they turned the organization around. They focused on getting the right people in the right roles and implemented process control, significantly improving quality and production capacity.

One important lesson they learned was the value of breaking down abstract goals into actionable steps to engage employees. They also invested in training and development to empower their workforce, resulting in a successful turnaround and a strong friendship that has lasted for 17 years.

Mark V. Kaminski

Organization: Commonwealth Industries Inc.



Duration: 15:59

Language: English

Format: Interview

Date: 2005

- This idea of diffusing Ro in the same sort of manner that Lean Six Sigma has achieved is challenging. The application is best done from the top down, I think, because it is so threatening to the organization. But that doesn't mean that thinking about how we get out into the academic world is not a reasonable thing to do.

Michael A. Kirby

Organization: US Army

Country: USA


Duration: 5:48

Language: English

Format: Interview

Date: 2006

- Companies that need to pay attention to time horizons beyond the present three to five years. Most companies need certainly to go beyond five. Independent directors on the board will press for longer term incentives. This will create demand for these longer term skills.

Allen Sykes

Organization: Consolidated Gold Fields



Duration: 3:36

Language: English

Format: Interview

Date: 2005

- Jerry Harvey is a professor emeritus at the George Washington University in Washington, DC. Harvey met Elliot Jacks through a friend of mine. Jacks wanted a library card at GW, and we couldn't get him one. After lunch, Harvey changed his whole way of thinking.

Jerry B. Harvey

Organization: George Washington University

Country: USA


Duration: 8:45

Language: English

Format: Interview

Date: 2006

- CRA is focused on taking Wolfie Brown and Elliot Jacks' work to the workplace. Its approach is to enable managers to mobilize their leadership with their teams. The manager must be involved in bringing new information to his or her direct reports.

Sheila Deane

Organization: PeopleFit Australasia Pty Ltd

Country: Australia


Duration: 5:08

Language: English

Format: Interview

Date: 2007

- Work transcends culture, transcends national culture. Diversity of organizations is more to do with an understanding of the business. Managers can use these key principles to diagnose workplace problems and issues in a way that has a shared language. When these things are surfaced, there's a liberating of people.

Sheila Deane

Organization: PeopleFit Australasia Pty Ltd

Country: Australia


Duration: 7:14

Language: English

Format: Interview

Date: 2007

- There are several elements of requisite organization that I have found difficult to teach, difficult to explain, and difficult to translate into practice. It took me five years before I was able to take his language for what an employee was accountable for and say there's really two components. Fixed accountabilities and relative accountabilities effectiveness are all about earning your keep.
- The next area in which Elliot left people to their own devices is the basis for effectiveness appraisal. We refer to it as Demonstrated Effectiveness appraisal. It has caused our clients to have enough confidence in the effectiveness appraisal process that they're beginning to use it as a basis for differential compensation.
- The final area in which I believe we've made great progress has been in the development of software. We're now working on a third generation of what I think will be the be all and the end all, and we're planning to build it as a product.
- The Levinson Institute was built in Harry Levinson's model. Over the course of the nearly 40 years now, we've trained over 40,000 managers and executives in that particular approach to leadership. All of our organizational consulting and accountability leadership training faculty are people that have come from being our clients.

Gerald A. (Gerry) Kraines

Organization: The Levinson Institute Inc.

Country: USA


Duration: 26:19:00

Language: English

Format: Interview

Date: 2006

Dr. Claudio Pla

Organization: Estudio Claudio Plá y Asociados

Country: Argentina


Duration: 6:43

Language: Spanish

Format: Interview

Date: 2009

Maria Suero


Country: Argentina


Duration: 5:32

Language: Spanish

Format: Panel

Date: 2009

- I joined Tech in November, December of 1995. Found some very practical experiences in using the pre employment assessments within the business. As it grew I found simply that I had to learn to delegate.

Gregory Hess

Organization: Caretti Inc.



Duration: 7:04

Language: English

Format: Interview

Date: 2008

- The individual relationship I talked about before that we're focused on here as well as the business. It's a two way trusting, working and product activist relationship that's going to get the best out of people. Only way to be successful is to engage your team in such a way that you enable them to do their best work.
- The trust issue here is we use trust a little bit loosely between us as human beings. It's a systemic mutual trust that we feel at a deep level we simply take for granted if it's there. And that's the thing that we need to put into place with our organization design. But also the managerial practices.

Sheila Deane

Organization: PeopleFit Australasia Pty Ltd

Country: Australia


Duration: 3:04

Language: English

Format: Interview

Date: 2007

- Gerry Kraines is the CEO of the Levinson Institute. He says his interest has always been in systems. He first met Elliot Jacks at a seminar he attended with Harry Levinson. Kraines decided to take over the Institute in 1990.
- L H. Jacks: Harry Levinson presented the only model I knew about leadership. With Elliott Jaques, I saw the potential to have the most powerful public health model in the place where human beings are both most vulnerable and where the opportunity for them to become most capable are the greatest. By applying these principles, applications and practices, I believe I've had a substantial impact on the lives of many hundreds of thousands.

Gerald A. (Gerry) Kraines

Organization: The Levinson Institute Inc.

Country: USA


Duration: 11:38

Language: English

Format: Interview

Date: 2006

Harald Solaas

Organization: Harald Solaas & Asociados

Country: Argentina


Duration: 8:33

Language: Spanish

Format: Interview

Date: 2009

- I began to work on a country by country, project by project basis for Unilever about 15 or so years ago. That became what I contend is probably the largest social science experiment ever undertaken. I personally visited over 50 countries, worked in research in 50 of them over that period of time.
- 15% of the top 20 companies in this country are now using work levels. Unilever was the first, and I'll explain why they picked it up. The second major company, which was about five years ago, was Tesco. There is now a third multinational adopting the ideas.

David Billis

Organization: London School of Economics

Country: UK


Duration: 5:50

Language: English

Format: Interview

Date: 2005

- Novus uses a key accountabilities document and the Personal effectiveness Appraisal. The document creates a framework for dialogue with the manager. It makes the manager do what he or she's supposed to do, face to face with the employee. It keeps us honest.
- I adopted the welfare pay system years ago. I've been able to manage global compensation with minimal use of external compensation consultants. Your organization structure must be designed properly and you must have the right people for the roles. This could help you better service your customers and still make money.
- The requisite system that we use to manage our business is a CEO tool that's invaluable in aligning HR to the business. You have to be a value adding HR practitioner to be at a strategic and senior level. Requisite principles work for novice is because it makes sense.

Sabrina M. Hamilton

Organization: Novus International

Country: USA


Duration: 15:05

Language: English

Format: Interview

Date: 2009

- In a small company it's a. Question of whether or not you've got if you're going to work at a. Level five. As we shift the. Roles, as my role gets shifted, it's. A lot more comfortable for me. Now I understand what I'm supposed to be doing.

Arthur (Art) Mann

Organization: Donsco Inc.



Duration: 2:41

Language: English

Format: Interview

Date: 2008

Dr. Claudio Pla

Organization: Estudio Claudio Plá y Asociados

Country: Argentina


Duration: 5:19

Language: Spanish

Format: Interview

Date: 2009

- He recognized that this was too big an institution for him to tackle in the short term. He gave precision and definition what it was so that ministers could more clearly understand what their role was. It gave them a logical framework that they could understand how to act in difficult situations.

Richard D.B. Brown

Organization: TPS Consult Ltd.



Duration: 6:41

Language: English

Format: Interview

Date: 2007

- The leader has three tools of behavior, of leadership. One is his or her own behavior. If you are behaving in a certain way but the systems are working opposite to you, there's going to be dissonance. The behavior and the systems need to be aligned.
- In every culture we use, mythologies cultures are sustained by stories. It links two fundamental elements which are part of a healthy and productive social group. The most significant symbols in a culture is the language, the words. Understanding the meaning of symbols in the organization is the third major tool.
- I don't think we've paid enough attention to the symbols of the organization. Recognition is all that feedback that you give to somebody which does not involve money. We need to get a better appreciation of the symbolic meaning of all of our work.

Ian Macdonald

Organization: MacDonald Associates Consultancy

Country: UK


Duration: 7:31

Language: English

Format: Interview

Date: 2007

- Jerry Saltz: Elliot was the most decent, kind, concerned, and funny guy I'd ever met. He says Elliot came over when he was having hallucinations and changed his medication. Saltz says many people miss the essence of who Elliot is and what he has to offer.

Jerry B. Harvey

Organization: George Washington University

Country: USA


Duration: 7:21

Language: English

Format: Interview

Date: 2006

- In Australia you have the staff systems and you had the award systems. The key difference in the systems were the employment systems. It was a radical conclusion that if you wanted the staff behavior in quote, then why not make everyone staff?

Ian Macdonald

Organization: MacDonald Associates Consultancy

Country: USA


Duration: 12:18

Language: English

Format: Interview

Date: 2007

- Herb Kopowitz: I'm a management consultant. My organization is called Terra Firma Management Consulting. I work primarily in the areas of organizational structure, staffing and management practices. His real engagement with Requisite Organization began in 1990.

Herb Koplowitz

Organization: Terra Firma Management Consulting

Country: Canada


Duration: 2:29

Language: English

Format: Interview

Date: 2007

- When you have the proper person in place who has the smarts, good things begin to happen. The workers concerns are being addressed because now everybody knows their proper role. And when that happens, the profits go up, and you're doing things faster, better, cheaper.

Arthur (Art) Mann

Organization: Donsco Inc.



Duration: 3:12

Language: English

Format: Interview

Date: 2008

- It's learning how to ask questions, but it's also to invite people to explore something without bringing up all the resistance. A very artful way of asking a question. As a facilitator, as another human being, as someone not trying to tell.
- Jerry: One of the things that frequently comes up is we want to do team building. Where you facilitate it? No, I wouldn't even think about it. That's the manager's job, is to facilitate the meeting. Elliot's work provides managers with ways to manage that are at the pro level.
- Most consultants report they never get to installing managerial practices. To be successful, the practices have to be in place. Often the consultant is ineffective in explaining. Why they're important. Choose not to put them in place because they have to change the. Behaviors which they don't want to do.
- Great. We've covered a lot. Funny, the world. I think it's been great.

Jerry B. Harvey

Organization: George Washington University

Country: USA


Duration: 12:11

Language: English

Format: Interview

Date: 2006

- With these various dissertations being done at George Washington over the years, there had to be other faculty members on the committees. I wondered the reaction of these other faculty or how these ideas spread. All of them were supervised by people. Who are either open to remarkably new. Ideas and are not threatened by them.

Jerry B. Harvey

Organization: George Washington University

Country: USA


Duration: 3:45

Language: English

Format: Interview

Date: 2006

Ing. Modesto Miguez

Organization: Central de Monitoreo

Country: Argentina


Duration: 8:07

Language: Spanish

Format: Interview

Date: 2009

- Rooney: I can look back and use theory to see how my work changed from position to position. When I started out in teaching, I was about 21 years of age. From there I moved into business and industry and training and development. At age 40 I made a career change.

Charlotte Bygrave

Organization: Bygrave & Associates

Country: Canada


Duration: 11:51

Language: English

Format: Interview

Date: 2009

- When Elliot would come to class, you'd say, anything you want to tell me before we get started? He pointed out that the relationship between students and faculty is an accountability hierarchy. Some people on our faculty will not permit Elliot's work to be discussed.

Jerry B. Harvey

Organization: George Washington University

Country: USA


Duration: 3:35

Language: English

Format: Interview

Date: 2006

- The Go Society is a co sponsor of a conference in Toronto. It was started by Elliot Jackson, who taught adult education for nine years. The secret of the society is generosity and capturing on video everything. Behind this is a value of non competition and collaboration.
- The Ghost Society attracts intellectuals, introverts, academics, systems, thinkers. They are encouraged to share, to speak on video, and to network. What brings people to our conferences is they are lonely and they want to talk to other high level people.
- In Toronto and in Canada, there are many, many organizations using the method. We are looking for co sponsorships here with ADCA, adra fundesse idea. And we wanted this on video showing the world what can be done.

Ken Shepard

Organization: GO Society

Country: Canada


Duration: 18:22

Language: English

Format: Panel

Date: 2009

- I think in terms of using levels. Of complexity framework for designing organizations, is is as current today as it was 20 years ago. The challenge for us is to put things across in a. Way in a language that line managers understand.

Judy Hobrough

Organization: bioss europe

Country: UK


Duration: 3:12

Language: English

Format: Interview

Date: 2005

- Peggy Wondermoraz has been with Novus for almost three years. She started as an administrative assistant and has worked her way up to human resource is generalist. Now as she progress through Novus, her projects are more long term.
- The word trust has so much more value when you don't have it. That's something that I do feel at Novus. How we put it together and how we work together as individuals is what sets us apart.

Peggy Wunder

Organization: Novus International

Country: USA


Duration: 3:58

Language: English

Format: Interview

Date: 2009

Atilio A. Penna


Country: Argentina


Duration: 3:58

Language: Spanish

Format: Interview

Date: 2009

Early experiences as a young engineer in construction in outback Australia. The people on the ground were extraordinarily inventive and motivated. But the awful supervision that they received from their frontline supervisors.

Barry Deane

Organization: PeopleFit Australasia Pty Ltd

Country: Australia


Duration: 5:42

Language: English

Format: Interview

Date: 2007

- The most basic language system was a very concrete one. Every word relates concretely to something, to an action. At the highest level, understanding as a mode of communication. Once you've articulated a purpose, the next thing you have to do is communicate it.
- At the top, the work is artistic work, which at the first all levels is image, and then recycles down the bottom to making. Do they work in organizations? Well, that's a separate issue, right?

Warren Kinston

Organization: The SIGMA Centre Ltd.

Country: UK


Duration: 11:18

Language: English

Format: Interview

Date: 2007

- Recommendation I would make to any owner CEO of a small business is to value your employees. Also give them the structure, the rules, the roles and the guidance that allows them to do their best work. We are far more profitable today but there is still room to improve.

Gregory Hess

Organization: Caretti Inc.



Duration: 3:33

Language: English

Format: Interview

Date: 2008

- Greg Hess is president and CEO of Koreti Incorporated. Koreti is a masonry construction company located in central Pennsylvania and Maryland. Hess says he never had any formal training in business management. Eventually, the company developed processes and controls that could be replicated.

Gregory Hess

Organization: Caretti Inc.



Duration: 6:15

Language: English

Format: Interview

Date: 2008

- The work began with Elliot in 1985 in Alexandria. It took us about ten years to collect the data. The leadership curriculum at ICAF still reflects Elliot's notions. The Army War College also incorporated a lot of our findings into the leadership curriculum.

Owen Jacobs

Organization: Institute of Complexity Management

Country: USA


Duration: 3:46

Language: English

Format: Interview

Date: 2006

- I guess the most compelling aspect of the book to me are the notion that you can put work into levels. Each level has a unique, productive feature to the enterprise. I've seen that work in combat. And I think doing that in a business setting is equally rewarding.
- Time span can be useful in the way to look at some people, some organizations. But it may not have the universality that Elliot may have subscribed to. I think the curves are useful, but I think you apply them as you need to apply them.
- The curves come into mind in terms of what I call producing leadership. And we have leaned, as a lot of public institutions do, hard on the side of objectivity. Enterprise leadership isn't always the result of an objective linear program. It is much more nonlinear.

Michael A. Kirby

Organization: US Army

Country: USA


Duration: 6:03

Language: English

Format: Interview

Date: 2006

- Was a long way from anything close to what you'd see in Stratified Systems Theory books. Over time we implemented a lot of the principles in that organization. One of the things that we picked up is the role of an individual contributor. We had less success spreading that throughout the corporation.

John Fielder

Organization: Southern California Edison

Country: USA


Duration: 2:26

Language: English

Format: Interview

Date: 2006

- The first time we used it without Elliot was in 1991, when I was at maxwell technologies out in California. We had to redesign the work and refocus the efforts of the company into not just growth areas, but recapturing business. By 96, five years into it, we were back.

Tom Kelly

Organization: US Army

Country: USA


Duration: 5:20

Language: English

Format: Interview

Date: 2006

- There probably aren't seven levels of conceptual complexity. What we think is that there probably are three broadbands. As we go further and further into the information age, the logic of a pure command and control organization is going to be increasingly difficult to make work.
- We think the third level up has a time horizon that exceeds what's possible to plan for now. It has to be concepts. At the executive level, it's necessary for the individual to have the capacity to look forward that long.

Owen Jacobs

Organization: Institute of Complexity Management

Country: USA


Duration: 11:01

Language: English

Format: Interview

Date: 2006

- Scott Booktimeyer is the Director of Planning and Analysis at Novus. He says the company's management system helped him transition to his new role. He enjoys seeing the organization establish goals and seeing teams work together to achieve them.

Scott Luetkemeyer

Organization: Novus International

Country: USA


Duration: 11:06

Language: English

Format: Interview

Date: 2009

- We've separated the notion of human resource management from industrial relations. What we've recognized is that higher up in the organization, we've got to be thinking about the development longer term. Elliot's work has awakened me to thinking about organization very differently.

Leigh Clifford

Organization: Rio Tinto

Country: UK


Duration: 3:29

Language: English

Format: Interview

Date: 2005

- We've created a war room for the management of our senior civilian executives. We've used Elliot's time span concept and we've used his work environment models. It's going to be a legacy. We have a few more years so will get it ingrained into the way people think.

Tom Kelly

Organization: US Army

Country: USA


Duration: 3:20

Language: English

Format: Interview

Date: 2006

- I was interested in how organizations work and how they get an organization to succeed. It sounds like common sense now, but you just have to be interested in that. A lot of people think that's all they need to worry about and not the structure and how the organization gets work done.

John Fielder

Organization: Southern California Edison

Country: USA


Duration: 1:41

Language: English

Format: Interview

Date: 2006

- How you reorganized for effectiveness is very important. But I think we ought not underestimate the threatening nature of reorganization. People feel their power base, they feel their influence being undermined. I think on occasions when we extol it in a very doctrinare fashion, that only makes it more threatening.

Leigh Clifford

Organization: Rio Tinto

Country: UK


Duration: 2:13

Language: English

Format: Interview

Date: 2005

- Team leadership, leadership training and outdoor activities has got a bit of a bad name. To understand an organization, you really have to understand how people assign value to behavior. Unless you understand that, then you can make decisions as a leader that are completely misunderstood.

Ian Macdonald

Organization: MacDonald Associates Consultancy

Country: UK


Duration: 9:40

Language: English

Format: Interview

Date: 2007

- One of the things that does concern me about the work is cultural. The values, understanding system symbols and behavior resonates very, very well across cultures. But the places where I have had difficulty with this material is Russia and Eastern European countries. People talk more about accountability than enact it.

Ian Macdonald

Organization: MacDonald Associates Consultancy

Country: UK


Duration: 6:56

Language: English

Format: Interview

Date: 2007

- continuous process Improvement, situational awareness, and professional development. I think Lean Six Sigma is also a forcing function for the army. It's a way to convince the army to apply proven business principles in areas that they can be useful.

Michael A. Kirby

Organization: US Army

Country: USA


Duration: 6:43

Language: English

Format: Interview

Date: 2006

- When I was in graduate school, one of the things I studied was general system theory. It's an important concept within systems. The identification of norms is what allows you to do a diagnosis. The reason why we want one strategy between manager and subordinate practices is that it makes management easier.

Herb Koplowitz

Organization: Terra Firma Management Consulting

Country: Canada


Duration: 11:36

Language: English

Format: Interview

Date: 2007

- The key is if you have the knowledge and skill and mental capability to lead. You disqualify yourself from that role by having an average personality. You need be able to get mad and upset but in a reasonable, controlled way.

Arthur (Art) Mann

Organization: Donsco Inc.



Duration: 3:26

Language: English

Format: Interview

Date: 2008

- Jim Schultz is president of Applied Educational Systems. The company develops computer driven, integrated curriculum solutions for elective courses in grade six through twelve in the United States. Schultz says the key to success is trust, honesty, integrity in an organization.

Jim Schultz

Organization: Applied Education Systems



Duration: 4:41

Language: English


Date: 2008

Ralph Rowbottom was a colleague at BIOSS with Elliott Jaques. He and David Billis developed The Work Levels Method - of defining levels as an alternative method that managers might be able to grasp more easily.

Ralph Rowbottom


Country: UK


Duration: 5:07

Language: English

Format: Interview

Date: 2005

- It's 30 years since Neil Cosby made the first invest with Elliot. How do you design an organization from the ground up? How does work get done inside that organization? We have to put Elliot's concepts in a language that is accessible to a greater number of practitioners.

Tom Kelly

Organization: US Army

Country: USA


Duration: 2:41

Language: English

Format: Interview

Date: 2006

Barry Deane

Organization: PeopleFit Australasia Pty Ltd

Country: Australia


Duration: 14:03


Format: Panel

Date: 2009

Atilio A. Penna


Country: Argentina


Duration: 5:52

Language: Spanish

Format: Interview

Date: 2009

- I'm really struck by how the clarification of role has influenced the design of practice in the organization. We have a fairly large energy efficiency business where we deliver energy efficiency to our customers. These roles were now much more at a higher level and not nearly as much bureaucracy on top of them. It seems to be working great.

John Fielder

Organization: Southern California Edison

Country: USA


Duration: 2:45

Language: English

Format: Interview

Date: 2006

Andres J. D\'Alessio

Organization: Viridian

Country: Argentina


Duration: 9:41

Language: Spanish

Format: Interview

Date: 2009

- The oriental environment still has a much longer time frame. They're not fighting the war to win today's battle. The Muslims are in a protracted conflict with the west. We in the west are captured by these compressed time spans. But there are others that have a commitment to a higher goal.

Tom Kelly

Organization: US Army

Country: USA


Duration: 3:24

Language: English

Format: Interview

Date: 2006

- The Army medical department is the only part of the army that has continued to have that model since the early ninety s. It took three years from start to finish to implement the change management strategy. The kinds of things we put in are still there and they have coped with this new Gulf War.

Stephen N. Xenakis

Organization: US Army

Country: USA


Duration: 6:09

Language: English

Format: Interview

Date: 2006

In this conversation, the speakers discuss the Global Organization Design, emphasizing that it goes beyond being a source of income for professionals. They highlight the importance of openness, generosity, and the spirit of cooperation in their work. They express a lack of concern for having competitors and instead focus on helping people work effectively in their discipline. The conversation also mentions the importance of a conference in Buenos Aires in 2009 and the materials they plan to produce for the Spanish-speaking community in the field of organizational design.

Harald Solaas

Organization: Harald Solaas & Asociados

Country: Argentina


Duration: 3:02

Language: Spanish

Format: Interview

Date: 2009

- The Jackson approach rests on ideas of human nature and decency of approach to human beings. It's a reflection of the natural structures and changes in human abilities. People are changing, they're developing, and it's your job to help them develop.

Ralph Rowbottom


Country: UK


Duration: 2:01

Language: English

Format: Interview

Date: 2005

Susana Crespo, based in Buenos Aires, has had a diverse career spanning architecture, psychology, and psychoanalysis. She transitioned to human resources and organizational development, where she discovered the Requisite Organization model by Elliot Jaques. She underwent training in the United States and returned to Buenos Aires to establish her consultancy. Crespo focuses on optimizing organizational structures, enhancing leadership, and addressing top executives' needs. She integrates her psychoanalytic background to uncover personal conflicts affecting individuals' performance. Her consultancy specializes in selecting executives and developing young professionals. She advocates for the Requisite Organization model, which provides a holistic approach to organizational development. Crespo encourages psychologists in human resources to embrace these ideas, bridging clinical psychology and business. Her journey reflects her commitment to improving organizations by blending diverse professional backgrounds and leveraging the Requisite Organization model.

Susana Crespo

Organization: Susana Crespo y Asociados

Country: Argentina


Duration: 12:33

Language: Spanish

Format: Interview

Date: 2009

Raul Timerman

Organization: CONARCO

Country: Argentina



Language: Spanish

Format: Interview

Date: 2009

- Mike Kirby is the deputy undersecretary of the United States Army for Business transformation engineering. Background MBA time as a serving officer in the US Army and then in the business world. Now charged by the Secretary and the Chief of Staff to lead a change process in the way the army does business.

Michael A. Kirby

Organization: US Army

Country: USA


Duration: 3:29

Language: English

Format: Interview

Date: 2006

- Jared Hux has been with Novus for almost four years and four years in the fall. He works in product management and marketing. The cross functional team structure is very important to the success of the team. Hux says the novice management system is unique to the novice vendor system.

Jared Hux

Organization: Novus International

Country: USA


Duration: 3:08

Language: English

Format: Interview

Date: 2009

In this speech, the speaker expresses their admiration for the Global Organization's efforts in disseminating ideas related to organizational development. They draw a parallel between the dissemination of psychological knowledge by Freud and the Global Organization's role in spreading ideas about the Requisite Organization. The speaker emphasizes the significance of adapting these ideas to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) since a significant portion of the global workforce is employed in SMEs. They invite like-minded professionals, especially those working with SMEs, to form a group to promote the Requisite Organization model. This group aims to share experiences, tools, and knowledge to advance the application of Jacques's ideas. The speaker envisions regular meetings to discuss and develop these ideas further, ultimately producing papers and experiences for sharing within the Global Organization's framework. They conclude with an invitation to join this collective effort in making the Requisite Organization principles more accessible and influential worldwide.

Atilio A. Penna


Country: Argentina


Duration: 6:55

Language: Spanish

Format: Interview

Date: 2009

Claudio Pla, a psychiatrist and business consultant, discusses his work with Noblex Argentina, a family-owned electronics company. He focused on addressing issues related to succession and professionalizing the organization. His experience provides insights into the challenges faced by family businesses.

Dr. Claudio Pla

Organization: Estudio Claudio Plá y Asociados

Country: Argentina


Duration: 8:40

Language: Spanish

Format: Interview

Date: 2009

- In my view, requisite organization has two themes to it. One is quite personal and it's how you conceptualize world. The organizational implications of that of levels and managed once removed norris is the second theme. I think the second is much more vulnerable to degradation than the first.

Julian Fairfield

Organization: Bach Consulting

Country: Australia


Duration: 2:00

Language: English

Format: Interview

Date: 2005

- Sheila Dean, Director of People Fit Australasia. Came across Elliot Jacques and his work as an employee of CRA some 20 years ago. Raised as a manager in CRA with those practices and principles. Helped managers implement them in the organization.

Sheila Deane

Organization: PeopleFit Australasia Pty Ltd

Country: Australia


Duration: 2:29

Language: English

Format: Interview

Date: 2007

In this conversation between Speaker A and Speaker B, they discuss a valuable lesson they learned from a colleague named Jacques. They were engaged in a discussion about the difference between ownership, governance, and organization within companies. Jacques, a knowledgeable individual, displayed humility and a peer-to-peer approach when discussing ideas with his colleagues, which left a lasting impact. The conversation highlights the importance of recognizing the evolution of one's capacity and the transition between organizational levels. The speakers also touch on the transmission of professional knowledge through practical "tricks" or insights shared between consultants.

Atilio A. Penna





Language: English



In this conversation, Speaker A, Norberto Díaz, shares his career journey, which began as a lawyer but eventually led him to a prominent role in Human Resources. He describes his experiences in various organizations, highlighting the challenges and personal growth he encountered along the way. Speaker B discusses his early roles in administration and sales and the pivotal moment when he was offered a position in Human Resources, which marked the beginning of his journey in that field. He also reflects on his experience with Requisite Organization and the significant impact it had on his professional development.

Norberto O. Diaz





Language: English



Major organizations and consulting firms that provide Requisite Organization-based services

A global association of academics, managers, and consultants that focuses on spreading RO implementation practices and encouraging their use
Dr. Gerry Kraines, the firms principal, combines Harry Levinson's leadership frameworks with Elliott Jaques's Requisite Organization. He worked closely with Jaques over many years, has trained more managers in these methods than anyone else in the field, and has developed a comprehensive RO-based software for client firms.
Former RO-experienced CEO, Ron Harding, provides coaching to CEOs of start-ups and small and medium-size companies that are exploring their own use of RO concepts.  His role is limited, temporary and coordinated with the RO-based consultant working with the organization
Founded by Gillian Stamp, one of Jaques's colleagues at Brunel, the firm modified Jaques;s work-levels, developed the Career Path Appreciation method, and has grown to several hundred certified assessors in aligned consulting firms world-wide recently expanding to include organization design